Give one good reason you don't play this.
>Friendly community
>Completely free with microtransactions not at all necessary to progress
>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
>Great lore
>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
>rare items getting vaulted, unvaulted or sold by the void trader constantly changes the economy
>Fun and rewarding gameplay
>Space ninjas
Give one good reason you don't play this
>Shit gameplay
>100% grind
When they fucked up the melee and speed I've dropped it, never looked back.
Nothing to actually do except grind.
Grind for weapons so you can grind for frames so you can grind for weapons so etcetc
Literally for hoarder and grind autists.
My friends quit, and now my clan is just a bunch of shitposters and noobs asking what a mod is.
I absolutely love the game, but quit when it hit me just how grindy the game is. And I dont just mean masteries. The forma grind to be viable at high tier stuff, grind out the same weapon and frame half a dozen times and hope neither one gets nerfed into uselessness, then grind for primed mods and the cores needed to upgrade them.
Thats just the big issue with it all, no matter what you want to do in the game, you're in for an unforgivably long grind.
I actually started playing it a few days ago.
Pretty fun. People truly are friendly although the game itself is ... hard to get into.
New map is bullshit I need to do arbitrary quests to progress the planets... only at Jupiter so far.
Like the gameplay tho. I dont even give a shit about lategame all I care about is arming Ember with flamethrower of some sort and that's it.
I just go with killing stuff the most fun way. That's my endgame.
if I wanted to play a shit game just to grind gear. ill play diablo 3 instead.
This thread again
I actually liked this game, I love how it looks, but its a boring repetitive grindan with no balance or progression and DE has no idea how to improve and develop it.
Also recent updates broke many things, I cant even play it now, its crashes and UI locks up all the time
>>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
>Great lore
>>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
Fucking NO, plenty of them have the same idea behind them AND some of them have worthless abilities
>>rare items getting vaulted, unvaulted or sold by the void trader constantly changes the economy
The economy was just FUCKED by relics
>>Fun and rewarding gameplay
God whoever believes this needs mental help.
You have to be a fucking mindless zombie to enjoy Warframe.
How the fuck is grinding for the rest of your life even conceivably remotely ''''''fun'''''''??? How do you fucking defend this shit? I fucking dare you to defend this.
Fucking mindless fucks.
If you claim that all that fast movement and wall jumping isn't fun while blowing everythign the fuck up with what ever you want then you just cant feel fun anymore.
I feel sorry for you bro.
>You have to be a fucking mindless zombie to enjoy Warframe.
No you don't. It's hardly a game to commit yourself to. But playing it in short bursts is great. Grind? Grind for fucking what? The late game? That is exactly the same as every other part of the game except for more HP?
Why do you even feel the need to reach this games lategame?
Used to play it a long time ago, like early beta and onwards. The game was too much grind, and still looks like its just pure grind.
They needed to add story missions or some other interesting thing to the game. Also coming back I'm sure there's probably a million OP event mods that I missed out on because literally all the event mods were OP when I was playing.
Was fun dominating all the events with Warbros though.
Can confirm this game is gud. I even spent money on it with the occasional 75% discount. Shame it's so repetitive and grindy... I also play it because the female frames are hot.
>rng the game
>farm mods and item parts for uncountable hours and hope you get the fucking things
>most valuable progression items in the game (orokin catalyst and reactors) cannot be farmed
>huge limit on how many warframes and weapons players can have without using platinum
>Archwing sucks and is a complete waste of time
>end game is the same shit as the first couple of hours of playing
>platinum gets you the best stuff in the game
>grindy and repetitive
Constant grinding
The gameplay is just reskinned Dynasty Warriors "beat up all the punching bags"
PC action game with shit controller support
>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
every time there's a patch something gets changed for the worse
i want to mention the only reason why a warframe gets changed is because they're any combination of strong, popular, or about to make DE money, oberon has been shit for the longest time because of this
>Great lore
i'd only say it's okay
>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
i'll give you this one, just about every warframe has a theme to it and does its job well
>Rare items getting vaulted, unvaulted or sold by the void trader constantly changes the economy
didn't the economy just get fucked because of void relics?
