One question. Why?
One question. Why?
God wills it.
Social justice
I got stuck with a bald nigger woman. Got my refund immediately OP why haven't you yet?
Why you are playing one of the million "crafting survival pvp forever in early access" shit games?
Probably becasue you are underage.
I bought the game when it still had zombies and the dev wasn't a complete SJW
>Want to play as a woman
>Get assigned a man
>Refund game immediately
Because when I played it about a year ago, it was really fun to play with a certain group of people I met in game. We had built a "town", we'd have trades with other clans, have raids, ask things for "protection" from other players. If I hadn't deleted my screenshots, I would've post some of the buildings that we had. There was "The Tower", which was like a hotel for other players if you didn't have a house. The main guy would allow you in, if you had something to give in return.
Same, you should be able to get a refund if they change the basegame so much that it's not even remotely close to the original concept anymore.
sounds like shit
Garry has a sense of humour still.
>Want to play as a black woman
>character is a black woman
You just didn't pray hard enough to Lord Garry
>SJWs bitching about social justice
>dev makes a game where you can't choose you gender
>this is basically the whole reason trans people are angry and vocal IRL
>SJWs love it
I don't get it. Why do SJWs hate fun in videogames to the point that they sing the praises of the most transphobic bullshit ever pulled by a dev? Because a small percentage of straight white males will be forced to play as a black woman? Wouldn't it make more sense to be like "gender should be fluuuuuuid, this game is opressing me, you must allow people to choose their own genders and how people see them just like in real life!"
Videogames are about fun and escapism. I don't get why you'd ever want a fucking real life simulator.
>tfw was pretty happy about rolling a white female
Too bad the game is worthless.
Because Garry thought it would be funny
and I agree
Can you grow hair in this? Why is every character I see bald?
i'll try that but i have 286 hours played so i doubt i'll get it even though all those hours are from when the game first came out
What game is this?
They're working on it right now, if I recall correctly
One step at a time
What you call God is merely an illusion that causes more harm than good
>work on hair growing
>while the core concept of your game is fucking retarded
Did open world multiplayer survival sandbox rape your mum or something?
Did it rape you and now your stockholm syndrome is going all defensive on me?
stop fighting guys
It makes me horny
it raped the industry
Made me delete the game
Shame its pretty hot
Are there different faces and body types or is it just sex and race?
I bought this game ages ago and haven't rolled yet I'm gonna log on RIGHT NOW
update coming in wish me luck
Different skin tones, sex and dick/tit size.
>asking logical shit of a group of mentally ill people
>Rolled a woman
It's gonna be a bald black woman
watch it
It was a white woman with average titties
Still a woman so dropped, I would've accepted a man of any race
Would you happen to know if there have been characters that are ridiculously curvy or with a giant penis or something?
Or is it all averaged out?
I assume there is some sort of reasonable upper limit
Google is your friend
Is there no way to change it at all, not even tinkering with some files?
Because I want to dress my female characters in sexy and slutty clothing, which gives me an erection.
The erection is literal.
joseph joestar is a handsome genious
This genuinely upsets me, I couldn't give less of a shit if a game just makes me plays as a female, but if the game also has playable males and the game is forcing me to play as a female, it infuriates me to no end
Rust is fun, but I've never played on a full server. Just a small 4 person server where we don't kill each other. Exploring, building, and surviving nature and helicopter attacks is pretty exciting, but I'm worried because of how long this game has been in early access.
>Shit animal AI running in circles, warping up and down mountains, frozen boars
>God awful loading times (4+ min) even with an SSD
>Poor optimization
>Crashes on clothing changes under certain conditions
I understand it's meant to be played with a lot of players fighting each other, but it's boring as fuck to join a server with 100 forts established. The number of negative reviews of people complaining the game isn't fun as a solo or small group due to clans makes me not want to even bother with it.
Fix the AI. Have animals roam in packs, stop to eat grass, drink from a river. Add more hazards like the heli. Add shit to kill in radtowns, I don't care if it's irradiated animals or NPC humans, I just want more challenge.
Not being able to choose my sex or race didn't bother me. I lucked out and got a white woman, but if I had rolled a nigger, I'd have more fun running around robbing people.
These games will forever be worthless as long as they do nothing to alleviate the
>lol I'll kill every new player i ever see in my life because when I was new they killed me too to take my 5xrock
because it's interesting to see how people change their behavior over a mechanically meaningless cosmetic when it's both random and permanent
what's up with the neck
Even then if you bought it so long ago they won't give it to you, I already tried with it.
The social justice movement is full of splinter factions and it's a snake that will ultimately eat itself.
The best fun I had in Rust so far was raiding small houses with a friend and 10-20 pickaxes, laughing our asses off because they built a door or wall the wrong way.
This and jumping on my friend's head to gain height to raid even more.
The thing I dislike about Rust is that it's KOS almost every time you see someone. On other survival sandbox games I always get a good laugh from chatting with randoms I meet on a server. Not on Rust though, Rust is KOS on every server pretty much. I like pvp it's fun, I'd just like to chat with people I meet out in the world sometimes.
The dev recently got into a load of shit on Twitter for anti-islam stuff. He's no SJW.
You got a refund from an early access game, ...nope
dont talk shit
He got blocked for having a nude image on his cover
He also said that some muslim guy tried to hold his kid at the zoo and he thought he wanted to kill his son or something.