Is Valenwood not the best location for TESVI?
Is Valenwood not the best location for TESVI?
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I'd rather have elsweyr or black marsh desu
>I'd rather have le meme race homelands
kys autistico
Gimme dat Elsweyr. I want desert and jungle.
no, boston is
>valenwood, home of the wood elves
>imperial logo
It will be shit anyway after Fallout 4.
it doesnt matter where it is, theyre gonna butcher it
>wanting to surround yourself with effeminate hippie Bosmer
>wanting Bethesda to render all those trees after the fucking massive frame drops trees caused in Fallout 4
Is this niggar serious
Elves are lame as shit by now, especially wood elves.
>meme race
That would be Nord.....and we already had them.
I would love to see rather than one region have it be the entire south of Cyrodill ie: Black Marsh, Elsweyr and Valenwood.
daily reminder Bethesda's finally getting their shit together
Yes. Either that or summerset isles. However Bethesda are gonna end up choosing hammerfell t bh
I think it will be great no matter where they set it! Bethesda are one great company so I'll make sure to pre-order it with the season pass too!
Sumerset Isles for me definitely.
I'd prefer Elsweyr, Valenwood, and Alinor. Seems a bit more reasonable development-wise too seeing as how it'd only be 50%~ bigger than Skyrim.
Black Marsh can be DLC. Pic related is too beautiful to skip.
>the land of manlets
>game centers around the wild hunt
>the Dragon encounters are monsters who are randomly generated like Nu Male's Sky
Nah, I'm good.
as long as its not nigger island or the cat/lizard shithole i dont really care
>story is about #Redguard lives matter
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Valenwood + Elsweyr.
Why does it look like a dick
kill yourselves
the 3 choices worse than even hammerfell
God, I hate this place. One day I'm going to just stop and everything will be better. You people are really sad.
You're one of those furfags aren't you... valenwood is the obvious choice, no-one takes furries and lizards seriously.
If I had the opportunity to eradicate the black race, I would. Fuck off nigger.
>cannibal treehuggers with tribal conflicts
amazing can't wait to embark on my spiritual main-quest to save the great tree (the thalmor want to destroy it!), flavored with spirit communion through herbal mixtures and interesting barbarian problems
Also hammerfell is just Niggerland, so no its also a bad choice.
>not having all of Tamriel
Go big or go home
Eddie Murphy?
maybe in 50 years
Better than The Madagascar Scrolls: Judy's Awakening
the patrician's choice
TESO: (Literally) Tamriel Unlimited
All they had to do was make daggerfall look better.
The series has been dumbed down ever since DF. Morrowwind, oblivion, and Skyrim were great but, they each had less depth than the previous release. If skyrim is anything to go by, Valenwood is going to be a sea with the depth of a small pond.
I'd literally bet money that those two areas never get featured. There's no way they will ever put a furry or lizard as the marketing face of the game.
Don't give Todd old ideas, he'll just fuck them up worse....
It wont matter cos if bethesda make it its gonna be shit
>implying it won't be Skyrim 2
In that case its going to be hammerfell and it's going to be a female nigger lead >muhsjwequalityneedstobeproperlyrepresentedinmyvidyagame
>wanting Bethesda to transcription error out the walking forests and cannibal elves
mods will fix
look, I enjoy TESO, but we do NOT have all of Tamriel in that. We get samplings and pieces but rarely everything.
Fuck, the dominion zones are 75% bosmer areas with two Khajiit places and ONE place in Summerset isles. And the formermost is mentioned as being a 'buffer zone' and the only place in the Summerset Isles they will allow non-altmer to step onto.
High Rock and/or Hammerfell (or TES 2: Daggerfall Boogalo) would be the safest and most obvious choice Bethesda would go for.
The talk of 'tech they don't have yet' would likely be naval battles and/or trying to actually make swordsinging not just "Shouts 2.0" (and shouts in of themself were "all those spells we gutted from the magic system: now redressed as Dragonborn Special Snowflake powers).
Skyrim was about 22 sq miles of land, 50% is NOT an inconsiderable amount, and stretching out the development for THREE provinces would result in a lot of poorly detailed provinces, and in which case, I'd rather have one, semi-small (I think Bethesda has explicitly said 'don't take in-game world size as actual size to lore' anyway. Tamriel is supposed to be the size of North America) region with lots of detail dedicated to cities, points of interests, quests, storyline, and gameplay.
I'd personally prefer Elsweyr, but as long as the game is done well, I'll accept anywhere.
Of course, sad chances are, Bethesda would probably sooner revisit any human territories once they've run out than actually go back into non-human controlled lands.
Just make an actual game without all the MMO faggotry and there you go.
I'm starting my first Daggerfall playthrough right now, and I'm in character creation, trying to make a good mage build. Does anyone have any tips?
Also, is "Immunity to Magic" as overpowered as it sounds? Does it cover EVERYTHING with a magic effect, or am I being rused?
>50% is NOT an inconsiderable amount
if TESVI is coming out 10 years after Skyrim (pretty likely after hearing what Rod Broward said) I'd better fucking hope they'll put in the extra 50% of work. GTA V is SIX TIMES the size of GTA IV. Bethesda can manage *slightly* bigger than Skyrim, if they retool their engine and hire more people.
CDPR, another developer capable of huge leaps, has three times the employees Bethesda has. And they're still considered a small team.
