PSN account was banned while I was at work, and a friend sent me a screenshot of me online when I wasn't home...

PSN account was banned while I was at work, and a friend sent me a screenshot of me online when I wasn't home. Any suggestions? Heard Sony Support is full of fucks


What'd you buy?

So you shared the account with another guy?
Or you left some really shitty posts, voicemsg, messages to some rando?

A box full of dragon dildos

Is telling some raghead to go back to Syria bannable? Pretty sure talking shit is the epitome of shitty FPS games

Question; do you have a Vita?

If so, did you use the latest Henkaku hack thing?

Only have a PS3 and PS4. Only thing I've done is """"""abuse"""""" reporting very rarely

Haha get fucked faggot

Sony probably employs ANYONE who's completed college. If you're extremely unlucky, you've been banned by someone who has feminist dance therapy as their major.
Shoot them an email demanding an explanation for your ban and put some gravy on there with "IVE BEEN A MEMBER! MUCHO DOLLARIDOOS SPENT ON PSN" etc.

>banned for using henkaku

>in game shit talking
>sending messages which can be saved and reported straight to the company ( sony/MS/nintendo)
fucking stupid idea and probably why you got banned
Oh well time to buy another ps4


So™ ( patent-pending).............the........players.......huh

Can you still access "your" digital games?

Nope. good thing I only bought some PS2 games

Oh shit.

Btfo lmao, this is the power of game licenses! Hahaha sony alwaus LOSES lmfao

Did you get a mail from Sony explaining the shit?

>sony support full of cocks

but sony is for the gamer !

>tfw ps3 with cfw
>playing online constantly for years
>no ban

ask a former Sony Support member anything

ignore this, just gotta host an image for a sec

does sony encourage you to basically tell callers to fuck off and that they're making it up?

>what is two-step authentication

nope, when you call us over anything with your PSN account we ask you for the Online ID and then the email to verify you own this account and from there depending what the ban is aboot we inform you what is and how long it will last, if by chance your account has been suspended for a chargeback on that PS account then you have to pay that chargeback to unbann the account

>and a friend sent me a screenshot of me online when I wasn't home

Why did you share your account with him?

>Is telling some raghead to go back to Syria bannable? Pretty sure talking shit is the epitome of shitty FPS games

I'm fairly sure you or your friend probably send some stupid psn message that got you banned.

I always giggle like a fucking baby when I see this shit. It never gets old. I love it

Sony support is 100% useless.

I dont know remember a time I've been satisfied with there services
>No longer can deactivate stray PS3s/4s
>Y-You have to w-wait 6 months we cant do anything a-anymore

>Hi this game is bugged on my PSN account can you refund it and give it to me for the discount I tried buying it for?
>Oy vey course not goy! This isn't our fault :^)

>Why did I get suspended?
>Your not allowed to tell people who are sending you hate mail to kill themselves :/

They are incredibly useless.

Oh and I forgot a brand new one
>My PS+ Sub renewed I wanted to cancel it and get a refund
>Sure will put it back into your PSN WALLET
>I would prefer the original payment method
>Oy vey guy we cant do that anymore! New policy ye see ?
>Enjoy some games goy :^)

Least I got a niggeress introuble.

They're not obligated to even refund you at all let alone in cash, especially since that is extremely sketchy.

>buying from J-List

confirmed clinically retarded

>waaaaaaaah I'm entitled spoiled bitch and I blame the Jews for my small penis

>buying into the yellow asian piss console meme

Are you fucking retarded?

Please some reinforcing the Sonynigger meme.

and your the worthless asshoels we have to deal on the phone, if you can't do a deactivation that tells me you had one done 6 months on the website and your sharing with your worthless freinds and trying to switch off the acount on diffrent consoles, tough break bitch once every 6 months, you think you got some girl in toruble but told you to get you off the phone as you are insuffarble

Wow, great job, user! I just knew you could be the biggest faggot!

>>No longer can deactivate stray PS3s/4s
What's a stray console? One that has run away?

Try not hacking or pirating, user. >

so that user was right you were trying some scam and then knew and didn't give you a refund and the other guy is right you do have a small dick

Oh boy he's trying to share one account with one other person, better give him hell, Eisenberg. This is really a serious offense and violation of Sorny's intellectual property.


Same, being immature is fucking great.

Is this meme from Madara when he get's the six paths power?

What he meant was there are some console peopel forgot they never deactivated. For example console they have sold or a console that might have broke down, you can do a remote deactivation on thier website
but only once every 6 months so scumbags like don't try to abuse it

>still blaming the Jews for your small penis

go back to Sup Forums and stay there you imbred fucktard

I said original payment method not cash you fuckwit.

I do gameshare because the industry is filled with anti consumer bullshit so yes. But I did have a legitimate problem with a random PS3 on my account that I tried fixing and to no avail so I needed to use a Deactivate all pass which was a waste.

Stop being a useless faggot on the phone next time.

>oh boy I'm so broke I can't afford to buy video games

sure its the Jews fault you are trying to use an exploit, gotcha

>Heard Sony Support is full of fucks
go to them you stupid fuck

heard how about you try them out idiot

>Violate ToS
>Bitch when you get banned

And game sharing is against the ToS, I can get your account and set it up for being banned forever. Enoy losing all those games you bought scumbag :^)

sounds like you got caught stealing your mommy's credit card, underage banned

>why am I banned for being an insufferable little cunt :'(

Hahha good shit, eat a fat dick OP

You're just proving him right that Sony support is full of fucks saying stuff like that. Does it feel good defending big corporations from the little guy?

>Implying your not all retarded and believe all the bullshit I feed to you

Your my little game faggot nighty night.

>complains about anti consumer bullshit
>didn't just mod his PS3
You must be legitimately retarded.

