Let's have a Subnautica thread
Let's have a Subnautica thread
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How do I prevent the lifepod from drifting away? Shit has moved way far from the beginning point, and now it's over a huge depth place with nothing near it.
Did the fix the pop in for shit 5 feet away yet?
So you're cruising around the Aurora wreck and this guy comes up and slaps your Seamoth's ass.
What do? He's 55 meters and 80 tonnes.
>Did the fix the pop in for shit 5 feet away yet?
Nigga, are you having a brain aneurysm?
'Cause I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say.
>>>/hooked on phonics/
You have to repair it. I can see your smoking so yeah, get on that.
does the tether work? i think you can attach it to 2 different things.
that was not my pic by the way
my pod is repaired, and after I repaired it, it drifted a bit to a more dangerous area, I was fine with it
then it drifted nearly 2 fucking kilometers away, I can't find any fish near its new location because there's fucking nothing in there
why do you post this in every thread?
how do you even survive daily life being this retarded? Who doesn't know what pop-in is in 2016?
any tips for farming quartz? im always short on the stuff.
honestly i think the drones should be able to autonomously harvest some degree of basic minerals
welder, repair it.
>anywhere near the aurora
>getting out of the cyclops
>play survival mode for 10 minutes
>fabricate survival knife
>"That's the closest thing to a weapon we're going to let you have, good luck lol"
>quit immediately in disgust
Seriously, how fucking shitty are these assholes? I'm not asking for a death ray, just a fucking speargun or something would be nice.
>want to buy it
>see early access
How much is Hugh paying you?
not sure what to do after building the cyclops.
maybe build a bigger base?
you're a fucking retard
quartz is a motherfucker
here's what I do
>equip two storage packs on the scooty puff jr and bring the scooty puff mini
>drive to the deep area beyond the bloodgrass plains (the area with uranium)
>get out and scoot around until you fill up your bags or run out of air and need to head back
it only takes about 5 minutes to fill up your inventory + 32 storage on the scooty puff
How do I get this piece of shit to work with Vive? I found some different guides online but fuck me it ain't goddamn working and all I wanna do is be underwater while high as fuck
you can pirate it
Gonna do that. Game looks pretty good.
Not sure then. According to the wiki this happens. Guess you just gotta live with it.
It only moved away after I repaired
now how do I get back? Pushing it via swimming is extremely fucking slow, and the area below doesn't have any resources, it's a huge fucking abyss
more importantly why are you still based around the lifeboat?
Move out into deeper waters at least 100m down
just build a base I abandoned the lifeboat as soon as I got the builder
I don't have enough resources to build a crafting station yet, I'm close to it. Right when I was building some shit, the pod drifted 2 kms away
They should just anchor the fucking thing until you can build your own shit
what are pipes for? do they do anything currently?
also the current generator
It is supposed to be anchored once you repair it. Apparently it's just a bug, although in all my games I've never encountered it. Start a new game if you're that bothered. The thing is fuggin useless once you build a new fabricator.
you can breathe underwater with them
game looks fucking great, but I am never going to play this because of underwater shit like
2spooky 4 u?
A multi purpose room is
>6 titanium
a hatch is
>2 titanium 1 glass
a solar panel is
>2 quartz 2 titanium
a fabricator is
>3 silver 2 coral 1 quartz
to make a simple base with a fabricator you only need
>8 titanium
>1 glass
>3 quartz
>3 silver
>2 table coral
The only way you'll conquer your fear is to face it.
Do it, faggot.
It would be a lot easier if the devs didnt intentionally make you basically defenseless.
Maybe some day somebody will mod some actual weapons into this shitpile.
I just need some silver, and I'm set
>There are people here who don't have a waifu shrine in their base
honestly shaking my head
that's the whole point though
if you can fight back it's not spoopy
look in the creepvine forest and break rocks
I'm not asking for some sort of reaper-demolishing laser cannon, just maybe something to kill stalkers and such with? That shit isn't spooky, just annoying as hell.
There is a stun gun you can craft.
>just maybe something to kill stalkers and such with?
The seamoth has an electrical defense thing. It kills everything at full charge.
Good to know I am not the only one with a seamoth named Scooty Puff Jr
Even if it doesn't matter any more, I'm still gunna post this in every single thread.
I know it's been said already but you're really fucking dumb
Great, so I can shoot the same annoying piss-off creatures over and over again. I sure look forward to that.
Okay, and?
Yes, thank God.
I'm getting sick of talking about No Mans Sky which is basically this game but worse in every way.
So he's a hippie?
Idgaf about some underwater AR, I just want a fucking harpoon gun.
If you can't see how fucking pathetic this is in a game in which you are tasked with surviving on an alien world filled with things that want you dead, I really don't know what to tell you.
