Last video game you bought or played?
Last video game you bought or played?
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That picture is disgusting.
Anyway, the last vidya I bought was Ys VIII and Gundam Breaker 3, while the last one I played was KoF XIV.
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma
Atelier Escha and Logy
I beat NG:Black a long time ago, so should be a nice nostalgia trip.
Devil Daggers. It's the shit, best $5 I've spent in a while.
Max Anarchy.
>start on Hard
>it''s hard
Fuck. This Tiger Wing & Lion Fin boss is just plain bullshit.
>tfw they don't make the bubble gum McFlurries with the marshmellows anymore
Just kill me bros.
Skyrim, spent all day modding, got bored after 30 minutes.
Rainbow six siege
Man I haven't had a McFlurry in years.
Legit don't even know
The 7th Stand User, it's pretty fucking good for a fan game.
>tfw no more butterfinger McFlurries
last played is nuclear throne
i finally beat the throne
last game i bought was dynasty warrior gundam reborn
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Haven't started it yet.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
I know this game gets a lot of shit, but I'm enjoying. More linear and cutscene heavy than the rest of the series but it's Kojima so I'm still having a good time.
Overwatch back in May
just closed WoW to go to bed
>$0.02 have been deposited in my bank account
Last bought:
BF4 for 8 bucks.
As much as I hate G2A and their seedy bullshit, you can find some insane deals sometimes.
Last played:
Dead by Daylight.
Scrub pizza boy Dwight atm.
>Mfw mom says no when you asked for one
Probably Final Fantasy X and X-2 on PS2
MGS2 earlier today
Also ice cream and M&M's is 100 tbqh fâm.
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
It's my favorite game.
Here's a list of all the games I like. If it's not here, I probably don't like that game:
Bought Wolf Pack, Heretic Hexen Pack and Sonic CD.
Killing Floor 2, really good after the new update.
hello brother
>Last bought
Burned out on it and haven't played in 2 weeks
>Last played
I will never get sick of this game. Waiting for Day of Infamy to go on sale.
Zero Time Dilemma. Still didn't get my watch
Live A Live
I bought Styx Master of Shadows and was playing Tiberian Dawn redux earlier today.
Tell me Sup Forums is Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath worth it? I know Twilight is shit, but are the other two redeemable?
Cold M&M's are fucking shit.
NMS, enjoying it a lot though I wish the performance was better
Dota 2 with friends. playing against a Radiance/OC carry makes me want to blow my brains out
Kane's Wrath heavily improves C&C3
>Last bought
>Last played
Don't get me wrong, only got on to empty my scrapbots.
Bought & played Gran Turismo 5 and Max Payne 3 for ps3
My steering in most racing games is hot ass so trying out the license tests is giving me trouble but otherwise its pretty comfy
Max Payne 3 is bretty gud but there are a couple of design choices that kind of baffle me, especially the fact that the last stand only lets you come back if you kill the exact goon that downed you
Oxenfree. holy shit, that group dialogue system. I don't think I've ever been punished so much for social faux pas before. the normie realism is uncanny.
I have a love/hate deal with McDonald's M&M blizzards.
On one hand they taste great but on the other they scratch against my molars while eating them real bad.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst, bought and played
The story was crap and predictable, and the world feels kinda tiny and empty, but damn did they nail the gameplay, music and graphics. It certainly didn't live up to the hype but I can't help going back just to collect shit and replay missions, it's really addicting if you enjoy that type of gameplay, and were a fan of the original game.
I found C&C3 playable but kind of soulless. It wasn't BAD per se, and I did in fact get through the entire thing (stories of all 3 sides etc), and there were some fun parts. So I guess for a C&C fan it's probably worth a spin if you pirate it. But the magic of dawn and sun really wasn't there, for all Sun's flaws and the clear bits of EA corruption it was very clear there was an amazing vision behind it all. C&C3 definitely felt like full corporate-C&C. I didn't have the heart to bother with Kane's Wrath after that, though apparently maybe I should since it was supposed to be a bit better.
That said it was nothing at all like the utter, mindblowing abortion that """""""C&C""""""" 4 was. It might be corp but C&C 3 still was C&C. Fuck EA though.
Bought & played: Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
And it's damn good. Thank you Vanillaware you glorious bastards. I even bought the fancy edition and I regret nothing.
Steins;Gate for Vita. It was worth the 12$.
TimeSplitters Future Perfect. I don't know why I waited so long to play it, it's pretty good.
Not as good as 2
Forced Showdown. I pirated to check it out and I enjoyed it just fine.
I'll wait for a sale and get it on the cheap.
Five Guys has the best shakes.
>He likes eating melted chocolate
>last video game you bought
Salt & Sanctuary + Super House of Dead Ninjas. ended up refunding SHoDN
>last video game you played
Dark Souls 3
Bought: Ambition of Slimes. It's fucking hard, probably stemming from its mobile origins and subsequent cash shop removal for the 3DS. Way to not rebalance the game, devs.
Played: 7th Dragon. Digital popcorn. Feeds a need but little else.
I'll pirate 3 and give it a spin then. If it's enjoyable enough, all I need is for the NOD campaign to be decent, I'll probably go ahead and get Kane's Wrath as well.