>Fun and rewarding gameplay
yeah it's fun to control your space ninja and do all sorts of neat stuff but "combat" gets screwy once you leave the DE approved levels for enemies where the only way you're gonna make it through sorties is hardcore cheese and hoping people don't pick shit like ash in radiation hazards
i like warframe, but DE is about as competent as blizzard or valve so all the glaring issues stand out
t. actual warframe player
>You will never be a part of Corpus
>You will never kill filthy dogs for profit
>You will never cut Tenno to pieces for tech n PROFIT
45% of the reason why I play it is because of the female frames, they've got big asses. I bought ember prime just because she's hot
It's free-to-play.
Last time I played it I got the impression that it had shit gameplay so I instantly dropped it.
I'm growing too old for videogames.
I have a job, wife and a kid to take care of.
>why don't you play a game where the entire game is grind to get better equipment so you can grind more equipment?
Becase gear treadmills don't do anything for me.
You are one small time, you aren't see nothing yet.
because I'm busy playing other games for the time being. warfarm is a game best taken in small doses with long hiatuses in between.
NyxP is best girl.
I have to grind to be able to grind to grind some more in order to grind to grind to grind to finally be able to grind.
>shilling warframe
have some dignity
>kill a lot of dumb npcs
>get item
the entire game is literally only this.
and my alien wolf dog died because i didn't played for like 1 week.
The new fusion code system is just a watered down pokemon go candy system.
there is no endgame. after you get to a certain point, it turns into a giant grind fest. Lunaro is a joke
its not even that, there is no gear treadmill cause there is no balance or gear progression, so the grind is pointless
They fucked it up
>>Friendly community
tryhards jews in training that will shit on anything not fast / cheap enough
>>Completely free with microtransactions not at all necessary to progress
enjoy keeping these 4 weapons, also don't forget to pray for your puzzle piece to make your weapon not shit
>>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
that will fuck you over: by the time you get a warframe / weapon it will be nerfed to hell
>>Great lore
"an ancient evil awakens"
>>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
don't forget to pick THE warframe optimized for this miss- oh you don't have it? sorry but I must kick you
>>rare items getting vaulted, unvaulted or sold by the void trader constantly changes the economy
require a daily sacrifice to the RNG gods for the first, real money for the second
>>Fun and rewarding gameplay
doing the same mission 3 weeks in a row because the rng decided you weren't worthy can be fun, when it doesn't happen
>>Space ninjas
useless wall climb, actually, every move except double jump < crouch is useless, might as well replace them with "go faster" button
>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
%80 of frames work as plain holy trinity classes,and most of those are inferior to [whatever DE likes that fill that at the moment].Others are simple gimmicky shit that's not viable at all,but can be fun.
boring ass pay to win garbage
this game had potential but they completely fucked it up
I don't support games with microtransactions
>I just started playing literally 3 days ago: the post
But I do play it.
Anyone who complains about the grind is just a millennail faggot who grew up on instant gratification and can't handle the fact that things to work to be achieved.
First answer, best answer.
>hurr it's f2p
so fucking what? It's fucking PVE
I am glad when some wallet warrior comes in and carries me
This trash is literally pay to progress faster. And the only way to progress is grinding over and over. Shit game shit thread.
>all warframes are essentially the same, just your choice of nukes/CC/buffs
>grindy as all fuck
0.1 yuan has been deposited to you account.
Yeah but ... does it matter tho?
If it was some competitive pvp game I could understand the "it's p2w" argument but not in a competitive game
>I was there for that entire fuck up
God bless that was hilarious. Fucking great start to the year
glad I got out of this shit years ago
Those folks who just keep letting DE stretch their assholes out like a taffy machine are real troopers. or just fucking braindead
Game gets annoying fast and everyone I know who plays it begs me for shit
>Friend starts playing
>plays maybe once a week for 6 hours
>Let him tag along while I farm shit to sell
>He gets off
>Get full Ash Prime set
>He starts yelling at me to give it to him
>Don't, but spoon feed him a Soma Prime
>He shuts up, but gets a big head, copies my SP build and starts acting like hot shit
>Demote him in the clan as punishment for being a prick
>He threatens to leave
>He won't because of all the cool shit we have researched
>Friendly community
Always solo or with friends
>Completely free with microtransactions not at all necessary to progress
That makes you grind like a fucking retard, but true.
