This game got way too much shit, to be honest. It's my third favorite Metal Gear game...

This game got way too much shit, to be honest. It's my third favorite Metal Gear game. Anyone else appreciate it more than the Sup Forums hivemind?

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It's the ultimate what could have been, but damn it plays so good for what's there.

Yes it was very fun and polished and I don't care that the story was dumb


I was hyped when it seemed to become "PW 2.0 HD", and GZ seemed to be the appetizer for exactly that and something truly epic. However, the final product was very disappointing, underwhelming, and plain out unfinished in the end.

>third favorite metal gear game

Is that even a good rating?

I honestly don't know how to feel about this game.

The gameplay is fucking amazing for a stealth game and looks fantastic but man rewatching the trailers makes me very depressed with what we could have gotten.

> It's my third favorite Metal Gear game.
Are 4 and PW the only other two you played?

At least PW had interesting bosses.

TPP is just a prettier PW with all the personality and charm removed in favor of generic, Ubisoft-tier open world design.

I will never not be mad. They should have scrapped MGO3 in favor of a gtav online ripoff mode where you can ride horses and blast at each other while the soviet army tried to kill you
>but this would require the open world not being dead and better AI
this game was doomed from the start desu

I think it's a mess in various ways, but I'm not terribly butthurt over it. People would have an easier time grappling with it if they tried to understand the game for what it is instead of what it isn't. That might not make them like it anymore than they do already, but it would probably help them stop being so insufferably entitled or offended over it.

MGO3 wasn't inherently bad

it was ruined mainly by its lack of dedicated servers and game-modes

on a good day, it can feel a lot more satisfying to play than MGO2 because of how smooth everything is otherwise

Only retards that like "DUDE MUH 3 HOUR LONG ANIME """""""""ACTION""""""""" SCENES" hate it.

The game is actually pretty good.

Love this game, favourite of 2015 after Bloodborne. Surprising replay value too, playing through it again this summer and I love that the atmosphere is often so calm and completely open to the player's control. It feels like a sort of after-party for the series. I hate that we can't have multiple saves without backing up, and the lack of support MGO3 got is criminal.

After seeing infinite heaven it makes so sad wondering how great this game could've been if it wasn't gimiped by Xbox 360 and PS3
The open world in vanilla is probably the worst I've ever seen

Glad to see the circlejerk over this game being "bad" has subsided a bit.

Shit taste

Peace Walker is my favourite metal gear game

this one is alright

what other 2 do you like better? which games have you played in the series?

Not him but MGS 3 > MGS 1 > MGS V

It's a postmodern masterpiece.

>waaah all the good plot stuff is in audio form
The game's plot is directly centered on the power of spoken language

>waaah the third chapter is missing
V's life as Big Boss is incomplete and abbreviated

>waaah Skull Face is a shitty villain
Expectations vs. Reality is the true villain of Life

Sorry you shitters depend on IGN and youtubers to tell you how to feel about something.

Played to 100% completion over 250 hours. Best playing Metal Gear there will ever be. I understand the gripes people have with the story/ending overall but I don't think that makes it a bad game. I can't think of an action game that has such a deep economic system driving it through and through.

People wanted this to be something it was never going to be; something the circumstances would never allow. Oh well.

Isn't the whole reason the bait-and-switch happened was to create a feeling of something missing, aka a "phantom pain?"

Is pic related worth $25, or am I better off emulating?

PW had bullet sponge bosses that take forever by yourself.

TPP has End 2.0 and Multiple Ends that can be skipped. Also armored skulls suck. Whipping on Eli is fun though.

It was a fun game.

PW & 3 plays better than emulator

why not just get the legacy collection

You're God damn right I'm replaying with just DD and it's fun to just sneak in and acquire gear instead of dropping in with it.

Top tier gameplay, shit tier story

it's a buzzword used when you can't explain why a game is good

I barely put any time in mgo, is it worth playing?

I got this on day one and I still haven't brought myself to finish it. I got to Africa and it's like... cool... more of the same shit except all of the Russians are black.

>play ground zeroes for 100 hours
>"boy i hope TPP is just this again"
>it's just GZ again in an open world

that's all i wanted, and it's exactly what i got.

I want to give Venom a hug


It's a buzzword for people who are angry over nothing and shit on others for no reason.



It is a Phantom Pain.

I'm pulling you out.

Keifer hit me in the feels man.

what the fug

See how many Overwatch threads or flavor of the month games there are in comparison.

Do you guys think definitive edition will add anything new?

You can play as Plasma Snake

Metal Gear Rising was a better sequel/followup to the series following PW + MGS4 than MGSV was

Debate me

Felt a helluva lot more like an actual metal gear game. Even if the gameplay was modelled around a hack n slash shell.

Rising had an actual codec. Something MGSV lacked

I beLIEve you, Jack.

I'm just saying it's funny how they're perfectly aligned

>tfw venom realizes it's all a hallucination
There should have been more hallucinations/ptsd stuff.


Anyone here still play MGO? How is it now?

There's nothing to appreciate about a beloved series noted for the blood, sweat, and tears put into each title falling for lazy trends and succumbing to mediocrity. Especially with this being the last game.

last time I played a couple months ago I threw some guy on the ground and headshotted him with a tranq, got the points and everything

yet he still somehow fultoned me in the process

im still mad

3 > V > 2 > Rising > PW >4 > PO > 1


What about the ones before Solid?

It is almost too good. I feel like electrically charged gold every time I play it/think about playing it. Its just perfect to me.

