Blizzard's biggest failure

>Blizzard's biggest failure

What happened?

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made by the same guy who made sc2

the moba scene was already over saturated by the time it came out

It's kind of fun in short bursts but doesn't really have depth no items and shared xp kind of ruin it for me at least.

That's not Diablo III pictured there.

Buying new characters being so fucking expensive
Atleast while griding for characters for SFV you have fun

Had to compete directly with League, the nature of MOBAs being a competitive team game meant people stick with the one they've invested the most time into and which one all their friends play regardless of which one has the highest quality.

It is not that bad. The only downside is the amount of grind that it needs

It was a simple marketing error. Blizzard wanted to get the LoL market but failed to realize that the LoL userbase had already invested too much IRL money in skins to be pulled away from their game even by a blatantly superior title.

Which is why their second attempt at a MOBA was an FPS

Diablo 3 actually sold copies.

It's like Suicide Squad. It doesn't matter if everyone says they hate it. You retards spent money to and that's all that matters to make it a success.

It's an ok game

It's actually enjoyable. Obviously since it's free, it's not going to rake the Overwatch money in.

But it's a good free adition to their business scheme

Not that actually FASCINATES ME though.

It's running on some hackjob SC2 engine and if your internet hiccups for less than a second you'll end up waiting 80 or more to reconnect to the game. For the game to know where you are it needs to playback every single action that every player made during the entire match. It takes so long that by the time it reaches the point where you disconnected it needs to start over again.

Also daily quests are really dumb. Sometimes I just want to play a character I like, but if you don't have the quest for them you get a whopping 20 gold. To get a new hero without quests you need to play like 500 games.

This happened.

>making a stripped down moba for a market that only cares about lol and dota2

>Blizzard's biggest failure

>Titan Exists

Titan was confirmed to be Overwatch

Overwatch was made from Titan's assets but that's about it. I can't imagine how much had to be thrown away

From the Project Titan wikipedia page

"Chris Metzen stated that Overwatch incorporates elements, such as maps, that were originally intended for Titan, but that the games were otherwise unrelated."

Its a fun hero fighter but thats all it is. You just teamfight non stop then when you win push until they are up again. Individual play in lane feels far less valuable and the fights get repetitive.

It's pretty fun.

Suicide Squad was a fun movie and that was enough for me.

Biggest issue honestly is how they locked away all the heroes. League has issues drawing in oplayers at times due to the money investment but then heroes was like "fuck my shit up senpai"

Hots has the highest production quality. that doesn't translate into how bad the design decisions are.

It entered an already over-saturated market

Casuals went to LoL, serious tryhards went to Dota. The niches in between were filled by Smite, Vain Glory, etc...

>Last successful MOBA made
>2nd in popularity
>2nd in competitions
>Second to DOTA2 that has big prize pools because the players are putting money into the pool

Its not a failure by any measure but it will never be number 1. It's a much faster game which is nice. 20 minutes is a long game for HotS but DOTA2 games go on for days, fuck that.

Blizzard definitely could afford to do heroes free but jew you out on cosmetics.

Heroes are broken as fuck. Blizzard can't balance for shit.

It's actually the 2nd-best MOBA available, after Smite

Exactly, instead some of them are what...$12? It's been over a year since I last played so maybe it's better but still.

At least they don't pull the Riot of making them game-breaking on release then waiting a week to nerf them into garbage.

Only one I can remember being that bad was Li-Ming and she got a hotfix to take her out of broken and into strong fairly quickly.

Blizzard made the best MOBA that cured your MOBA addiction, so people only play it for a while before realising that the genre is trash

yeah 3 new heroes with

I wish Gul'dan could be good aside from his one ultimate. He's a neat character but in practice he's just asking to get ganked when his HP is so constantly low and if there's even a single stun on the other team you're the single most helpless assassin in the whole game. Can't stand and fight, can't run away, can't cast any of your spells without sacrificing a big chunk of your dwindling health.

I really wanted to like HotS, the game itself isn't bad, but it runs on such an unoptimized engine that you basically need a supercomputer to just to be able to run it smoothly. That kind of made me decide never to play it again.
I was looking for an alternative to DotA 2 since it drove me crazy how the heroes kept changing, so I tried HotS and LoL but I must say DotA 2 is still king imo, DotA 2 just does everything right even though hero stats and game mechanics keep changing.

Diablo3 sold copies on name alone. Then everybody saw what it is and went ooooohhhhhhhh...............

It suffers from Blizzard having no faith in it so it having a shitty budget.

