Enderal Bread

Enderal Bread

So my map is fucked. Trying to open it brings up a featureless light blue screen that I can't exit without reloading. Managed to find my way so far using quest markers but now I'm supposed to go to some ruin somewhere with no marker and I have no idea how to proceed. What do?

How do I unlock more stuff to craft at the smithy?

Blueprints (find or buy them)

Reinstall, if you have the install files still downloaded it won't take long. Your savegame will still be there so you'll lose no progress.

Going off my experience with Nehrim I'm wondering if I should invest in crafting or enchanting for my character (heavy armor mage). In that game, they made it so that you couldn't enchant the items you crafted, I think they're doing the same here by making the blueprint items come with an enchant on them. For anyone who's been crafting, are there any blueprint armor/weapons that don't have an enchant on them already?

And of course I'll probably end up a pre-done armor set that's better than anything I could make anyways.

What's the differences between the 4 races you can pick at the start?

>want to play an archer
>world is a bunch of tiny islands full of cramped rocks with no room to maneuver
this is going to be a pain

I picked fantasy mongols and sometimes people call me "moonskin"

English dub yet?

Been playing for a couple hours, very impressed so far. The voice acting is excellent for a mod and the world map is fucking sublime. Can't really do too much with Skyrim's shitty combat but they balanced it out pretty well, feels challenging without being totally unforgiving.

I'm looking forward to getting on top of that huge fucking mountain and finding out what's up there.

Yeah, you can get it on Moddb. Enderal's website hosts the launcher, which will find your main install files in your download folder when you activate it. It's really hassle free.

>The voice acting is excellent for a mod
I feel the same, people were shitting on the VAs in the past threads but tbqh I'm pretty sure this is the most impressive voice acting I've ever seen in a mod. It still has its stinkers here and there though like that female elf merchant

>can't sell stolen items to normal merchants

oh i see, we're back to this again now, are we

>spent all morning exploring Ark and the Undercity
this city literally shit all over Skyrim's cities and capitals

Anyone know where Three River Watch is? I wandered around to look for it and ended up with 3 different quests.

West of the Old Dam Lookout. Its icon looks like a lighthouse

Is there a manual/guide that lists all class abilities/spells and so on?

Wiki is only in german and i want to decide what to play as before the DL finishes.

> blatantly worship one single aspect of the mod
> mandatory shitting on skyrim
> never actually discuss the game in a meaningful way

Is this a mold that you shills made to use over and over again?

Do I have to play Nehrim to understand the story?

>Shill shill shill shill everything is a shill

I bet you also spammed cuck and marketer

>I bet you also spammed cuck and marketer


Sweet, thanks.

I ended up with a wishing well quest, so I know I got lost.

Having not played Nehrim, there's reference to events that happen in it, but it's not too linked to this.

Does this require DLC?

I bought Skyrim, but I am not giving bethesda any more money.

What am I, in a college debate class? Fuck off faggot

>shilling a free mod
maybe there are some things about it that are actually good, user.

You just need to stop posting.

>can pick expert locks but not adept locks
u wot m8

Shit, is this ready already?

Fuck, Nehrim has been in my backlog for ages now, are the two linked in anyway.

Also I don't have any DLC either.

No, just requires a base copy of the game, friend.


Nehrim was awesome, this sounds like it will literally turn shit to gold.

Why is Sup Forums so defensive of Skyrim all of a sudden? I thought you hated it.

So I'm guessing if I want to sell stolen stuff, I have to go find someone in the Undercity, right?

Das raycist.

So far it fixes almost every problem I had with Skyrim.
>removes level scaling enemies
>removes the shitty level up system in favor of a traditional xp based skill system
>no fast travel (that I've found yet)
>more dialogue choices
>larger more packed cities

And as an added bonus the game is beautiful, has 10/10 music and great voice acting.

Praising a mod made with Skyrim's engine isn't the same as saying Skyrim was suddenly awesome.

Does sleeping affect anything?

Nehrim was in my backlog forever. Should I play Enderal or wait for them to update and polish it and play Nehrim for now?

I never played Nehrim but Enderal seems to be an indirect sequel, as it mentions Nehrim a lot and the events. However it's clear you don't have to play one to play the other, but it made me want to play Nehrim.

So far people shitting on the mod were comparing it to Skyrim and attacked anyone who dared to say it's better, at least in the previous thread.

That's just ultimate contrarian stuff, the shit that happens every time. When Fallout 4 came out people were saying nice things about Fallout 3.

Enderal shits all over Skyrim and it's the Skyrim that Skyrim should have been.

Not that I've found. Nothing beyond passing the time anyway, and restoring health and what not. There might be stuff later on.

>>no fast travel (that I've found yet)

There's limited fast travel, but only between major locations (and only once you get to a certain point in the story)

>no fast travel (that I've found yet)
There kinda is fast travel, but it's kind of like the silt striders in morrowind.

