Buyfag thread
Minimal shitposting edition
Buyfag thread
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Does the Serena one show her pantsu?
I wish it was real
Fuck man, why can't original May get one? I mean this is all good and well but c'mon. Fucking japs can't even pander to their audience correctly anymore.
Remember when Capcom made merch of Darkstalkers other than Morrigan? Those were good times.
every generation but 1 is just a may recolor, especially ops pic related. if you like may you like whatever generic name this one totes
look at those armpits
KotoBukia? Fuuuuck yes
Did they make dmitri?
Feelio when don't own any Lei Lei figs
Yes, although this specimen seems to have lost his ascot in the decades since.
>That Red
Woah what is pixiv Red canon now ? did Ken finally knowledge that this thing was a mistake ?
It's based on Gen 1 Red
Is there anywhere you can still buy them i love darkstalkers but could never find any decent merch
The ones I've posted are resin kits, so you'd need some good model building and painting skills to make them look nice. As for buying them, they do still show up on online auctions occasionally.
My recent buy, haven't gotten him yet. Ordered him off of Mandarake, which I think was cheaper than how much I saw him at a con. It will be my first non kawaii Figma.
Nendos are fine and all, but when will better FE girls get actual figures?
I know this and I'am wondering why it TOOK so long for ken to finally admit that the original design was better on multiple levels.
Thanks man ill look out for them
Post customs
Forgot image
Hsien-Ko figure of any kind never ;-;.
>Wanted to get this
>Girlfriend decided to get hair done at Beverly Hills instead
damn, red looks really cool, also may a cutie
I want a Sabrina
Pre-ordered Red
>Not dating a girl undergoing chemo
It's your own fault, really.
I'd get a Cynthia or Steven.
what is this?
I'm glad they decided to choose ORAS May for this, she's a cutie.
I have Red preordered, nice bit of exposed stomach
Hopefully both sell well enough that more get produced.
It's kind of a shame that Blizzard is probably set on forcing Funkopop, meaning the only decent possible figures will be the statues, which will probably be stupid expensive.
Because ORAS is newer
I like ORAS May better, but I probably wouldn't mind RS or E May getting one.
>ctrl+f elise
Setsuna will never get a figure unless they do all the characters
ORAS May > RS May > E May
Gen 1 pandering and RGBY on VC is the most recent Kanto release anyways
The model is based off art by Hitoshi Ariga anyways
That Elise is pretty cute though, especially posed on her horse.
She looks super cool, who is she?
Damn that looks cool
Ciel. God Eater 2.
Almost makes me want to try god eater
I wish other Ciels got figures
It's thoroughly mediocre but I guess if you've never played MonHun it's okay.
Might be better if they do a decent job with the PC port in 16 days.
I hope they make a Yukari in this new 2hu line they're doing.
This was a nice statue of Remilia, but I couldn't justify the price asked at the time.
Kind of like that Marisa.
I like dem tits. Who is it?
Noel Vermillion from Blazblue.
What happened to the last thread? Was it deleted or was it actually so dead it fell to page 10?
my nigga
Considering getting this
Where can I buy Red?
I beg to differ.
There will never be a figurine of my waifu
Never Ever.
looks like green hairy nipples and a hairy green bush godzilla.
picking her up with my Elise
too cute to resist and that orb is good
I want this so bad.
Your ticket to the federal watchlist
>she comes with a little horse
That played a big part in my decision to pick her up, too cute.
Oh shit, was unaware of this figures existence.
I got that exact fig at a swap meet a couple months ago.
Feels goodman.
Same as when LoH gets em.
Never ever.
Is she up for preorder anywhere yet?
Don't think so
I ordered this for my birthday. Not vidya, though.
You can get away with Jojo as vidya now that we have two games with most of the cast.
OP's pic is the May redesign from the remakes idiot