He's the best Final Fantasy main character

He's the best Final Fantasy main character

oops wrong pic let me ftfy


Much better, thanks.

>not the worst


>The worst
>Not Vaan

Okay you got me they are both SHIT

no problem friend

Zadine is a borderline rapist who only talks about how he wants to fuck women in front of the main love interest. He pressures her into dates from him and is also looks like an 8 year old so his 'roguish' attitude makes him come off like some attention seeking pre-teen

Bartz is the best for being the most alpha mother fucker
2nd best is Tidus

I honestly an FF game was the wrong setting for Squall. He couldve been in a sick hack n slash for sure. Also gunblades were a good design.


He's not even the best Final Fantasy main character in the Playstation era trilogy.

1. No he's not

2. Cecil, FF6 main cast, Cloud, Zidane and Lightning would like to have a word with you.

3. He's the least liked of the three Stoic Soldier main characters (Cloud and Lightning are far more popular).

Because popular = good

kill yourself

All of the most popular Final Fantasy games are 'good' in the general sense or range from good to decent.

FF4, FF6, FF7, FF10, FF13 are the most popular of the franchise. All of them range from good to decent.

>best main character
>not Luneth

The game that most people returned causing retailers to drop the price in order to sell ir

People ITT are confused so I'm spoonfeeding.

No it didn't. That game was the entire reason that people wanted to see more of it and got us XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

If it wasn't for demand for more FF13, then there would be no subseries in the first place.

Lightning military background was ignored nobody thinks of her as a soldier

squall isn't that bad when you really think about it, but it doesn't save the game from being a plothole filled shitfest.

But i guess that's why conversation about FF8 is so enduring, its fun to talk about all the stupid theories and shit

Oh shit I'm sorry..

Except that not only does she explain the difference between PSICOM and Guardian Corps, but are entire flashbacks that point out her job description in both her boss trying to promote her and how she was not going to be arrested originally due to her badge.

It made a slight profit after all that shilling. There was no demand for sequels


That all happens in the first hour after that it wasn't brought up again

What are you talking about? FF13 gave them a record profits back in the day. FF14 1.0 ruined it though. So when they asked people if they wanted to see FF13-2 and the majority said yes, FF13-2 came out and profited big time. It was the second highest selling game that year next to Deus Ex: HR.

No it doesn't. It's brought up all throughout the story. It's spread across the game.

nah man Cecil all the way

How can people dislike Zidane?
Lighthearted as fuck, always after that fine pu$$y, chill as shit, nice guy. Gets depressed near the end because he finds out he isn't a real person but it's warranted.

Guy is a bro

user... Stop... You're embarrassing yourself....

How to be a shut in by user

Up beat attitudes is what squall people hate.

That doesn't show me profit

>one of the most popular FF games in japan
>no profit
just because people shitpost about 13 in the west doesn't mean people hated it everywhere, the fuckin nips love lightning, its the reason she was the cameo character in FFXIV that one time instead of someone else.

>these guys saying Tidus is fine

I really hope you're not memeing. I legit like Tidus.

This. Bartz so based he got a harem by the end.

Tidus is a really well written character, he's great besides the terrible design.

Honestly I don't even dislike his attitude and I'm a squall kind of guy. Rather it's that Zidane seems to play second fiddle to everyone else in the story. Zidane isn't even most people's favorite character in his own game. His story or lack there of takes a back seat to everything else.

that's still not saying much, OP.

does it really mean anything to be the best final fantasy main character? is that something someone wants to be called?

that is correct

Oh... hello.

Cloud and bootleg Denam are my favorites desu.

Because he's the only hypocrite protagonist.

>It doesn't matter that you're not real, Vivi. Don't worry about it. Cheer up! Let's go!
>I'm not real?! Oh god, I can't go on!

Also his don't worry attitude towards other characters, when they're starting to be contemplative, stops them from developing. He's actually a hindrance to his party. At least Squall and Lightning had designated idiot crews to make themselves look better artificially. Zidane is a detriment to a (potentially) good party, while having barely anything.to show for it in his own story. Fuck Zidane.

