Why is the Tales fantranslation scene such a gigantic piece of shit?

Why is the Tales fantranslation scene such a gigantic piece of shit?

Aside from Vesperia PS3, none of the actually good Japan only games have been fantranslated.

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If you spent the time you spent whining and shitposting to learn Japanese instead you would of been able to play these games years ago.

>wasting years on translating Phantasia PSP version instead of this master piece

I did. I just used FAQs. It's still utterly absurd that Phantasia is being fantranslated again.

The Absolute Zero crew are a bunch of incompetent fucking retards.

To me it seemed that Tales fans don't care about older Tales games.

Shame, I'd like to play the Destiny remake and Rebirth.

Rebirth is LITERALLY translated, we just need someone with programming skills to put it in the game

>I'd like to play the Destiny remake and Rebirth.

What's that? You want dozens of manhours wasted on a joke Tempest translation, followed by a fucking Phantasia retranslation?

Got ya covered senpai.

Translate it yourself then faggot.

You think random fan translators owe you anything?
You should be begging at their feet and sucking their cocks faggot.

I thought it was lacking all the NPC dialogues?

Even so, yeah, if one of these AZ fucks actually cared about the scene, they'd have patched the translation into the game already.

But another Phantasia translation seems to be more important

As dumb as the constant Phantasia retranslations are I'm looking forward to playing the X version

For Destiny PS2, there's this todrtrans.pbworks.com/w/page/22323479/FrontPage
I don't know if its 100% complete though

I feel like I've played this, this definitely has an English version on some system

Yeah, on the PSONE.

>The ragtag group of mentally challenged retards does a horrible job for free, so you can't judge them

Fuck you and fuck these assholes for doing a fucking april fool's joke translation, and then ignoring Rebirth and Destiny DE to do ANOTHER FUCKING PHANTASIA TRANSLATION.

Fuck them

Considering patchers and FAQ writers do it for free, I'm grateful any exist at all. We're just kinda unlucky some of these crazy translators who like Tales make weird choices

The FAQ people and the Vesperia PS3 guys were great, and did a service to the community.

The Absolute Zero assholes are a bunch of retards who wasted time on Tempest and Phantasia, after promising Rebirth and Destiny DE

Because there are no actually good Tales of games, duh.

Are the current Phantasia translations shit or what?

call me when I can play translated vesperia on recent ps3.

No, but I guess some of the translators think so
It also doesn't help that Namco keeps making new versions of this game

The current Phantasia translators are shit.


I'll never not be mad at them for the Tempest translation.

>hey let's translate this garbage real quick for shits and giggles
>spend over a year working on a game absolutely nobody wanted
>Destiny is still 6+ years from being finished

Still waiting for Eng patch for Rebirth, otherwise going to play it with guide video.

>Let's waste an entire year of our life working on a fantranslation of a game everyone hates XDDDD

So do it yourself. Why aren't you learning Japanese right now to show them how its done?

Really? Don't tell me it's the PSP version. Are they also translating Narikiri Dungeon X at least?

Yes in the sense that its in their to do list
No in the sense that it's gotten about as much progress as Destiny PS2. Probably less

>Implying I'm not applying the english text from todrtrans to the game
>Implying I'm not going to release it in a couple of months

Even if it lacks all of the NPC dialog and skits, all of the main text, artes and menus is there.

Those AZ fucks are going to get cucked by a single man.

The translation on todrtrans is terrible. Just do Rebirth.

Yeah it is pretty shitty, isn't it? I'd like to help translate some, but when I had the free time I didn't have the experience. Now that I have the experience, I don't have the free time. Such a pain.

The thing is, the translation part doesn't take that long, but the patching part is.

Any otaku retard can pick a grammar book and a dictionary, but to reverse decrypt hex shit or whatever they call it, that can easily take a full year of the tech geeks of the translation team.

Innocence was fun and has complete translation.
It's just that multiplayer is broken with the translated game