First game was amazing

>first game was amazing
>second game was an abomination
>third game saved the franchise

What's a series like this?


Metal gear

>implying I don't slouch with my butt on the edge and my shoulders to the seat back

you don't know shit about videogames


Mass Effect

Not in exactly the same way, but Ys IV (Dawn of Ys) was considered the best in the series, Ys V was absolutely horrible - killing the series for 8 years - and then Ys VI was amazing again.

Deus ex

Dark Souls

Deus ex

Technically true I suppose, but I hear people really like FO2.


Devil May Cry

So demon's souls was amazing, dark souls was trash and then dark souls 2 saved the franchise?

Dark Souls.
Dark 1 masterpiece with some flaws
Dark 2 absolute mess
Dark 3 flawed but proof that From haven't lost the touch with this franchise

Super Mario Bros.


Devil May Cry

Devil may run up on a nigga

kys potatobrains

It is clearly dmc. Those who say dark souls: the franchise ended with 3.


HALO you fucking morons.

How come has nobody mentioned it here yet?


He said dark souls, not the souls series, retard. It's still not accurate cause both 2 and 3 sucked.

It was a solid 7/10.
Dark 2 sucked, a definite sub 5.


>a good score

>demon souls =/= dark souls


Super Mario Bros
Street Fighter
Mass Effect

Not ZE

Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are not official members of the Dark Souls franchise.
People do think of it as one series, but officially it isn't. So Dark Souls is a separate entity, a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls.

>saved the franchise
As good as mgs3 was, it sure as hell didn't do that.

Mass Effect

Doesn't count if you take New Vegas as 3

Sorry, I actually meant the 3d universe
>FO3 = first game
>NV = second
>FO4 = third

Resident evil 1
Resident evil 2
Resident evil 3



Having said that, I loved CS and didn't really like CoP all that much, but I'm very much in the minority here.

Serious Sam

He said Metal Gear, amigo.
MGS saved the franchise.


>third game saved the franchise

The Resident Evil franchise is one of the few franchises out there right now that is almost universally agreed to be circling the drain. There's a reason the next game looks nothing like a Resident Evil title.

used to sit like this but now I sit on my bed with a beanbag to lean against

at the foot of my bed is a 55" TV that I'm using as a PC monitor.

Devil May Cry?

I got a better question. Name game series which had three great games in a row.

>using the retarded way reviewers think score works where anything lower than 8 is a shit game


Jak and Daxter


They had four

Grand Theft Auto
Resident Evil
Silent Hill

DaS 2 was the best

2 is default, 1 is when I get tired

but they have
ds3 is just shitty bloodborne reskin
it's not a dark souls game like 1, less so than 2


Nah, Dark 3 is just a slightly blander sequel to Dark 1.
Dark 2 is a hot mess, dood. Like someone accidentally threw up on the disc writing machine in the factory.


Could work with Doom if Doom and Doom 2 is counted as the first (as they were basicly the same game)

Silent Hill

I don't get the hate for Dark 3, aside form Zelda cycles.
It was a good game, one of the best I played this year. It had some issues, but honestly the only Souls game without major problems is Bloodborne, and it had major problems that were patched out.
I think Dark 3 was a far better follow up, and a decent conclusion to the series.

Witcher for sure

Dark Souls 3 was shit because it tried to be DaS1 instead of improving even more on DaS2



Daily reminder that DaS1 is literally unfinished and turns to complete shit after O&S, which is the only fight that people talk about besides the DLC. It's shit.


Izalith is unforgivable, but New Londo and Tomb of Giants aren't that bad.
Dark 2 is like if Izalith were a whole game long.
Dark 3 is definitely the most polished of the three.

Command and Conquer.


Tomb of the Giants is a shitty meme area
>completely relies on a gimmick
>bossfight makes you take damage right at the start

DaS2 has plenty of good levels like FoFG, Lost Bastille and Dragon Shrine, and even the worst of its areas aren't as bad as shit like Izalith.

>X is a meme

this is the best example I can think of

holy shit fuck 2, it was so muddy and boring

Are you mentally unwell? I respect your opinion but I'm afraid it's wrong.