It should have been the Smash Bros of moba, but instead it has no alternate modes and they removed one of the only maps that had a kind of fun gimmick to it (Haunted Mines). Instead it's esports bullshit which the game clearly isn't well suited for.

Seriously instead of O.D.I.N being a Tychus ult shit like that should have been a pickup on the map you could get in. You should be able to setup traps, shoot missiles, summon demons, etc.. like you were playing smash bros with items on

Instead you just get what feels like an extremely watered down moba

>i dont care if i ate shit because it was fun

Are you counting Medivh? Medivh is the kind of character that will probably never have a positive win rate and percentages are a terrible way to evaluate him.

Medivh is one of the coolest moba characters I've seen in a long time. His kit is really interesting and he brings a unique way of playing the game. Abathur was also really cool

Suicide squad was like craving a cheeseburger and then proceeding to make and eat one without seasoning it or adding toppings. It wasn't satisfying but you wanted a cheeseburger and filled that quota.

it's shit

Have you guys not read the NEw 52 Suicide Squad comics? They are awful trashy teenage trap shit with no redeeming qualities. The film was actually leagues ahead of the comics, but still not good.

You don't go to see a movie like Suicide Squad expecting it to be a winner. You go to see a film hoping for some cheap thrills and entertainment.

I'm so sick of the AAA mentality people have for games, books, movies, tv shows, etc... Not everything has to be amazing. There was a time where people went to see a movie just to kill time, not to see the next Citizen Kane.

They made it a moba

>Implying overwatch isnt shit

It's fun, people whining about hero prices need to realize it's almost an exact carbon copy of LoL's model despite not making IP as much (but they try to counteract this with dailies....but still.)

Instead of being 20 for a loss, 30 for a win, it should be 50 for a loss, 70 for a win (QM/UR/R)

>play Abathur and nobody ever understands how bug hat works
>don't play him and you get an Abathur player that's fucking terrible

have they announced whose comingout after the angle lady? the character announcements are pretty fun

No items
Tiny unbalanced maps
Heroes and specs locked behind grind
Joke skins
No gold mechanic, no satisfaction from last hitting
No voice chat or even team chat

I hate the short game format. I dont see why people want to constantly try to reduce matches to 5 mins o..
>Need to grind matches to unlock shit

.>unbalanced maps
other than haunted mines (which was removed) this isn't the case
>specs locked behind grind
not true anymore
>joke skins
so? some people like jokes
>no team chat

>still prints money albeit not as fast as the rest of their games

I'm sorry but the game has a healthy and steady community. I can't get into it because it feels so basic and casual and I hate mobas anyway but open your eyes.

sounds like you are a bronzer. Get to a reasonable mmr and abathur is very rarely going to be someone incompetent, unless they are just starting out with him I guess.

It came too late to a genre people were already getting sick off.

It did things different but not for the better.

Personally what kept me playing DotA and LoL for a long time was the large cast of characters and the large variety of times allowing me to play every character multiple different ways, in teams made up of an even larger variance of characters + build, against the same. It meant every game was very different.

I ultimately got sick of LoL when everything was streamlined and builds very constrained. Plus the community bursting a vessel any time any player deviated even slightly from the meta build, regardless of the results.

And HotS never even had that. You play each hero a few times and you've seen everything that hero can do. And because the focus is on the map mechanics so much, and the game has very strict team comp requirements, there's just less variance, and so less replayability.

It was just an inferior game. Double so because I'd just stopped playing pic related, the best fucking ASSFAGGOT to exist, which EA had shut down because they're fucking retards.

I haven't touched an EA game since, and I never will.

Varian and Samuro the Blademaster.

>have to devote hours out of your day to play a video game
The short games are one of the few real positives it has.

Matches are rarely only 5 mins. Typically 15-25.

Unless he has windwalk I'm not hyped. If he does then I might actually pick the game up again.

He does. A Blizz employee has been leaking accurately on Hots' /vg/ thread since the last Blizzcon. Accurate every time with heroes, talents, mounts, skins, abilities, etc.

That's awesome, one of my truly favorite hero abilities from W3. Kinda surprised they aren't using BM for Grom though, kinda disappointing actually.

It's on unoptimized SC 2 engine and runs like shit were Dota and LoL can run on toaster.
I still prefer Hots but they could at least try and work on that engine, fuck.

The mmr system they brought from sc2 was broken and they had two years or more until they realised it

If it had free characters, it would be more popular. League people are far too invested in their knowledge and Riot Point/IP spent
Dota 2 people don't want to pay for characters even if there is alot of Warcraft fans.

HoN failed because League exploded due to being F2P, and while it was a worthy successor to Dota, it had to change and adapt to compete with League aka going F2P with a Buy option and all the later additions were just awful.