If they wanted to make a game without weapons, they really should have made something else.
>devs are a bunch of liberal cucks who abhor guns
literally who cares why they did it not having guns was a great design choice
i wanted to like this game so bad
its seriously one of the only games iv ever got a steam refund for
honestly if it had multiplayer it would be GOAT, games like this just arnt fun alone for me
but guns weren't a problem when they made Natural Selection?
This is a single fucking dev you morons. The other devs openly spoke against this and added Torpedos shortly after.
>wanting multiplayer
that would completely destroy the experience
it's supposed to feel isolated, being the only one around for as far as you can go is supposed to be unsettling, having your friend play bumper cars with you doesn't help the atmosphere
its like another user said, its the right decision for the wrong reasons.
so who cares desu senpai
Torpedoes that don't kill things.
fuck I hate this drifting lifepod bullshit
I just want to craft shit without having to swim 3 fucking kilometers, I don't know if I should start over because I already made progress and shit
Shitty torpedoes but torpedoes none the less. In some ways it makes sense, you're a scientist from an engineering vessel, using an STC unit.to construct gear you can't hope to make yourself
None of the designs you jave access to would logically be weapons. You might be able to jury rig something yourself with the mod station, or make a spear, but you'll never have a sweet ass ray gun
Game is not getting updates its shit and you got scammed by a gun grabber cuck
I non-violent reverse constructor would probably work
It'd have to be end game content though.
Some sort of resource.vaccume that atomizes and harvests shit. Kills fish dead but fills your inventory with organic goop, which you can use to make nutrient blocks or fuel a bioreactor
dude it's not that many materials to make a base
Kick him in his chinballs.
Build a ring of air pipes around the pod above the surface. Occasionally it will glitch and shake really fast which makes crafting hard but it will eventually fix itself
Literally developed by a faggots
the actual image is kinda hot though. It isn't vore.
Exosuit when?
Exosuit now. Its on the experimental branch.
Its buggy as fuck though.
Guess I should have been clearer, exosuit update when?
September according to the roadmap
This game is so comfy
Those aren't hostile. Just don't go into hugging distance.
This game is better without combat focus. Whatever reasons the dev had for not including weapons is irrelevant.
I can load the game but after literally 1 minute of playing, every time, the game will crash to the point I can't even get to the task manager. I have to hard reset my PC every time.
Any idea how to fix this?
next update never EVER
A knife.
You can stab stalkers to death with the knife. Same with that thing that burrows under the sand I forget the name of. Probably the same for most other small creatures, but I never really tested it.
Serves you fuckwits who don't know anything about how these guys SCREW people over
what a fag
What exactly happened with NS2? I remember picking it up for like a dollar on sale but I never really got into it. Then I kept hearing about how it was dead. Come to think of it it being on sale for a dollar probably meant it was pretty dead by that point.
>people complain about the lack of guns
>almost everything can be kited in a circle and killed with a knife
Get good gayboys
My problem with this game is that the progression just fucking stops dead in its tracks.
Things go smoothly until you get the cyclops. After that, the game is ded. Any area that is deep enough to require the fully upgraded cyclops is incomplete.
You're absolutely right, but I assume thats just the way it goes with unfinished early-access games. New (finished) areas and new fragments/blueprints seem pretty likely.
>needing actual guns in a game where you are no longer at the top of the food chain
What's the problem?
>5 days until big update
>updated aurora with mech rooms and living quarters
>mech can be researched
>updated deposits for titanium and quartz specifically for the mech
>quality of life updates
>free beer
Sounds good to me.
they dropped development and let if over to a community development team who just want to make the game more casual without caring about comp community in the game. Making new shitty maps and still not fix hitreq or server perfomance and hiding modded servers in the server browser in game.
Their road map includes plans for post release stuff in Feb next year after full release and the ps4 port
Here's said roadmap btw
>large organic mass
Yeah I saw that label and said to myself "I am never investigating that Signal"
Probably just a harmless reefback r-right?
Can't find any lime/sandstones.
Am I blind?
Hate to spoil the surprise, but its nothing but a giant pink sea-bush.
I took my cyclops there with the full expectation of having to ram cthulu right in the dick but I was let down.
This makes me feel better.
I really wish the map was bigger. You're done exploring too early on I feel.
I also want a deep place to build a base that isn't a cave. The deepest spots are the floating islands and the blood kelp zones, but both aren't really made for building.
I want to hide from the hunters down so deep that the sun's light cannot reach me. I will hide in a self-sufficient comfy little base with my own lighting, powered by a nuclear reactor.
I want to wake up in my little deep, deep sea base and hear the screams, coming for the reactor
In the starting area they are somewhat few and far between. If you're having trouble finding them outside of that then yeah, you're retarded.