>God Tier
Cloud, Terra

>Great Tier
Shotgun, Serah, Butz

>Good Tier
Onion Kid, Warrior of Light (DDFF), Fighter (I), Zack, Lightning (LR)

>Average Tier
Yuna, Firion

>Bad Tier
Squall, Vincent

>Horrible Tier
Lightning (XIII), Zidane

>Abomination Tier
Cecil, Tidus, Vaan

Zidane actively makes the rest of his cast worse. Every time someone is on the verge of having actual characterization he comes in with his whole "don't worry about it, just be yourself bro" spiel and ruins everything.

Worst protagonist.

The best character is my guy in Final Fantasy XIV. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

What plothole?

Squall is a good example of why forced romance is cancer.

I a pretty sure there's a big difference between "I am not real." and "I am a manmade weapon of mass destruction made to reap the souls of people to feed them to this evil overlord warship to sustain an alien planet also I may be immortal who knows. Also Kuja's my brother. Also I may be the reason everyone here's either dead or fucked."

Vivi finding out he's "weird" and not a normal child wasn't exactly as shocking for him as the idea that he'd have a shortened lifespan. He had to come to terms with the fact he'd die soon, not the fact he was manufactured.

I don't think you are trying to see it from the exact same perspective.


The one that most people bring up is the theory that killing Ultimecia in the way that they do creates an infinite time loop, but when you realize that the concept of "time compression" doesn't play by the rules of other time travel stories that theory doesn't really hold up.

it has science fiction, magic, and time travel. it's bound to have confusing elements.

Why wouldn't it?

>Has standards
>Is a moralfag without being annoying
>Actually gets shit done when the time comes
>Knows politics and is capable of holding mature thought processes and conversations
>Self-sacrificing to the point of not giving a shit about history forgetting him so long the world and his sister are okay
>More butt than Lightning
>Can learn Ultima just by getting hit by it to the face

All others BTFO

Vivi's not anywhere near as good of a character as people give him credit for. He exists as a concept to serve as a foil to Kuja's actual character arc; as in Vivi being able to accept his mortality and accept it is supposed to make Kuja look like a screaming man baby in comparison. But the arc of him coming to accept that is so shallow and nothing. He discovers it, screams "noooooo" once, and then in the next scene he's completely fine and ready to lecture other characters about it.

Its pretty garbage writing.

> it took twelve fucking posts
I hate neo Sup Forums


Let's break it down.

Warrior(s) of Light - Fuck all characterization

Basic bitch hero who does nothing special, is a clusterfuck in Dissidia and gets the least screentime too

Onion Knight(s) who suffer from FFI syndrome

Here we go, finally some story (and more thanks to remakes). Cecil is a pretty straightforward hero. Dichotomy of good versus evil - check. Women to save - check. Evil family member to fight and beat - check. So yeah pretty two dimensional.

Butz is pretty great. I found him funny and his reasons for doing things were pretty great. But let's be honest, fuck all of you have played this game because you are faggots. Moving on...

Terra and I guess Celes... I mean this is the one you played cause someone once said "FF7 sucks ass, 6 is way better!" and you discovered a super bland main character supported by her infinitely better bros. Shitty overall MC, great side characters. Great game.

Cloud Strife. Let's start by talking about the name, as this is where FF went sideways as fuck on protag names. Cloud. A body of moisture trapped in specific air pressure. Strife. Issues or difficulties that must be overcome. Yeah ok. Emo as fuck "muh memories" faggot who spends most of the game being 2kool. Only worse character in the game was Vincent imo. Fucking edgy shit.

Squall Leonhart. Ok. So. Where so start. This was my first ever FF, so I have love for it. However, Squall was such a fucking try hard faggot I spend the entire game wishing he wasn't there. When the party split I was so happy to be controlling Zell, Irvine, Quistis, Selphie, even fucking Rinoa. This game has the two worst protags of any mainline FF because they fuck around being all teenage gay shit until they battle fucking ALIENS on a fucking DRAGON SPACESHIP (which btw no one gives a fuck about afterward) and then magic love happens. He sighs no less than 83 times per disk, and has no fewer than 12 ..... dialogues. TBCNP


Zidane Tribal. Are we still seeing this fucking retarded naming shit? But this is still my favourite FF, for these reasons: 1 - depressing as fuck in a way that worked, and wasn't edgy emo shit. The concept of mortality is something worth getting shitty over, i.e. Kuja, or ignoring via vices like alcohol, women, battle, i.e. Zidane, or trying to make sense of i.e. Vivi and so forth. Each character (except Freya and Amarant, let's be honest) had great characterization. Especially Zidane. Yeah he was way over the top plucky rogue type, but show me one mainline FF that isn't V that has something fun leading the charge. You can't.