Bethesda is finally fixing their engine bros
>there are people who don't want the next TES game to be set in Summerset Isles
It's the only place that has the potential for Morrowind tier weirdness, lore, and politics. You don't know shit about TES if you want the next game to be anywhere else.
I'd probably like Valenwood. I hate elves, but I would like some more fantasy elements in TES. Oblivion and Skyrim were pretty much just medieval towns with magic/monsters
The best location for any TES game is the trash.
ebin, upvoted
And that is exactly why it shouldn't be there.
You know Morrowind wasn't that weird before they turned to start lorefluffing it, and Cyrodiil was the weirdest after Summerset Isle?
Anywhere can be interesting if they hire people that make it so, but current Beth will just make any province as bland as possible.
besides crystal spire houses and rigid caste structures, what the hell makes you say Summerset will be as weird as Morrowind with fucking ocotopus people and a living demi-god who solves problems by sticking his dick in them?
Well, it would be nice, but I still would say I'd be happier with TES: VI focusing on one province to make it feel like practically it's own nation on a larger continent than Skyrim feeling like just just California's central valley region.
Alinor, Elsweyr, Black Marsh
Valenwood, Morrowind
>what will probably happen
>Hammerfell, High Rock (orsinium DLC)
Blackmarsh would be baller.
Nothing more comfy than swampland.
Will VI have Fallout-esque Survival mode? I hope so
That's stupid as fuck. Why would it have that? Just wait for mods to do it.
I fucking hope not. I seriously want to know about the Altmer's world during or after the Thalmor rule.
Black Marshes.
>tfw normies are retarded and didn't pay any attention to the lore and recognise it only as "the skyrim logo"
>tfw you realise TES VI will be even more normie casual trash than the last game
I fucking hate swamps. Nothings comfy about samps.
Why not?
I like having features out of the box, I don't think it's likely though
After ESO, Akavir is the only logical choice.
I don't know about a survival mode, but bringing in addictions to various potions and such, and maybe crippled limb and injury system might be cool.
TES VI: Weeaboos
Pls no
why is Valenwood "okay"? it's probably the most visually interesting setting ever for an Elder Scrolls game. The environment is literally Endor with sword-fighting gorillas, walking trees and elves.
Explain to me how Ulfrics chimpout is in anyway different from the shit happening in Milwaukee?
>Protip:You cant.
Skyrim is niggerland
No matter how they described it in the lore; bethesda will just make a big forest with stationary tree cities. They need to leave Valenwood either for 20 years down the line or for someone else entirely.
desu I would want a mainland Morrowind game, including a desolate and barren Vvardenfell with some settlements on the coastal regions and ashlander tribes in the ashland regions
he wuz a gud boy he didndu nuffin
ESO was expressly set eight hundred years before Arena partially do justify discrepancies in how things would look and attitudes.
Not that it works when Daggerfall magically shifted across the glenumbra peninsula.
>to make it feel like practically it's own nation on a larger continent
I agree, but so far Bethesda's been doing the maps to scale. I can't be bothered to find it right now but there's a map size comparison somewhere and they're all remarkably close to the original Tamriel map in scale. Morrowind's the smallest, Oblivion's the biggest.
If they're gonna keep this up I'd rather they go with 3 provinces, so they can scale up from Skyrim. 50% bigger is honestly more than reasonable ten fucking years later.
He wuz on his way to the chapel of the nine
Just let Obsidian make it.
Nords are the niggers of skyrim
I get that racism is le funny meme but i think hammer fell would be awsome
eh, I don't know man. I think the walking trees are why they're delaying the game to 2020+. Todd said they needed more advanced tech.
>implying casual shitters will go near a game like this
Bethesda don't want to scare away their newly acquired demographic. The days of seeing environments like Morrowind in AAA games are over I'm afraid
I bet hammerfall just for sword singing, I think dragon shouts tested to well and they want an equivalent.
Was getting his Voice back on track. That High King planted that shout on him.
no nazi string pullers in real life
but Ulfric was wrong
>High King
Black Marsh would be the best. I just want somewhere as weird as Morrowind. I imagine aztec themes. Forests for normies to enjoy in the north, Swamps in the middle, jungles in the south.
honestly I don't think Valenwood is *so* far out there that it'd scare normies. Black Marsh probably is, same with Elsweyr, but Valenwood is fairly digestible I would think. Like I said, it's Endor. Most people would buy the shit out of that.
All of the Aldmreis territories
Good point user. Where better to begin purging the Altmer
bethesda are planning two big new IPs. it could be a decade before they get back to TES. they'll be tiding people over in the meantime with several rereleases and remasters of skyrim.
>the main plot of the game involves the big bad causing the trees to stop moving
*smacks shield*
*punches mudcrab*
*rides dragon*
*kills skooma dealer and steals drugs*
>I want the game to be even more stretched and poorly scaled
every capital city would be composed of literally two houses and smaller cities wouldn't exist at all. every country would be the size of a large field, with sudden ugly transitions between them.
it's more that people are worried a place that's filled with basically Black Arabs will be used as an excuse to pander to SJWs with 'strong, progressive, Muslim, brown woman, in a burka' main characters who are essential NPCs.
There is this though.
Still, I just would like a non-human default protagonist.
But... and have rightly pointed out that the criticisms Bethesda have "taken too heart" are things meant to simplify combat, lore, etc. even more.
>that tiny desert
It'll look even shittier in-game.
>after you fix it all the trees still don't move because they need time to heal and start moving again