I want to rip out my eyes, they don't deserve to see such a disgusting post ever again.

it's very easy to construe something that looks to be something else with a trailer
case in point:

4 > V > 1 > 3 > 2 > PW > dogshit > Quentin Tarantino presents Hideki Kamiya's "Metal Gear Rising" presented in ultraVIOLENT Panavision

That fan trailer hurt me.

As a stealth-action game, it up there as one of the best games to ever execute correctly. Everything else tacked onto it just falls flat. Still a solid game though.

It's fantastic. One of the best games ever

MGSV sucks dick.If you like it thats cool but its really not a fun game.

It does things that sets it well above an ubi game.

Like not controlling worse than liquid shit for one.

someone tweet this and the other one to kojima

Never played em. Still need to play Acid 1/2 and Ghost Babel, too.
3 is indisputably the best. Fuck off.
V may have fucked the Metal Gear canon, but if you didn't have fun with it for a large majority of your playthrough you're fucking insane.
2 had very interesting ideas, both in gameplay and theming, even though playing it feels relatively dated.
Rising added more to the fucking story than V ever did, and the codec calls, despite being mostly shoved to the wayside in terms of focus, were very well thought-out and fleshed out the world very nicely. That's obviously not even mentioning the 10/10 cuhrayzee gameplay.
PW was a fun game, and I loved the antics of MSF, but the gameplay lacked the polish of 4, or even 3. It's understandable given the handheld origins, however.
4 was fun and had some cool sendoffs, but holy fuck there was so much dumb shit (and not in the usual good MGS way). Big Boss coming back to life, Ocelot hypnotizing himself, the way nanomachines are used as a plot device... I could go on.
Portable Ops suffered from the same problems that PW did, but doesn't have that entertaining of a story to go along with it (besides the start of the Patriots, even though I'm still unsure how I feel about that plot twist.)
I wasn't sure about where to put 1. It had some of the most iconic MGS moments by far, but at the same time, all of the other games improved on every facet. In retrospect, 1 should have been placed MUCH higher than PO, but too late, I suppose.


Can't say I can take anyone that found a shitty open world meme game better than any MGS besides PW and genuinely holds the belief than MGS1 is one of the worst MGS games seriously. You're too far gone to debate and your posting privileges should be revoked, along with your human rights.

>rank system is shit
>majority of the players are japanese
>the connection is bonkers
>lack of FUN game modes
>Infiltration CQC+2 is OP
>can't join a game unless your a lower rank or you get kicked

MGO3 is trash.

5 didn't fuck the canon, all of them did.


>shitty multiplayer mode
>no co-op to be tacticool with your friends


>other one
What other one? I want to see it after watching that.

It's basically the game I expected HL3 to be based off of those reddit open world rumors a while back

>peace walker 2.0
>no coop
>can't infiltrate Afghan central base camp while friend covers with a sniper
But we did get the ebin FOB stuff dude revenge and retaliation and stuff. Make sure to buy those motherbase coins goy

>Didn't even look at the channel for it
Fuck, I'm retarded. Thanks, user.

Fuck this guy makes good trailers

define "fuck"

MGSV with Dark Souls invasion mechanics would be cool

>free roaming
>"Boss we got company"
>HorseFaceQuiet is invading

could already imagine the shenanigans that could occurred

>"Boss, looks like a PMC is coming for that price on your head"

That's literally what FOBs do

>"Amazing work Boss! That'll send them a message!"
>can't be invaded for half an hour

It's my fifth favorite metal gear solid game.

No, those are my #1 and #2 respectively

God damnit PW is so good

all of the MG games are so good (with the probable exception of snake's revenge)

It makes me sad so many people need to get upset over such small issues

3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 2

Hardly any vocal group on Sup Forums holds an opinion that isn't exaggerated or otherwise dogshit.

MGS went from anime nonsense ("lol the story is just dumb fun guys!") to suddenly being the backbone of the entire experience.

>invade your friends for fun
>"Boss, looks like a buddy is coming after you... with a water gun? What the hell is he going to do with that?"
>camera pans to Venom
>pulls out a water gun and smiles into the camera
>first one to get wet loses
>end of game cutscene is the lose rolling around while the winner is just soaking him with the water gun and laughing
>Miller calls
>"Boss... what the hell..."

Because that's $70 and it no longer comes with the first mgs.

If you have a 360 get it for that instead. Unless you don't mind dropping to sub 40 FPS all the time.

The one w/out the artbook is like $25 on Amazon

MGO is dead on PS4, makes me sad

You must be very fun at parties.

Are we sure this guy is even ocelot? And when did he switch to snake's side? All the stuff we wanted to know this game just glossed over.

How can you be this misinformed

V didn't fuck with the canon at all. It was a largely irrelevant piece of lore.

What fucked with the canon was the piece of shit that was 4. Terrible conclusion

I know this is bait but some people actually believe that.

That's the version with the digital codes of 1 and 4. Which are no longer valid.

>"Boss, we've found a high value target of a rival PF in the area of operation. It looks like this person also has a bounty on their heads. If you want, the intel team can send you data regarding the target."
>"Alright, this is the approximate location of the HVT. Either extract or eliminate the target to claim the bounty. Take 'em down, Boss."
>"Target eliminated. Good work, Boss; we'll inform the client that the job is done."
>"Target captured. Good work, Boss; we'll inform the client that they're going to be receiving a delivery soon."

I have never played Dark Souls so I don't know how invading other players works in those games

>when did he switch to snake's side?

uh MGS1?

though the earliest moment canonically would have to be before MGS3?

4 was an awesome conclusion.

It just needed better editing...but shit that last shot at the cemetery is legendary, and that credits fake out, fuuuuuck