>Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
Final Fantasy was never good. Fuck off.
>Dragon Quest will be turned-based again
What is World of Final Fantasy?
Go away shitposter-kun
I'm sure there will be turn based spin off
>Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
Did I hurt your feelings by telling you the truth? Sorry bud.
The only good FF games were the tactics games
>people thinking that ATB is good
>someone with correct taste
>in Sup Forums
You're precious, user. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
>XV will fail
>Teleportation will never be a mainstream power in vidya
Nigga those old games are not going to go away,
Just play a different turn based JRPG series
short range teleportation is literally just a dash but the animator was sick that day
>they will never have a 'back to the roots' game like FF9 ever again
I don't care user it is cool as fuck
I was discussing with some guy once, complaining that the new FFVII will be just Kingdom Hearts featuring David Bowie from FF, and he said he prefers this way because he hates the original mechanic
how come secondaries exist in other type of games, too?
Dishonored, my nigger
Kinda looks fun
Teleportation is hard to control.
>Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
Good. Get with the times, gramps. No one wants to sit there and watch people taking turns smack one another.
having live fights is the next step from ATB. As long as the matera system stays I dont see the big deal
>you will never experience a long entertaining tactical boss battle and hear this epic victory theme ever again
>a watered down Tactics Ogre reskin
wew lad
heh, nostalgia's a hell of a drug
Good. Turn-based is a boring lazy genre that needs to die quicker.
FF had that awful ATB shit where if you did't just sit in the items menu figuring out whether to use a spell or not the enemy would get in three attacks before you do.
Normies killed FF.
if the moron had at least played the original. but he kept saying "it's a bad game, I just like the characters".
It's ok to change, but sometimes it looks it was to accommodate this type of people who never moved her asses to play, but thought "Advent Children was cool"
Okay Sup Forums, you get an unlimited budget to make the rpg of your dreams. There's only one requirement, it must be ATB based. Go.
>it must be ATB based
Play DMC4SE if you haven't already.
>it must be ATB based
I remake FFVII 1:1.
>want to get this, Setsuna, and DQ Builders on Vita
>Setsuna is PS4 only, Builders will probably run much shittier, and the storybook edition is PS4 only AND SE Store exclusive
Action RPG tier list
Fun tier: You have a single character.
Absolute fucking garbage tier: You have AI-controlled party members
I don't think I've ever played a single one that made me think "yes, the rest of the party is pulling their weight"
I've played FF 1-5 and I still prefer the ATB system just because I'm tired of the turn based system.
I like sRPG and tRPG mechanics and all, and appreciate them in games like Tactics, but when it comes to something like say FF1 I don't care much for the character building aspect. Unless I'm dealing with a pretty explicit party comp battles are pretty much a DPS game with healing and tonic debuffs here and there.
something like the paradigm system in FFXIII is kinda cool because it's like real time class shifting, especially since every party member has a unique take on each paradigm. a shame the way it was executed was kinda shabby.
This was the height of FF
FF hasn't been turn-based since the implementation of ATB
Even if you don't count ATB as turn based for some reason, there was still FFX.
I've only played FF6, but wouldn't mind playing a different one
What other final fantasy would I like
Final Fantasy III was the best JRPG on the Super Nintendo.
>FF game
>best JRPG of any console
fair enough
i still think FFX had the best battle system of any FF
>Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
>meanwhile, superior WRPGs are returining to the classic isometric turn based formula
Feels good not to be a shit-eating weebcuck. Divinity: OS, Age Of Decadence, Underrail, Wasteland 2, Sword Coast legends are ushering the age of WRPG and true h&s renaissance while weebshit J""""""RPG""""""s are dying.
That's a bit hard to judge with no information other than that you presumably liked FF6 to some extent.
You might try FF7 or FF10, though. They're two of the more well-rounded games in the series.
you'd be doing yourself a great injustice if you didn't at least try FF Tactics
I agree. It's a shame that they immediately abandoned that combat system. Even FFX-2 went in a completely different direction.
If you haven't already, you might consider trying Mana Khemia at some point. It shamelessly borrows some of FFX's mechanics and makes some pretty good additions and refinements.
Someone with excellent taste.
not him but I liked the battlesystem of MK but hated everything else. BoF4 also does the FFX thing of constant swapping and DQ5 lets you do it for the majority of the game
FF4 and FF6 were my first and favorite FF games. FF5 is probably up your ally too.
I really liked FFX's battle system.
>Fallout will never be an RPG again
Dragon's Dogma, but only because you could train them.
why is laguna representing 8 and not squall. actually wtf these are all b characters from their respective games
7 is best, the drums and synth just work really well
The modern gamer doesn't want turn based
literally Bravely Default
Bravely Default is Literally FF3
Maybe one day.
SMT sucks. It's the pure definition of "grimdark edge"
Setsuna is on PC user
ff3 sucks, it's an upgraded ff5
>I didnt play the games
FFVII one completely lacks the rhythm of the classic tone.
FFIV one is the prime version.
> One conversation out of hundreds, possibly thousands proves it isn't edgy
SMT feels like it's made by a teenager who hates the world.
Like tears in the rain...
Everyone but Melia and Shulk's AI in Xenoblade was solid. The only problem the rest of them have is that Reyn's AI only knows how to tank, and doesn't know how to abuse Magnum Charge for massive burst damage.
>not knowing world of final fantasy is a thing
Turn based is dead, sorry that you have to adapt and not be like your 70 grandpa who won't learn technology you entitled little fucking bitch
"hur dur it sure was better back in my day when I had to choose my attacks twice a minute for 90 hours, we really had to work for it then jimmy not like your adhd button mashing" - you
The chibi visuals are kind of off putting, but i hope it becomes a huge success, so Square Enix starts considering the old style again.
I second this movement. Final fantasty is for roodypoo weaboos fuckin fagzillas pizza face nerdgays
FPS will never have the gun at the center like Doom did. We will learn to deal with it.
But gameplay changes are on a different scale of change compared to where the gun is located in an FPS. That doesn't seem like a good comparison to make.
Good. Real time > Turn based everytime.
Is this a screenshot of an actual mod, or is it just aiming down the sight?
Good. You're telling me you liked taking turns to fucking play? Jesus
No it was an official update that allowed you to change where the gun was placed
Good to hear
Came in here to say this but it's been said.
If you like VI for:
Story - then play IV
Combat - then play V
Atmosphere - then play VII
Characters - then play IX
want to try something different - play X
>its now trendy to like final fantasy 13
You mean downgraded?
This. The combat was pretty shit in most titles.
Was only kinda interested in X, but never got to play it.
>he wants to go back to Attack>Cure>Repeat
I'm still turn-based Sup Forums.
Builders runs fine on Vita. I imported it.
Turn based is fucking garbage.
I can't even finish IV because it's so slow even though I have the speed up to max and atb on active.
>text covers the characters
Only the character you're controlling, with a cool visual effect.
It seems kinda stupid that the stylized characters and environments are shitted on by all the gimmicky text all over the screen. This is the definition of "trying too hard". Also they even get the all out attacks wrong, the actual attack is so flaccid and weak looking, unlike in P3 & P4 where there's impact.
I'm strongly of the opinion that the only good type of turn based is 3d isometric turn based. Shame there isn't any strong aaa titles that use this, but there is a good backlog of obscure but dedicate indie devs who make really fucking solid titles (avadon series, underrail, etc). Would be nice to see what something in that style with a big budget could be like though.
good, it was BORING
So how were the latest ff15 demos?