Tidus. HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA. Yeah no. He was a literal plot device. I fucking hate this cunt because he spends the ENTIRE game bitching and moaning, then when he finds out he's a dream spends MORE time moaning. Auron was alright, Lulu meh, Wakka a cunt, Kimarliterallywho, Rikku a cute, Yuna not bad but her voice actress sucked dicks.

Doesn't count. Great game tho.

Va... Nah fuck that is was Ashe. Sure we saw it through that skinny fuckers eyes all game but it was Ashe's story. And she was alright once she stopped being a lunatic. Balthier was top bantz, Basch was best.

Lightning. And mini Lightning in 2. Fuck these games. That's all I have to say. The small, tiny, minuscule amount of good was so far outshone by the shit.

I guess the fucking Scions? I dunno. Catbitch being magical jesus was weird.

Noctis Lucis Caelum. Ok. Night. Light. Heaven. Do I need to say more? I will anyway. Emo boyband faggot Sasuke thing but the whole brotrip looks fun and the soundtrack being done by Florence and the Machine fucking cuts me deep cause her voice is pretty cool. Can't really judge these fuckers yet, but the combat feels awkward as shit based on Platinum.



>Crisis Core
Zack was alright. I mean we all knew the story anyway, but the extra shit it threw in was totally fucking batshit yet Zack maintains a pretty chill attitude through it so I wasn't against it. Gackt/Genesis was a mistake.

>Dirge of Cerberus
Vincent Valentine. Nah fuck off emo kid. LUCRETIAAAAA somewhere else.

Cards. I mean... There are some ok ones. But the game didn't lend itself to developing them well.

Ramza. Yeah this cunt is awesome. Whole game is awesome. Fuck I wish we were getting a new FFT.

>Tactics Advance
Marche. The memes were the best part. Spends the whole game being like "What's that? It's so cool!" and then suddenly "Fuck this world, I am ending it."

Luso was such a joke on this board for so long I can't remove it from my mind. Least he wan't a complete psychopath like Marche.

Does that cover it? I don't consider the rest of the games worth covering, and the "sequels" have had their characters covered.

C'mon, OP. It's been a long time now.

You can't keep making "to poop on" jokes like this. It's just bad taste.

Triumph is OP?

>the soundtrack being done by Florence and the Machine
Wait. What?

Your taste is pretty bad.
But super bonus round
FF Mobius main character is based as fuck.

Yeah. She's got it all over her shit at the moment.

Hahha what the fuck. He spends the entire time being like "what the fuck is the point OK I WILL DO WHAT YOU SAY MOG/ECHO/SARAH/etc"

And that's cool you have different opinions senpai.

>way over the top
Zidane wasn't over the top. The dude was chill as fuck. If anything he was the chillest of the group.

Tidus is great, the only problem is retards thinking he was really happy during his adventure

He wasn't depressed because he wasn't real, he was depressed because he was made to destroy gaia.
The whole point of his depression part was to show how every one he's partied with he was there for and it was their turn to do the same.
Zidane was the street wise hurculese, and yes he had more to show for his part in the party because he knew was knew everyone since he was a theif.
Him being there helped the characters develope, shit with out him they would have wallowed in self pitty.
You are way off base on this one.

>tl;dr, I hate everything

Imagine Zidane in a dungeon rape anal fantasy. How many dudes could he take at once?

Is he a ship or a shota?

>the best Final Fantasy MC is an edgy autismus maximus

If you say so.

Pretty obvious you have no reading comprehension, as that's not what it said. Also the use of tl;dr on two paragraphs. Are you OP? Cause you're definitely a faggot.

Switch Tidus and Vincent then it's good. Tidus may have been a spoiled brat for the vast majority of the time he at least has SOME depth and development, while Vincent is just a one-dimensional emo from beginning to end. Seriously, that's literally all there is to his character, he has no other derfining traits. Even a gigantic pusscake like Squall is a more endearing character.

. . .Whatever.