>$20 gaben bux and no idea what to spend it on
Does Five Guys have their shakes everywhere yet?
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden
Found it on clearance yesterday.
Bought Overwatch
Played Overwatch
It's kinda fun but the maps are fucking shit, why didn't anyone tell me this earlier
>Bought pic related.
>I 1000/1000 South Park: The Stick of Truth 10 minutes ago.
Excited to start Wolfenstein!
Street Fighter V, if memory serves.
World of Warcraft.
>last bought
Stardew Valley
>last played
Farming is fun, Starbound is garbage
gta: san andreas for steam
day of infamy
Just finished vanishing of Ethan Carter. Pretty nice walking simulator. Loved it.
God eater 2
Agarest Zero
I really need to finish the fucking series, took me long enough get true ending in 1.
The first tier of Karazhan in Hearthstone. The adventures in that game are the only part of it I really like desu, wish they re-released the old ones.
Advanced Tactics Gold
I have no idea what I'm doing
Last game I bought was Fallout Brotherhood of Steel
Last game I played was No Man's Sky. Ran like shit but that's not a spoiler.
I just played some Brave Frontier. If mobile titles don't count then it'd be WO3U.
MGS 2 & 3 HD for PS Vita
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.
Batman: Arkham Knight.
world of warcraft
> played
world of warcraft
i've been playing since vanilla
Brutal Legend during the summer sale.
Borderlands 2
a bundle with SpellForce games, Painkiller games, Silent storm and a bunch of other games.
Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney.
starbound I don't regret it, I had fun
satellite reigns
I... don't know.
I'm really tired and not looking forward to chemistry or economics this semester. Uni should never start this early.
I want Kojima to make an exact remake of Superman 64 just to see you suck Kojima's cock over his absolutely shitty remake that's making you still have a good time
This picture makes me wonder: is cereal an soup?
It's a stew.
Would you mind elaborating on this stew-pinion?
I pre-ordered FF15 and Mankind Divided, if that counts. If not, Valkyria Chronicles HD.
Saints Row 4. It's good to waste time on while listening to podcasts, which I'm binging right now.
999, just finished the true ending. Love that sudoku
What a fucking waste of time this game was.
Overwatch when it released
Pokemon Yellow.
I was trying to relive my nostalgia, but finding out you can't complete the pokedex without trading or romhacks ruined it for me I think. That and I just never really enjoyed pokemon that much.
This picture triggers me so much
I used to work at a DQ and every fucking day customers would call a blizzard a mcflurry or some other gay shit
Day of Infamy
I bought it because i like Day of Defeat. But its better because it has coop.
>having pride in working at a DQ
Not sure. Think it was a really cheap s/h copy of God of War 3, after that E3 presentation. Felt like I ought to catch up after playing 1 & 2 waaay back at release.
Finally getting round to Arkham Knight. I've been really enjoying it so far. I like the open world better than City's, although the Batmobile stuff is getting a little frustrating. I mainly use grapnel and gliding for traversal, so I haven't used it as much as I'm sure some others have - I don't mind the odd bit of tank-fighting and the vehicle puzzles have been OK, but the chases are awful (especially Firefly), the Batmobile doesn't handle well at all at speed.
Destiny TTK on sale. I like grinding and the gunplay is solid.
Armored Core 2. Trying to beat Werehound, and figure out which weapons work and which don't. I love playing from the position of a Raven and look forward to more intuitive controls.
>caring about amerifat corporate brands
It's literally just ice cream and candy who cares what they call it.
>implying I would
>getting upset over people calling it a mcflurry
that shows you at least cared about the job, and that's pathetic.
I used to work a Dominos and people would say all the time "Hey Pizza Hut is here!"
Motherfucker do you really not even know what you ordered
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
Quadrilateral Cowboy
It was pretty cool but it was quite short.
Demon's Souls for both.
It was fun but I feel like I missing out on multiplayer hurt my experience. No invasions across 4 playthroughs.
Nights on PS2
Wild Arms 3. Just got done with my first playthrough too. Finest Arts is too good.
Die Hard Arcade for PS2 via PSN
Burnout Paradise
I'm very exciting
Mountan Blade
OG Xbox with some games
Gonna have a blast with JSRF and Ninja Gaiden Black.
But the real fun is when I get around to modding it
Last bought a Jimi Hendrix album in Rock Band
Last played Rock Band 4
If 6 was 9 is literally impossible on drums help me
Bought Jump Ultimate Stars
Played Jump Ultimate Stars
Fucking loved that game. got it for like 10 bucks too.
Persona Q
Pokemon Y
I bought and pirated lots and now I don't know which to start finishing.
Waltz of the Wizard, a Vive game
on a scale of Suicide Squad to Battlefield: Earth, how disappointed are you?
AM2R. Just got 100% items on normal. Going to go through the last sections tomorrow.
Medieval Engineers
Medieval Engineers
Last Games i bought were the Fallout Collection, Dragons Dogma and Starbound. And also LOZ:OOT 3D on my new 3ds.
But have only been playing Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
Bought Megadimension Neptunia VII digital deluxe edition on steam
Last played League of Legends/ Fire Emblem Path of Radiance