>Great lore
>Caring about lore
>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
99% of warframes are completely shit
>Fun and rewarding gameplay
Yes, indeed, that was a fun grindfest my friend.
>Space ninjas
EEEEEEEEEE ctrl + space ctrl + space ctrl + space ctrl + space ctrl + space ctrl + space ctrl + space EEEEEEEEEEE
No, it doesn't matter from a cooperative perspective but it still ruins the "fun". I can't see myself putting 600 hours into the game to get something when someone just unloaded their wallet to get the same thing for $10.
That's cute.
>he doesnt press shift twice on the air to go faster
The devs are most incompetent group of people that i've ever had the displeasure of knowing existed. They have no understanding of even the most basic aspects of their game, and updates usually follow the following cycle:
•Hype up big new feature
•Delay it a few times and still get it out late
•Comes out with loads of bugs and likely breaks a different feature
•Fix only about half of those bugs
•Abandon feature and hype up the next big one
Sure, it is fun being a space ninja and jumping around and shooting shit because very few, if any, other games offer the same kind of gameplay. But the more you play and start to understand how the game works the more you realize how bad of developers the people at DE actually are.
I'll end my post here because I feel like if I keep going I won't ever stop.
Mission variety
Coop elements are barebones
Game doesn't take advantage of it's own good optimization
Shitty upgrade system
Map variety
Bosses are meh
Did I mentioned grind? Well, it's very grindy.
They are gonna make the new ''big update'' 4 or 5 parts.Wanna bet when'll they start screwing players over?
but there is
Two years between these and NOTHING has changed.
and plenty of fuckups before, after, and inbetween
Anyone still giving DE so much as an hour of game-time after seeing these is frankly delusional
You can give them as much time as you want but you should really refrain from giving them money
play f2p as much as possible, buy plat and booster codes from g2a type grey market sites
Game is a grindfest and bait people to waste a lot of money
Pic makes me so mad, holy shit
Well it's so shit it's not worth playing
Do you mean the update they're on right now? I stopped playing for good after I secured my boy Vauban Prime, and haven't really been following the game since LUNAROOOOOOOOO. How did Spectres of the Rail go?
>start playing
>pick a class
Ok, this seems kind of neat but I'd like to try the other classes before settling on one
>can't create a new save slot or character slot
>can't delete data and start over
>have to grind for currency to unlock a new character
>or send an e-mail to the developers and they'll probably delete your account
You know what? I'm good. I'd rather play something else. It just seems like such an incredibly odd decision to not allow your player to try out multiple characters. Even if you want to force only one save slot for whatever reason, at least give me the option to start over. It makes no sense to me.
>Friendly community
50/50, and beware Jews in trade chat
>Completely free with microtransactions not at all necessary to progress
You need to buy shit to progress, but the kicker is that you don't need to buy it with money. Jew in trade chat for premium currency. All you'll ever need is slots and fashion, because that's the true endgame
>Constant patchs and frequent major updates
If you're on PC, prepare for busted updates. There are a lot of updates that come out buggy. At least they're learning (hopefully) and aren't rushing out updates.
>Great lore
>Warframes are so diverse each one is practically its own class
Not as diverse as it sounds, but they each have a role. Once you get Chroma, he should be the only frame you play because pubs have the combined intelligence of a wet stick.
>rare items getting vaulted, unvaulted or sold by the void trader constantly changes the economy
Maximum jewelry. I just wish the vault wasn't a thing.
>Fun and rewarding gameplay
Fun, yeah. Going into a low level mission and just beating stuff up when you're chilling is pretty fun, in a power trip way. There's a difficulty cap where is stops being fun and it becomes one shot vs one shot, that's around lv80-100 enemies.
