Has a video game ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
Has a video game ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
COD:WAW, not because muh feels, more because how shit it was in comparison to MW.
yes for how shitty it was
WaW was good, it just had maps bigger than CoDbabbies are used to and vehicles
no ;_;
4u maybe, my standards must just be higher.
Atrus had a hard life ;_;
Planescape: Torment, The Walking Dead Season 1 and To the Moon sort of got me.
I'm a little bitch.
>Gears of War 2 Finding Maria
>Gears of War 3 Dom's death and Adam's death/the whole ending really
>Metal Gear Solid 2 "Hal, I miss you"
>Metal Gear Solid 3 "She was a true patriot"
>Metal Gear Solid V "I didn't choose to be Quiet."
>Halo 2 "Don't make a girl a promise... if you know you can't keep it"
>Halo 3 "Send me out... with a bang"
>Halo Reach "Time's come to return the favor. Don't deny me this."
>The Walking Dead Lee's death/reanimation
>The Last of Us Sarah's Death
Damn, never got to play V, it crashes five minutes in. You should read the books, get to see Atrus grow up in detail.
>Walking Dead
>Grim Fandango
>Solitary tear at the end of Kotor good ending.
Yo, real talk. This nigga was suicidal as fuck. He was just looking for a reason to off himself. Quit pretending he was some fucking hero.
>implying that doesn't make it even sadder
The first Disgaea game had a pretty touching ending. Can I expect feels from the other Disgaea games?
If visual novels count, then absolutely yes.
What does browsing Tumblr feel like?
When he put his tags on the grave we all knew what was going to happen, it was a question of when not if.
Couldn't stop crying the entire time while playing Heavy Rain. Whether they were tears of hysterical nature or tears of sadness is unknown.
Tumblr has some pretty good porn.
oh my fuck wat
Crying fully? No. But I admit that when I complete some long RPG and end up liking the characters, it makes me somewhat sad that my time with them is over.
MGS4. Solid Snake had such a hard life and I still think of him and kinda tear up when I hear the Old Snake and Love Theme tracks.
mute the video, they can't stop talking
Dom was on a one way ticket to a melodramatic death ever since he started seriously looking for her in 2, and everything after her Old Yeller scene is his "i'm two days away from retirement".
He was never going to have a happy ending. He never had a chance. Don't grieve for him, just be glad he doesn't have to live with that anymore.
Okami's ending had me with tears streaming from my eyes when Issun showed his true nature.
I didn't know if I was happy or sad. All I knew were tears.
>replay ff7
>in elmyras flashback, you can see biggs and jessie dancing around the light pole at the trainstation
i thought it was really sad
never forget
Holy shit I did not expect this. I mean, I knew Ass Creed IV was the best Ass Creed about halfway through but I still didn't think they'd be able to pull off genuine feels.
Firewatch hit close to home for me, relationship built through long distance communication but never get to see each other
>I knew Ass Creed IV was the best Ass Creed
AC2 and Brotherhood is better.
>he moved on from his wife he threw in a old persons home
>Anne Bonny's child was taken from her
>Mary Reed died in childbirth
>your quartermaster has left you and called you a selfish prick
>your drunk subconscious calls you a fool
>"I just feel so alone, and so cold..."
>"Do you know how that feels?"
>"...I do. Devil curse me, I do."
Group of nobodies including a woman.
In the end they got what they deserved.
How can anyone like Black Flag?
As a pirate game, it would have been cool.
But they had to make it into an AssCreed game so it was guaranteed to sell.
I can kind've understand MGS3. Maybe even Halo 2, because it ended on a cliffhanger and let us feel like we'd never get Cortana back.
But Gears? Come on. That's like crying at a Michael Bay film. They're fun games, but the story is laughable at best.
he said games not pedo/weebshit fapbait for lonely r9k tier virgins
That's why you play Rogue and actually have fun and it shows you the dark side of the Assassins and the light side of the Templars.
Plus, your first mate is a total fucking brah.
he comes back to her at the end. the summer fling fades away and throw him back to reality
Crying at the abysmal story of MGS3 is much worse than crying at Gears of War.
>story of four brothers who, for four wildly different motivations, risk their lives against an inhuman threat and would do anything for each other
Cheesy, yes but much better than
>a rookie who constantly bewildered by his mentor defecting, yet The Boss has probably about 10% of the screen time and every time somebody mentions her, it's only about "SHE WUZ SO STRONG" or "WHY WUZ SHE DEFECTING THIS IS SO SAD ;_;"
If you get on the helicopter.
>who else will I have ice cream with?
Last missions of EDF.
You're getting fucking destroyed by shit everywhere.
The radio chatter is all doom and gloom.
>Our destruction is just a matter of time.
>Attack unit has been destroyed.
>..we couldn't match their strength
>No, not yet; someones still down there fighting ..it's the storm team.
>Are they immortal or something?
>Is there anyone that can fight?
>Back up Storm team!
>Isn't there anyone that can fight?
>..arrived at combat area, we're going in. Storm team we won't let you down
>Wing team? Glad you're safe. we're counting on you.
>It is an honour to fight along side a hero. We'll help you pull of a miracle.
>This is scout 4, we'll help in the battle.
>It was my dream to fight along side a legendary hero.
>This is omega team, arrived in the combat area. Backing up storm team.
>Omega?! you're alive?
>Storm team; I was waiting for another chance to fight with you. Like that day 8 years ago.
>The Earths fate is in the hands of those warriors on the battlefield. All troopers; Destory the brain!
Then the troops on the ground are singing songs about you; the legendary hero.
Shits still insane and it's playing orchestral final fight music.
"call of duty had maps bigger then call of duty babies are used to"
The end of the first pokemon mystery dungeon made me cry the first time i beat it.
this song starts playing when a character from NieR is dying