Remember me Sup Forums?
Remember me Sup Forums?
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I was playing the beta for this when Michael Jackson died
Loved the game in the beginning. *whistle that song*
I kind of miss it. It wasn't particular good, but it made so much fun. Especially when playing with a friend.
It was fuck HEUG in BR land for a while
Was alright for a casual game when it first came out then it went full pay2win.
It wasnt a perfect F2P game but it was still fun oddly enough you know I find it strange everyone calls Overwatch a MOBA shooter becasue the heroes had abilities but if I remember this game had alot of wacky abilities for each of the classes
Burning Bullets a shit though
>Signed up when it became available n the summer 09
>enjoy the silliness and abusing op weapons
>release a few months later and just go full kike with the microtransactions
>dorp it hard as hell when 2010 came around
Fucking hell EA
This I remember trying to play after they went full jew mode and you either had to buy guns are play a whole day to be able to "rent" an OP gun for a day. It was fucking atrocious.
Fucking hell autocorrect I typed drop*
Why does autocorrect want to be the master of grammar?
>Commando could either be knife assassin or sniper
>Soldier could either be explosives speclist or combat medic
>Gunner was either crowd control or explosives
>he didnt abuse the free item shop currency glitch
>he didnt get himself a fuckton of level 1 accounts with best pernament weapons and hats
>he didnt proceed to make a fuckton of money selling those accounts online
Sup Forums just admit you're all just usefull goyim
i miss it
Fuck EA man that shit was great
Thats some fucking dedication
BFH is old but I actually liked alot of the design choices about it
>be me
>get a bottle of Dr.pepper
>It has a code for some random outfit in this game and 2 guns
>redeem it and start playing
>Everyone was jealous at the fact I got a rare outfit
Just F2P things I guess it was an alright outfit though the weapons I got were some tommy gun and a revolver
They dropped their original vision of cartoon WW2 shooter quick by like the time it got out of beta if I recall they added in BFBC2 sets with modern weapons
what was your favorite map exploit? I loved going up the hill on the one map past the out of bounds or death area onto a cliff where you could snipe from
Remember me, Sup Forums?
i never did beat any of the campaigns
>Not playing Blitz Brigade
Much much much MUCH better than that piece of shit!
Remember me Sup Forums
Getting hacks in this game was to fucking easy.
The best hacks to get were the ones that gave you like 500000 GP and NX so you could be like level recruit and have all these P2W guns and cosmetic items
Remember me?
yeah it was dogshit
I remember it was a thing but I never experienced it.
Just like Plants vs Zombies 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Or love.
no one calls Overwatch a moba
I always thought this was EAs way of trying to cash in on the hype behind TF2 even though it came out 2 years after TF2's release.
It always just seemed like a pretty tacky game that wasn't too well designed or balanced and ran like ass most of the time.
This was a time when EA was making F2P spin offs of all there most popular titles
before or after it became a total cash in?
I remember that it was broken due to being pay2win. When you would go up against people with paid guns there was nothing you could do to beat them. It basically become a game of "hopefully our team has more people with paid weapons than the opposing team", and unfortunately it seemed like the nazis had more pay2win shitters.
Then I remember there was a promo that gave you free in game money, and I spent it all on a permanent low tier weapon. This confirmed the pay2win aspect of the game since I would easily beat people with the default guns, and I regularly topped the scoreboard. Either way it got boring, since it wasn't about skill, it was about who spent the most money. Leave it to EA to not know how to properly balance a game.
Free to play. Pay to win. Fun while it lasted, but rightfully died.
yes, very fun for a while
That sounds like my experience with Dirty Bomb.
Dirty Bomb wasnt P2W
Splash damage are terrible devs
Soldier all day every day with the long range SMG and pistol.
Fuck how BF Heroes went to shit as soon as they started adding new weapons. All started with the fucking Uber Knife.
And yet Heroes was never even remotely close to as bad as Battlefield P4F
truu. this game was actually pretty based.
I didn't bother to stick around when I learned that they were adopting the ASSFAGGOTS style of giving you 1 character a week and making you unlock the rest.
I'd honestly want to have a Heroes-style BF game redone on Frostbite.
Just a one time retail purchase, not this P2W shit.
I'm ashamed to say I spent way too much money in both of these. Fuck BF Heroes for going full Jew with their "pay to have a gun that does more damage" horseshit, especially when they abandoned the ww2 motif
Dude me too, what the fuck.
It was right when Tropical Thunder was popular
Well it's not far fetched. It's clearly MOBA inspired. Every character has 3-4 abilities and an ultimate. They are classified as Attack, Defense, Tank, and Support. The only shit it is missing are the creeps and towers aka the gayest part of MOBAs excluding MOBA players, of course.
remember me Sup Forums?
i'm back
Remember me?
remember me Sup Forums?
>try to play this again recently
>it looks 10 times shitter than I remember
>the shit permanent $30 gun I bought years ago is still shit
I think honestly I'd prefer Battlefield Heroes 2 over "battlefield 1".
because a cartoonish artstyle makes up for cartoonish/casual gameplay...
>Battlefield P4F
>Basically Battlefield 2 but with a shitty attempt to modernize the look and pay to win
What a fucking insult that was.
>Battlefield Heroes
I can finally post this.
This game was surprisingly okay.
>All friends played this game
>Could never get into it because every match I joined typically had someone cheating
remember me?
>use hack
>ghost other players
>find another person who is also hacking
>kill him
>he cries that you're hacking and begs for you to be kicked
How accurately does it imitate BFH?
If it's using 1942, then that's a pretty damn old version of Refractor to build upon when BFH was made on the latest post-2142 build.
Toontown Remastered, son.
They're even adding new in-game events from what I understand. Game aged like milk though, sadly.
>also a game like battlefield heroes doesn't trigger my autism nearly as hard as battlefield 1 does.