Kek the """little""" guy can get fucked if he's flagrantly violating the ToS on top of being an antisocial prick online

Absolutely hate Sony, but they did well fucking this loser.

Such a pathetic attempt at samefaggin lmao

There's no way for me to use the "exploit" since I don't have any friends, asshole. You're just making it harder for legitimate consumers to access what they "own"

only it feels good when entitled fuckers like you get caught for scamming and get what's coming too them :^)

Pretty sure its from TTGL, specifically when Kittan finally gets a taste of spiral power before dying

something sony doesn't have

>Kek the """little""" guy can get fucked if he's flagrantly violating the ToS
jej the little guy can get fucked if he refuses to take it in the ass from Sony "BIG DICK" Interactive

Thanks for the yous ;^)

>laying all your eggs in one basket
>paying for online
>playstation/xbox shit
>getting banned from every online game on the platform
>giving people this much power over you and your games

top kek retard fuck lmao go back to syria

This is literally dindu nuffin levels

Cry moar banned faggot :)

>lying out of your ass
>legit customer

Pick One

Hey guys when does the neo launch?

>He still thinks I'm the OP

I feast on your (you)s

Damage control

I thought PSN bans only kept you off mooltiplaya, not took away all your gaymes?

Believe what you want. I'm just a concerned citizens who believe normal people should be able to fuck corporations in the ass any way they can rather than the opposite.

>Sony support is 100% useless.
I bought a AC1 and 2 combo a few years back.
I finished AC2 first, started it and I got a message 'Your trial has ran out'.

It turns out that I used a PSN+ trial to play the game for an hour a few years back. The problem is that even though I bought the fucking game, the bundle doesn't authenticate as the same AC2 that's keeping me from continuing the game.

AC2 even disappeared from my downloadlist, and when I tried to redownload the bundle, only AC1 showed up.

It took support a month to reply back since Sony doesn't even have a dedicated support team in the country where I live. They outsource it to a local company that deals mostly with movies.
The reply I got back is that I never bought AC2, even though I showed them the damn receipt for the bundle.
They could only see that I owned AC1 and basically told me to fuck off.

I then contacted Ubisoft, who refunded the entire fucking game and gave me a code for AC Brotherhood as a bonus for the bother.

tl;dr Sony support is shit.

Consolefags BTFO

You can deactivate all the consoles tied to that account if you go to

It's pretty easy desu

If you deactivate your console, will it be painful?

Maybe you should move away from Pakistan

He probably just lives in Europe. Sony are strict Hebrew Orthodox and will spend no money unless they get back at least double by doing business there.

>more losers with small white dicks blaming the Jews

I live in Norway where Sony's Playstation support is horrendous.
They can't outsource it to Poo-in-da-loo since regulations state that support needs to speak Norwegian.
What we get are fat IT-apprentices barely out of high school with a spreadsheet and one capable guy jerking off in his office to tranny porn half the workday.
Fuck Egmont Film and their shitty support.

The Nips are paying you good money for your services. Fucking get off your asses and do something.

>not playing pirated games and emulating stuff on pc

Enjoy that dick deep into your ass user, you deserve it.
4 the players XD

Is there a problem with that?

>inb4 ban wave on steam and you lose those 1500 games you never play.

I don't have a problem but it seems you have that problem son

Say what you want about OP, but getting your account banned along with all the shit you paid for should be illegal.

Which part don't you understand in pirated games?

You seem to be judging it as problematic for small dicked losers to blame "the Jews" in a jesting manner though. I don't think literally anyone on the planet thinks Sony is actually a Jewish company. Probably like 0.002% of their workforce is Jewish.

I think heshe is referring to the recently ban involving a denuvo crack.

That's why you never pay for video game, vg EULA are always almost illegal and fuck the consumers hard.

>" you treat me like a steaming pile of shit? Ok then, I'll download your shit. For free."

I'm currently playing no man's sky right now, and I can't even understand why some people put fucking money on it when you could download this turd in 5 minutes.

>PSN bans people
Wat da fug? I didn't knew that. Better watch my speech the next time a black dude says something stupid and I want to call him a nigger.

people used legit steam account for the denuvo crack?

natural selection.

Only thing I've ever bought at J-list were a few mags and phone book size mangas and a onahole I have no clue why anyone would buy figures from there since they're ridiculously over priced, shit's way cheaper getting it straight from Japan.

Was the onahole worth it?

>"i don't know why anyone would buy from there"
>after saying you've bought from there
Can't make this shit up.

They sell overpriced "novelty" ones. aka they put a slightly off brand looking version of a popular character on the box and give you the absolute bottom of the barrel. Or charge twice the price of what you'll find a google search away for an actual good one.

If my psn ever gets banned them i'm utterly fucked.

I have like 300+ games on it.

>The Nips are paying you good money for your services. Fucking get off your asses and do something.
They pay me weather I fap to traps or fix your problem. Now you tell me, which one do you think I prefer to do more?

Maybe the first time but shit's too intense sometimes so it doesn't feel too great. Might be the type I bought.
I clearly said figures, I don't think there's nothing wrong buying other weeb knickknacks from them. If you plan to buy new figures from anywhere the first place would be amiami.

>I don't think there's nothing wrong buying other weeb knickknacks from them.
Because you take the extra effort to search for figures and let yourself get ripped off for the rest.

I remember when i preordered Destiny on PS4 and it turned out if you bought it digitally on the PS3 you got the PS4 version too. So i asked if they could refund me and they said sure if i bought the PS3 one, so i did and it took me 4 calls and 3 months to get it back.

Then they refunded both Destiny copies and I got all my money back. Fuck Destiny anyway.

good times.

Only experience i have with sony customer support was with my broken 50"sony bravia.

>mfw they gave me a 60" replacement for dree because they didn't have a smaller one laying around.