Why is space in NMS piss yellow or purple but never black? What the fuck is that all about?

Why is space in NMS piss yellow or purple but never black? What the fuck is that all about?

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Gases in the atmosphere.

It's nu-space. Don't worry about it. You wouldn't understand.

NMS is not meant to be realistic


Soup Space

nice b8, space is black for me

Why are you even playing this piece of shit you retarded faggot?

I'm s-sorry

>le no multiplayer nu-joke

>le nu-retard thinking he is serious

What the shit? I was serious. I play the pirated version and space is like dark blue or black I don't remember; not fucking yellow.

Normies are scared of realistic Space.

fuck off nufag


Could you not call it "space"?
Space as we know it isn't filled with meteorites 99%

Because Sean Murray is racist


Fuck off you retarded liberal faggot. Don't you have shops to be looting Nigger?

I think he was joking...

did you forget to take your autism meds today

>stopped going on Sup Forums because the redpills were too much to handle
>I was getting too angry, blood pressure too high
>quit cold turkey, trying to avoid racist thoughts and words
>no way to avoid seeing articles like this

user pls I'm trying to ride the tiger here

yea why does space have to be black what if it doesn't want to conform to your standards science doesn't equal right

Because the colors transmit emotions

>why the error screen is calm blue instead of panic red?