Oh, fuck yeah. That's how you do it, frankly. I just got to Riverville last night but I did some wilderness exploration on the Sun Coast, and I noticed you can't fast travel. I'm guessing it has to do with those stone icons on the map?

Anyone keep getting that bug where you can't get out of dialogue with NPCs?

>quest requires me to wait until midnight
>they disabled the wait option
>time passes pretty slowly
>no beds around



I tried going to the Old Three River Watch with this thing at midnight and waited for an hour, it didnt do shit

Was i misguided ? Anyone tried to use this thing ?

I didn't play it yet but judging by Nehrim, these games' formula is different from TES. It's not so much of a sandbox free roaming experience, instead it had the story be more linear and take you places and the game ends when the story ends. There's far less content, too. It's essentially is Gothic on TES engine.

There's a skill pretty early in the rogue tree that allows you to do that, and otherwise there are fences.

Get a grip.

You have been royally rused my friend.

>11 hours in
>no crashes
>game suddenly crashes
>now every time I try and play, it freezes before my game even loads

This game is terrible. Another proof that Germans don't understand what fun means. Work is not fun. This game is garbage.

You don't go to Three River Watch, you go to some location near it (can't remember what it's called, but its icon looks like a guardian stone from vanilla Skyrim).

It doesn't do jack shit apart from give you 2 skill points

Jesus Christ you're dense user. She tells you to find a circle of standing stones NEAR Three River Watch. The circle even has its own marked location. There you can interact with a strange cairn at midnight.

>Find this cunt near 3 river watch
>Has some shit-tier terrible VA

People are pretty racist towards me because I picked psuedo-viking. I don't know if it's like that for every race or not.

Get used to her user, you'll be hearing her a lot in Ark.

Well i skipped through the dialogue fast, didnt see the part about the standing stones
Thx guys

Please, no.

>pretty early
nigga, it's over halfway through the skill tree

>First quest is about the major getting cucked
gg no re Germany.

Are there guilds in this game? Do they have good quests?

What happens if you tell him he was cucked ? The dude has red eyes, does he go berserk and burns everything to the ground ?

He basically shrugs his shoulders and goes "meh" (he loves her and forgives her)

He takes it pretty okay, says he's just happy she's back. He has some kind of god complex towards women.

The fact that this was released with such a huge amount of bugs remaining makes me think the devs just want to be done with this shit

You do realise this isn't a thread about vanilla skyrim, right?

Seems mostly bug-free to me, although they really seem to have half-assed translatign it


Indeed, the translation isn't finished, every time a main story dialogue sequence ends the first part of it will briefly play again, still a lot of random crashes, and uninstalling or archiving it will still mess up mods and load orders for regular skyrim

Still 3 hours left for the download to finish. Is it easy to install? Got a fresh install of Skyrim ready for it.

>He didn't use the torrent they themselves put up there
Yes, it is easy to install, you don't even need to move the download, just move the Installer into your Skyrim root and run it, then select the on-screen selections, then it's done. Then run the 2 updates and you can play.

>he fell for the torrent meme

The direct download from modbb's mirror server was faster for me, took 1h30min where torrent showed 4 hours

I have a 1mb/s download speed and I'm poor, the fuck do you want me to do.

One of you is autistic

>Had a consistent 600-700 kb/s via the Torrent
>Took an hour and 20 minutes

Are they going to port it to the Remastered Edition too?


>Only one of us
Son, do you know where you are?

>tfw resting in an inn after a long, hard day of stealing shit from everybody in Ark


It doesn't use any dlc, just base skyrim. nehrim is in the same universe

This. I mean, the mod's okay so far but it seems like no one on Sup Forums is able to actually discuss it

No there aren't. The sidequests are ok, and there are quite a few (like 30-40) I think. The devs want to add a guild in a future patch though.

But is it fun





I don't know

>playing video games for fun

I think I've read on forum if you don't sleep/eat for a time you'll gradually get a debuff that gets worse and worse, might be they removed that or that I've read it for some other game though

Can you repeat the question?

look at this loser deleting his comment, what a stupid nerd

C-can I trust the bank system in Ark?

But it's true. Enderal shits over Skyrim in every single way.

The game keeps CTD for me, vanilla Skyrim rarely crashed for me. Anyone having the same problem and a solution?

>mfw a small group of modders made an RPG better than Bethesda in their own engine

Just goes to show that they either have no talent at all or dont really care about their games. Either way, fuck bethesda.

>crashes every 5 to 20 minutes
>map is filled with potholes you get stuck in and can't jump out of
>half the monsters glitch the fuck out and vibrate like they're triggered or fall out of the map
>a bunch of side quests have no real ending because the person working on them just quit before finishing it
>40% of the game's text, including critical gameplay info, is still in german
i'm done trying to play this mod. it's just glitches and headaches


Edit: nvm fixed it :)