>Space ninjas
I've played this game since U11.5 and haven't spent a cent on it. I've jewed thousands on PC and PS4. It was all for fashion, the real endgame.
Grind is heavy in this game, if you want the best shit to beat enemies inside out.
>Play frame that uses lot of energy
>One group of enemies shows up that drains energy to 0
>I'm now worthless
I don't even know what I'm doing when it comes to builds, but I'm able to clear planets without too much trouble so far
I need to start getting primed weapons that are actually useful
Holy shit, I refuse to believe that screencap is real. No one with enough neurons to rub together not to forget to breathe can be that petty, malicious and incompetent.
I played this while i was puking out a major flu once and now whenever i even think of the game i feel sick.
Need any help famalam?
primed weapons are actually shit aside from lex prime, get tonkor and synoid simulor
The official forum is ironically the worst place to voice your opinion, as community mods (players made mods for showing exemplary devotion (i.e. dick-sucking) towards the devs and the game) delete any post that speaks negatively about Warframe. The negative posts that aren't deleted are screamed at by the legions of players who didn't already get banned for criticizing the game.
after over a thousand hours I stand by saying it's shit but that's because of it having to be compared to oldschool warframe
It probably seems good to a new player
>Old School Warframe
Is this nigga serious?
I quit cold turkey after The Second Dream
I couldn't believe my fucking eyes
not that guy but they removed coptering, give me one good reason to continue playing this slow ass slug of a game
the slide bullet jump forward roll combo is about as fast desu, especially in the newer tilesets
>about as fast
oh okay then
There are still methods of going fast, but the removal of coptering made one's choice of melee weapon even more pointless. If you still feel like playing this game after everything that's been said, i'd recommend lowering your friction as much as possible and slapping on maglev skate around everywhere on your ass.
>not amphis
>not dual ichor
>about as fast
Fuck no its not, its not even close. Especially now that they made double jumping REMOVE momentum, rather than maintain it. Have you even played the game in the past few months? By their own admission, this was of Lunaro, a purely PVP mode, that DE also stated any changes to PVP would not affect PVE. DE didn't want people going fast, so no NOBODY can go even half as fast as they used to be able to.
I didn't make the image, i'm just going through my old Warframe folder and looking at times long gone.
No,they are rolling in a new update real soon,called The War within.They will release a new frame,and maybe unlock one of the rooms on the orbiter.Spectres of the rail is only good for new players,although I have to agree the new map LOOKS better.
Are you talking about the change they pretended was a bug and went back on it ?
How does everyone feel about Ordis being an edgy anti Orokin assassin?
I don't play because I scammed some idiot for a ton of items for basically nothing and I can't transfer all of it to PC.
Have you not been around for Shadow Debt mods? Infinite crits and red crits. If you're using a Nikana or Heavy Blade you'll deal lotsa damage.
>Devs create game
>People find ways to be efficient and have fun
>They like to go fast, jump high, and do damage
>Devs get butthurt people aren't playing how they want them to play
>Actively remove more than they add to the game
They fucked up speed, the void, and mag so bad and I can't go back
>Banshee will never be nerfed
Feels good man.
Tipedo was the last and best copter weapon.
should be updated since some faggot is trying to whore over the entire general.
I really like the idea of a ship assistant idea but not a ---PIECE OF SHI--- stupid commentator.His puns are not even funny,he sounds dumb BUT I would really love it if they ''fixed'' ordis.
I've played for about 6 or 7 hours and the fact that I'm just fighting corvus and grineer over and over is starting to get really fucking boring.
Polarize shitter detected. Mag can kill lv100 Bombards like slicing through a cake.
I like shooting things in the face
>Another crossbow guy
I love you user.
I have a few of them, but I didn't mess around with them too much. If they make melee viable again then that's all fine and well, but I still find it easier to just use a good ranged weapon.
Gunplay feels like shit.
More like magnetize shitter
>RIP magnetize ignis combo, mag was viable for 3 weeks