ITT: "black sheeps" that are actually the best games of their own series.
Starting with an easy one.
ITT: "black sheeps" that are actually the best games of their own series
>black sheep
>actually the best game of the series
Been playing this on Dolphin lately. The DS games and horrible wii port of the latter did the Crystal Chronicles series no justice. i didnt have friends to play them with
>waaah waaah no one liked FF12
when will this meme die?
>offline MMO
fun part is this is the least disappointing "not classic" FF
>XII is black sheep
the only issue I had with XII is zero replayability
The real black sheep would be either Dirge of Cerberus or Crisis Core
This series has more fucking black sheep than white ones at this point.
Final Fantasy X
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice
Dragon Quest IX
I would say the same for FF honestly
the black sheep of the devil may cry family is dmc2.
DmC isn't even part of the same family. anyone who liked that abomination didn't like any of the older games and vis versa.
I was leaving spin offs out.
Otherwise there'd be dozens of shitty games.
>best at anything
you MMO / Ivalice faggots are the worst and most delusional.
Yeah, FF7 is the best thing ever right?
>black sheep
Everyone still sucks the dick of that shitty game
thread makes no sense. you can't be the best at anything while being black.
>anyone who liked that abomination didn't like any of the older games and vis versa.
I liked this one and the original
2-4 were ass. 4 especially
dick size
Vanilla wasn't that good. But SOTFS Is spectacular.
What about basketball?
Usain Bolt is the best running man
Lebron James is the best basketballer
>2-4 were ass
>3 and 4 were ass
Wow is it even possible to have such shit taste? You should consider another hobby
I couldn't get through this because I didn't care about any of the characters at all.
Is this just an alternative title for nocturne?
Nothing after X is even in the running m8.
PAL is Lucifer's Call
Ah okay. Cover is way worse.
Also how the fuck is it a black sheep? It's like the most well regarded game in the main series
Is this real? Is an anti Xfag admitting X is popular? Every time someone says they like X autist flip out about how they're baiting and that nobody actually likes it
Even here on Sup Forums people always praise it.
Fucking PS2 babbies.
I know, I'm just shocked to see the other side admit it's beloved. Maybe there is hope for the irredeemable SNESbabbies
When the game first came out, everyone hated it because it was completely different from any SMT that came beforehand.
>literally I'm a professional contrarian: the thread
>liking a game that is normally disliked makes you a contrarian
God damn dude.
Why? People praise it. Obviously that means people enjoy it.
No one ever said it wasn't praised. The point is it's overrated.
>DmC fags will actually defend this.
Rings of Fates is amazing, and if you disagree than I don't like you
What? When it first released, no one in the west really cared all that much because it was niche.
Hell, Persona 3 had more division about it considering it came out after SMT3.
Like I said, I've had many conversations where people denied that it was even enjoyed by anyone. Some people genuinely believe the status quo is that it's unpopular
If you want to get into X being more overrated than VI or VII or most other FF's that's a whole nother rabbit hole we can dive down
most people actually like this game especially die hard DKC fans. the thing is most people just feel it doesn't compare to 1 and 2 (and in most ways they are right).
>best of its series
Come on now
exquisite le nigger jokes my white friend!
Can't believe no one has posted this.
But it was literally the first smt in the west.
>one of the most praised games of a series
>black sheep
It was overlooked by many and lived in the shadow of OoT.
Sup Forums was seriously the only place I ever saw this game being universally praised until about maybe 3-4 years ago.
I think he means it gets MUCH less attention than inferror oot
Bar none the worst level progression in the entire series. Yes even worse than junctioning.
Only fun with friends.
If this isn't bait, you should consider killing yourself.
I wasn't aware people hated these.
As much as I love that game it's nowhere near the best of the series. Hell it's not even the best Metroid game on that system.
How is this the best?
Too many shitty minigames plus underwater bullshit.
Would be better if it was finished and didn't have tedious fetch quests.
Worst cutscene/gameplay balance in the whole series, and that's saying a lot.
A lot of people say the same about VII too. That or they default to the "overrated" meme without putting a single argument forth besides "it sucks just because"
Great ideas but too short.
Also pic related.
The hate for this game makes no sense.
I like it better than X.
It's hated because it's not another re-release of 2 with a fresh coat of paint. I swear to god the Mega Man fanbase is one of the worst ever along with Sonic and Final Fantasy.
You're right that a black sheep is the best in the series but you posted the wrong one.
Don't most people criticize it for doing nothing new compared to the previous games though?
Most classic games after 3 get that criticism
>Sup Forums was seriously the only place I ever saw this game being universally praised until about maybe 3-4 years ago.
then you're too young to remember when it came out. critic don't really review games a decade after release.
forgot pic
user, I played it when it came out and loved it, but found that everyone else seemed to have reservations about or issues with it, claiming it was too different from OoT and classic Zelda and that they didn't like the time limit. Even when discussing the game on forums a few years after its release it still had that stigma attached to it.
>black sheep
>not everything post-PS1 minus Twinsanity
Same goes for Spyro.
why do you like it so much? i have complete all ff games starting with 7 in 1997 and love it and 8 and 9 and 11 too but didnt see anything special in 12
why is the 2 so bad ? never played it, also 8 is the best after 7 and 9
It has a broken buggy character progression system different from others FFs, that later would give birth to the SaGa series but in this game is just shit.
I love the world/aesthetic and battle system.