Vivi too was a tool of war. Both of the not reals are oversimplifications to illustrate the point. The actual point was about Zidane's convictions and attitude.

Sure it's written so it was their turn to return the favor, and it's supposed to be all feel goody (I find it the most disgusting part of the story), but it certainly does no favors to Zidane's characterization. (As an aside. I'm willing to give him some leeway only if Garland ripped his soul right out and during the depression Zidane built a completely new one. It would be extremely clumsy and contrived writing, but I could sorta stomach it a little better even though it would still infuriate me with the questions it would raise.)

I'm saying his story is shallow and it's barely there. It's one conversation in Black Mage Village and the rest in Terra. The dissonance between his depressing extremely short-lived non-arc and his contributions by his attitude to the rest and earlier story is very jarring. The high prize paid by shafting the other characters natural arcs, did not have a payoff. Would they have wallowed in self pity? We can't know! They were developing on their own, which is shown by them starting to think about things, which Zidane immediately stops by metaphorically slapping them on the back and going "Hey, Rusty Buckethead! Leave the thinking to us. It doesn't suit you. Ha ha!" Self-sacrificially annoying them and becoming a verbal punching bag, so they will get lively and would no longer be in a slump, because Zidane is so uncomfortable with people being sad or troubled. I know this is supposed to be endearing and human, but I hate the monkey asshole nevertheless.

Nope, you pretty much just shit on everything because apparently we should care about your superior opinions. Narcissistic faggot.


You are a complete faggot. "Senpai".
Cringy cunt.

And here you are continuing to talk to someone who you think is narcissistic, while recycling the same insults. Good job lad.

And you don't have to care if you don't want to. But I imagine you'll read this post as a personal attack and get assmad about it, what with your piss poor comprehension skills.

How new are you?

Type f a m without the spaces when you reply to this post, newfag.

I know you played the game so I'm not going to say you haven't played the game. However you are flat out wrong when saying his is a shallow story.
Why? For one fact is that there is more than one way for characters to develop, what you were probably expecting him to be was more ignorant of the world and grow as you would when entering final fantasy 9. Zidane isn't like that, he's not a Luke Skywalker where as he is more of a Han solo.
You consider him an asshole because he's trying to cheer people up and not once did he do the slap on the back, however he does help in other ways. TakE the pissing scene, that was a bonding moment not to ignore the problem but put things in a different perspective. If anything he's helping vivid relax his trouble mind by just simply taking a piss.
Then there is his story, you see Zidane's character being built while he's exploring with the others, such as him knowing locations and the local color. This points out he's been around, then there was his issue of garnet being a princess. First he would hit on her as he knows nothing would go any where because she's royalty, then shit gets harder for him when he has a hard time dealing with the fact she becomes a queen and she can't travel with them. He was at the point that he knew what he was, a lowly theif, and what she was, a queen of alexandria.
Plus him opening up to garnet when they were in the black mage camp. Zidane puts on a ladies man ficade and doesn't talk about his issues. But for once he opens up to garnet. No woman could do that but she did.
Zidane character architype is a street wise hurculese. A classic character type if anything. Character development doesn't have to have the character go through something jarring to have development. It's interaction between characters, what Zidane was and is, is a social guy with a dual past.

>interesting story with existential themes
>existential themes

Stopped reading, giving a fuck, your game is shit, get over it nerd

Real talk

You need to work on your insults, you just look flustered and desperate. Get smug and witty. And post Lightning

>Oh shit, I can't keep the argument going! Better deflect and post worst FF character ever made.

Thank you Quentin

The best is squall and second best is cloud. The rest are faggots and X onward aren't even final fantasy

Auron would have been a really cool MC.

Literally Japanese Guts

Why are FF filled with such retards? I expect a 3 paragraph response.

Would be nice to have an MC who has age in final fantasy
Kind of tired of the young protag mc

Because they think that final fantasy is the apex of story telling.

>guy that know the truth but won't say anything until the -right- time
Worst trope.

But it is

Truly the masters of litterature.

Let's recap: I called you stupid twice and you said "nuh uh ur stupid" twice. That's not an argument, that's shitposting. Plus it felt like I was legitimately hurting your feelings.

>>worst FF character ever made.
aha ha that's almost funny.

Nit that user
But she is, she is a poor attempt on making a strong female character.