I don't understand how part of Blizzard understands people don't want to pay for characters, and they do Overwatch. Then another part is like, yeah lets charge for characters in an over-saturated market

But why not play forced showdown instead? It's a better game.

Casual and competitive at the same time.
Korean grind to unlock anything.
Saturated market.

Here's the main problem with the game.

>there is no items
You may think, oh, but the whole point of the game was to get rid of that gold thing. Well, yeah that's the problem though, if you take out gold, that leaves only experience, which is a shitty thing to have and then have the traditional moba experience.
So what you end up with is a game that has to make up for all this missing content by adding something to replace it, but replacing something as deep and meaningful to a moba as gold is kinda hard... items win games, so what replaces it has to win games, and what they replaced it with is a shitton of gimmicks.

The lack of items is a problem beyond that. Because of no items to do anything, there is no real way to counterbuild. Most hero paths don't even approach the realm of countering, it's mostly just how do you want to do more damage and/or take less damage. Occasionally you get some shit like movespeed steroids or the like, but in general it's just + or - damage choices.

This means you can't build SHIT as a carry (ranged assassin) to help you not die in .5 seconds to the enemy carry (melee assassin) Zeratul because his wombo combo is fuckin ridiculous and can instakill you as a squishy. Sure there's that whole positioning thing, but it's not like Dota where you can buy a Hurricane Pike, or a Linken's Sphere, or a BkB to avoid getting stunlocked and bursted. You have to rely on your team to peel for you if you do get jumped on, which runs into the biggest problem a moba has, relying on 4 other people to not suck.

There's a lot of other problems with the game. Healers can outdamage most fighters in real damage since their heals are so powerful and on such short cooldowns. Heals in general being so powerful. How every game devolves into a 5 man deathball after 3 minutes. Not being able to see your team until after you pick your hero. Random maps. Tower ammo.
It's just a lot of poor decisions in an attempt to casualize an already casual genre.

>forced showdown
It's not f2p, plus I'm not at all shamed to admit I like being able to play as Thrall/Illidan/Uther/Raynor etc. Character nostalgia's a real thing.

>Healers can outdamage most fighters in real damage since their heals are so powerful and on such short cooldowns
completely wrong, li li is the only healer that really consistently will have insane damage numbers.
The no items thing is real, but it just means hero counterpicks are much huger. Team composition is more important than in any other moba because of it. It's not really worse, just different though it's certainly more braindead.

>teenage trap shit

No, assassins can burst healers faster than a healer can heal up, but fighters cannot. In this game, fighters are on the tank side of things, damage for them is secondary.
Healers primarily heal and do damage secondly, in a 1v1 most healers will win versus most fighters just because neither one can actually burst each other down, but the healer can heal himself.
Now granted, the game is not a 1v1, but unless the fighter has some form of lifesteal he will come out worse in any trade than a healer will until near end game assuming the fighter goes for the damage fighter perks instead of the tank fighter perks. Heals are super fucking strong and honestly cancer in the game. One of the biggest things I hated about it.
One of the biggest things I hate about League too. Scaling heals just fucking suck.

>that leaves only experience, which is a shitty thing to have

So much this. I would honest to god rather they made the game and heros without levels, and every hero having pre-determined abilities if that meant they put gold and an item shop into the game.

Building a ranged carry tanky, or a tank as a burst caster, or a mage as an assassin, or whatever else is the fun of these games.

>specs locked behind grind
>no voice chat
it's coming, beta client with it is already out there
>or team chat
>joke skins
[citation needed]
>tiny maps

have you played the game?

your post basically says: it's not dota2

Game doesn't need items, i like it more that way.

You are locked out of certain perks until you level up the hero by playing him. That's gay shit.
Don't be a shill.


I-i like d3

that's not true anymore though
oops, fucking disappearing captcha

that's not true at all though.

there hasn't been a talent gate since beta.

I played it like 8 months ago and it still had that aspect.
What, when did the game come out of beta? At any rate it's good they got rid of that shit, it was just pointless, it wasn't even a long enough grind to make people pay for the hero levels to skip it.

This game is shallow and casual as fuck.
The reason why i play it is because it has the things other ASSFAGGOTS didn't have:
The ability to pick any character i want,
Map variation, game length and no shitty meta from other moba.

Literally the one thing they had to do was make it so you saw what stage you were going to FIRST, THEN you picked your character.

Wowie zowie, suddenly there's a real meta to build off of. As it stands over half the cast can get gimped to shit just based on the RNG of whether the level you're going to meshes well with your kit, especially the zany non-league-like heroes that were the biggest draw to the game but ended up being shit tier just about through and through and outclassed by boring basic bitch heroes due to them being a safer pick and good for all situations.

