Why does Sup Forums talk shit about vidya that haven't been released yet?
Why does Sup Forums talk shit about vidya that haven't been released yet?
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Shut the fuck up
Because Sup Forums knows all.
>In this new update of overgrowth...
After developing such an interest in something over a long period of time, you begin to notice when something will be shit or not.
Unreleased games can be hype and exciting. Why wouldn't we talk about unreleased games?
>tfw I paid money for it
Oh well.
Better version
Because Sup Forums is full of entitled whining wieners who view the slightest negative as the worst thing to ever happen, and are entirely incapable of overlooking a minor fault in something without extrapolating it to the nth degree
They're a bunch of crybaby millennial shitheads who just want to ruin everyone else's fun
Don't do this to your rabbit. They are paralyzed when they are laying on their back.
Tp protect ourselves from disappointment
often it's not even a fault, it's that the game isn't exactly what they wanted, just different from the game they had in their head.
better yet
the same reason fans will call a game great when it isn't out yet, gaming's our hobby and we speculate about it. they do this in film too
Yep, this.
Are there any more?
Why do newfags always ask dumb questions instead of lurking more?
...I asked for a bar of chocolate, Midas
That's a funny looking dog.
What's wrong with it?
blame lying developers who promise the world and deliver rushed half assed shit. we're the victim here, the backlash would be nonexistent if devs weren't purposefully being vague about features to raise sales.
second post best post
That's butter retard
but the speculation as fact should stop as soon as the game/film/whatever is available.
So any product that's called great by it's maker, which is all of 'em, and it turns out to be not to your particular tastes, means the original maker is a liar? Or maybe you built up this image in your head of how it would be, speculated all these different features, and were inevitably disappointed... so you got suckered by hype, which isn't the original product makers fault, it's yours.
>it's not shit
>it's not the chocolate I asked for
>it's not even gold for my trouble
>it's fucking butter
How many times can you possibly fuck up?
Did you even read his post?
Or do you just have the reading comprehension of a high schooler?
TORtanic is probably the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums.
Every game is now treated like an opportunity for an annoying vocal minority to go "HAHA TOLD YOU SO" so they can feel superior.
Don't get me wrong, lots of games are shit but the way a decent portion of Sup Forums takes pleasure in a game being bad is really annoying.
From the thumbnail I though it was someone running the tap over a dead frog
>I came to Sup Forums after 2008
That's all you had to say.
what are you even trying to get at. of course the speculation ends when the game is out, then we all learn it's in fact shit and that the speculation was right along . reddit gets mad, neogaf shills hard, and Sup Forums turns out right yet again, like it has been with almost all the games that have been shilled nonstop by the MSN (no man's sky, Titan fall, destiny, the division, watch dogs, dragon age 3, msg5, bios hock infinite, the list goes fucking on. no idea how anyone can trust game "journalist" reviews and knee jerk e3 hype over games that aren't even put yet )
Sup Forums's correct calls are always the most obviously garbage ones. Like Nu Males Cry recently
Sometimes they eat shit though, like with the new Doom, which is a 8+/10 game no matter how much of a bitter overcritical neckbeard you are. Likewise DXHR a while ago, which most anons thought was gonna be Invisible War-tier trash
Is that cat dead or do they not all hate water?
Thats a dog you buffoon
Shitposting for the most part.
Sometimes the previews are generally terrible. D44M looked like a sluggish mess before it hit the market.
A lot of it is anti-marketing contrarianism. People on this board have been burned by half-truths and want to strongly treat them as full lies.
Preordering doesn't make sense anymore in the days of digital releases. There is no reason to get hype when the actual game may be bunk.
You aren't supposed to give bunnies baths unless they literally get so dirty that they can't clean themselves (think poo-in-fur)
Who gives a fuck you're not my mom
Tortanic effect.
you know what's more annoying than that? being told over and over by diehard shill fan boys, journalists and devs that their games will be groundbreaking and constantly updated with content and that if you dare criticize it you're an entitled virgin, and then the "entitled" end up being right and the shills back pedal and make excuses for lazy devs
Yeah? I'm not worried about you faggot I'm worried about the bunny. You can go bathe in dirt for all I care.
>hurting buns
me and my gang are going to fuck you up op
Let the bunny do whatever it wants your not it's mom
Bunnies are animals and don't understand the negative consequences of their aspie owners trying to give them a bath.
Well enlighten me, why is it so bad to clean a rabbit when it's not dirty?
Does it irritate it's skin or damage their fur?
I know dogs get itchy skin or something similar if you bathe them too often.
It can stress them out greatly, very very few rabbits are okay with being in water at all, but at the same time they can be rather submissive creatures and not fight back when you try to bathe them, they just sit in the water scared.
A bath can literally put your rabbit in shock especially if it has a preexisting health condition. Its also really hard/long to dry them off properly after a bath.
I gave my very first rabbit a bath because I thought it'd be "fun" (i was 8) and he ended up hating me the rest of his life. I just don't want anyone to make the same mistake.
>he had a bunny as a child
he looks so happy thouhg
You're right, looking back at OP's pic the rabbit looks like it accepted death.
I think it looks like it's stoned and it's just becoming aware of just how stoned it is and it's about to giggle about it