No sales

>no sales
>literally every games multiplayer is dead
>literally weighs 30 pounds
>has a very high rate of failure
>no good exclusives
>awful controller
>looks like a VCR
>weak hardware

Why doesn't Microsoft just discontinue this embarrassment? What's the point of its existence?

Other urls found in this thread:

>awful controller
XBone is shit but nah cunt.

>lies and subjective opinions
bad bait

Non-XBox person speaking, the controller is actually pretty nice.

>>>literally weighs 30 pounds

The controller IS the only thing good about it, and its my main controller for PC gaymen


I kinda wanna sell mine but my witcher 3 save file is on there

Those points don't mean a thing.
It was DOA because microshit couldn't force people to use it.

Of all the places you could have played the Witcher 3, you chose the worst one.

>literally every games multiplayer is dead

You are thinking of PC.


Seriously if you aren't a moba or flavor of the month f2p 10 year old minecraft bait, you go on Steam to die as a multiplayer game. Strike Vector is being rereleased on X1/PS4 also for this same reason.

What's wrong with Xbox one witcher 3? It's literally no different from the ps4 version.

>no sales
Debatable. Semi true since they're hiding them though, but still enough to keep teh console afloat.
>literally every games multiplayer is dead
>literally weighs 30 ppunds
Probably true
>has a very high rate of faiilure
Both next gen consoles passed the FDC EU tests which mark you off if you go higher than 5%, so I doubt they do have a bad failure rate.
>no good exclusives
Opinion, not fact.
>awful controller
See above, most would disagree.
>looks like a vcr
Once again, opinion. And I don't care what a console looks like, it sits under my Tv.
>weak hardware
Both consoles suck and often fail to hit 1080p, let alone 1080p/60fps.
>Console war thread
Get a PC and shut up.

A what?

Microsoft should move everything to PC and win the game!

>Why doesn't Microsoft just discontinue this embarrassment? What's the point of its existence?

Because despite what you just said and think they are making bank on it.

Xbone isn't even bad, sure it's not as good as the PS4 but it's still a perfectly fine machine. Also you're a retard if you think the controller is bad.

no mans sky when?

skate 3 when?

It's already on the Xbox, but it's got the bonus of multiplayer. It's called Elite Dangerous

>big lie
>biggest lie

Is that on xbox? I thought it was pc only. Never played it but I keep seeing it pop up on steam and it looks good.

it came out 6 years ago dingus

This is Sup Forums, user. Here the Xbox is ALWAYS worse than the PS, no matter what reality says. Just like PS3 was somehow magically better than the 360, when the 360 ran every multiplat better, had better exclusives, etc.

>witcher 3

There's something about that game and dragon age and others like it... they just seem to fucking generic to me.

>no sales
Best selling console for July

Elite Dangerous has HUGE potential because;

-It has a great foundation base game
-It's getting expansion packs that actually add great mechanics like planetary landing
-It has multiplayer
-It's gorgeous and blast to fly around

But, it really isn't for everyone. It's not a kiddy space arcade game, it's pretty hardcore and you have to git gud. I'm actively following it's development, because with the right expansions it could easily become one of the best space sims ever made.

I'd recommend it only if you LOVE space sims. Otherwise I'd highly suggest you research what is currently available. I've had a few xbox friends go completely ape shit on it like it's an MMO. I personally am waiting for at least 1 more major expansion before I dive in.

PC multiplayer developers need to start finding ways to keep communities playing. Sales may not be bad but the attach rate is abysmal for most games.

>not as good as PS4
>not bad

Fuck off underaged faggot.

The PS4 is good though you manchild

>magically better
Probably due to the enchanted components it used to prevent the natural phenomenon where a console dies a month after coming out of the box.

>Lying on the internet

i had mine for 5 years before it fried, and by then they had the fail-proof ones.

Doesn't change the complete shit library the ps3 had, and how awful every multiplat ran on it. The ps3 controller was small and fragile, and went through batteries like a motherfucker. The ps3 was also heavier than the 360.

Yeah, you're right, it's extremely impressive that Sony managed to make a console this good without it even needing to have a decent software library. I'm even more impressed that Microsoft and Nintendo had the balls to follow suit.