>What happened?

Blizzard got caught in the bind that they catch so many other companies in. LoL was already the accessible, "easy to learn, difficult to master", will run on a literal toaster, and all of your friends already play it... game in the genre. Blizzard tried to compete by making a "It's like LoL but we made x,y, and z better!" game and ate crow like all of the companies that made WoW clones.

As for my personal experience I just found HotS to be just insanely unrewarding, and due to the focus on objectives instead of kills and map pressure the games often felt like a coin toss. Even in basement-tier matches of LoL you know exactly why you lost.

>There was a time where people went to see a movie just to kill time

That's fine and all. But there were a million better ways I could have wasted two hours other than watching Suicide Squad and they would all have been way more fun.

Drinking bleach for instance. Or using a cheese grater on my shin.

retarded gold grind for heroes
>bu-but if you do dailies and play from 9 to 7 youll get enough gold

yeah no thanks

Its actually the only moba I like because it got rid of all the autistic shit like last hitting

Tried to fight against Riot that already has the moba crown, also and the biggest problem for me is the random maps/game modes, you can't just play the one that you want, the game must be random. that pretty much ruin the game for the players and e-sports

lets put it this way. look at how fucking popular league and dota are compared to any other 'big' moba. league has the casual fanbase, dota has the hardcore one, and the other mobas are left to clammer over the bits of players left, so they carve out their own little niche. heroes of the storm tried to be the most casual game ever, and became a joke in the mind of both league and dota players, pushing people away from it. only the dudebros or old people play that game, and it being f2p 'but you have to spend lots of cash or grind for anything you want' is just another issue. it doesnt really affect league if only because most people who play it and talk about it are already a high level and have all the champions they want. they tried to make their niche, and the niche failed.
then whats even the point of playing, if you can never improve?

No, they confirmed that after 10 fucking years they realized Titan was a piece of shit, started from scratch and made Overwatch using some of Titan's remnants.

You can see the stage in hero league now, so no worries.

Right. Cos I want to come home from work and play 2 matches before I have to go to fucking bed.

It failed to have ironman number but certainly didn't lose blizz any money. It's right there at tier 3 (in term of numbers) MOBA with Smite.
T1: Lol
T2: Dota 2
T3: HotS, Smite
T4: Shit like HoN, Paragon

The game at least needs solo exp or something to allow someone playing well to have a better impact on the game then someone playing shit. The absolute worst feature of this game is you can never compensate for shitters unlike lol or dota.

They really need to work on not having 'dead' talents that no one has ever or will ever take.

They need to break up 'support' and 'healer' into different roles (same as in overwatch). Sup Forums may hate riot but they're 100% right about 'true' healers fucking up the support role.
It's all well and good in a 5 man running double support to have one heals and one support but in soloqueue or quickmatch having a solo support tass is an instant loss.

I just play Li Li

>then whats even the point of playing, if you can never improve?

Mindless entertainment. Much like a phone game. There is nothing redeeming to HotS beyond that sliver of satisfaction you get out of a win. If you lose, you just smile and shrug, because HotS is so low stakes it is practically impossible to care when playing.

Blizzard can't balance their own games. In the past, their community did it by making the maps that the tournaments and ladders were run on. Blizzard put the kibosh to that and declared themselves the ultimate balancers, then promptly never and ineffectually balanced their games.

Guess what happened.

>tfw carried many 5 man ques as solo tass support
I dunno, it's kinda what you are asking for if you play quickmatch, which is inherently going to be dumb. If you made that kind of specification then queue time for supports would jump way higher than it should.

that's exactly what hero league and unranked are.

>then whats even the point of playing, if you can never improve?
Hahaha, last hitting the game, it's like happy farm with clicking but wait! You can improve, oh Sup Forums you so funny at times thinking that your autistic clicking have any skill.

Underrated post.

Perfect describes the situation.

You know, HOTS is kind of interesting, there seems to be almost no esport support for it from Blizzards side, but at the same time their new hero videos always get like 500k views and they make like 2 heroes a month. So obviously the game must be very profitable, right? I always thought HOTS must be dead, but it seems as thought it's actually doing pretty well.

Come on man everyone's had the game where where you're up against fucking EMPYRE or some semi pro shit and your solo tyrande goes full damage.

Maybe I'm just salty that basically can't play the game by myselft and have fun. You need at least a 3 man to win consistently, that's a flaw for me.

what are you talking about? Blizzard is pushing Hots Esports like mad.