ITT: Games with unforgiving difficulty curves

Even normal enemies use buffs and debuffs like crazy.

It gets worse later in the game when enemies have party-wide, instant spellcasts.

Also fuck class-specific doors.

>monsters get party-wide casts well before you do

Fucking ridiculous kusoge, doesn't even have enough cute to make up for the bullshit

>Class-specific doors
You're lying to me.

It doesn't come up until post-game, but yes. Doors that don't open unless you have a specific class with you. They also close if you leave the dungeon, so you can't bring in someone (probably) ridiculously underleveled to open the door, go back and grab your good party member, and come back.


One of the story dungeons requires a princess to open the door and a few optional before you hit the post game have them too.

Oh yeah. Guess I forgot about that one since I used Eltricia anyway.

What's good about Princess?
I have a Diva and two Sorceress' .

Not much. I mostly used it because I didn't like any of Monica's classes and I thought I'd try someone new up front. I ended up switching her to witch after long.

I've been stuck on one of the early bosses for months now this game is ridiculous and takes hours to even grind.

Isn't she a scout?
I'm using the DLC characters. Since I heard they had way more favorable traits than regular characters.

Oh shit, what are you doing. Just use buffs and debuffs you nog.

Try a diferent class set up and/or use new skills.

Yeah, I didn't like any of the scout classes, so I tried switching in Eltricia as the magical girl class up front to replace her. I don't know anything about the DLC characters.

No matter what i do I can't do enough damage to the boss after the Berzerker she heals to much and does shit loads of damage.

Is that the harpy in the tower? Wind resistance helps.

>At bogomil
>Get to a floor with two class doors for classes I never used
>Have to grind my party members like 7 levels so I can reclass at level 90 because the other option is just basically running 5 floors with 3 party members or grinding my ass off

it's the siren who 1 hits half your party if you get shit rng.

DT2 has a pretty well-designed difficulty curve. Each new dungeon steps up the challenge slightly by both giving the enemies a few new tricks and making navigation a bit trickier.

It's a dungeon crawler. It's generally not a very forgiving genre.

The Magical Princess class? They're one of the better tanks in the game, and they eventually become incredibly fast due to Magical Change boosting all of their stats massively.

What does your team look like?

Front Row
Assassin with the crit skill to try and stop the chant 1 hit move
Back Row.
Puppit master
not sure what level they are

So I should make one of my Sorceress into a Princess?

They're pretty good.
There's two lolis with unique traits that are bretty gud to take along. But they are RNG based traits.

>Mixing barrage song with two fighters and lucy who can do multiple attacks
I'm really feeling it.

It's been a long time, but I recall that boss having unremarkable resistances. If you have any way to silence her the fight becomes a joke, and slow can make it a lot more manageable.

Silence hardly ever procs never tried to slow her.

You might want to focus on buffs and maybe doing a run of the dungeon again to see about getting better gear if you can. If it gets too bad then drop the puppet master for a Paladin to help defend against attacks.

I went ahead and double-checked her resistances. She has decent water and wind resistance, but -20 earth and lightning resistsnce.

This means that she is extremely susceptible to slow and paralysis.

You'll probably want a Magical Princess for the post-game, at least. It's a class that takes a long time to really come into its own.