Do you still play pokemons with your friends?
Do you still play pokemons with your friends?
>playing pokemon
>having friends
Uesaka Sumire is unironically, objectively CUTE!
I only play them because my friend gets them for me for my birthday, because I wouldn't buy them otherwise. So I try to play the games and then fall behind my other friends because I waste my time in-game doing something other than training (or spending hours on GTS trading bidoofs hoping for EV trained shinies). Dumb things like the movie theater in Black and White 2 or trying to get a pokemon with a move only possible through breeding.
All my friends got married and had kids so we stopped hanging out.
>Friends married and have kids
>Sister is about to get married
>All of my family and even neighbors constantly ask me when I'm finally going to get married
>I can't even leave my parents house because I'm a poor useless neet
I'm the same... well except for the neet part.
I mean it's true that everyone around me is getting married, but they don't seem like marriages to be particularly jealous of
Well I grew up in a shitty part of new york where you just get your cartridge and pokemon cards stolen. I also had an asshole overwrite a save I had with all Pokemon including Mew.
I think it's more about how they've all moved on to the next "stage" of their lives while you're left behind.
How does one unironically in your age stay neet?
Life isn't linear.
Man, B2/W2 was so good
XY was better
Yeah, very funny meme, now fuck off, retard
Define linearity when it comes to life.
> friends
43 subs when
I bet this was the majority of Sup Forums before Gen 4 had online play.
Why is it so hard to understand for normies that certain people simply didn't develop the skills to become friends with strangers? Is it too hard for you to believe that there are people out there that simply don't have ANYONE they could call a "friend"? Why?
Linear as in linear, like arranged in a sequence. Like dominoes falling one after another. And the idea that one can be 'left behind' in the overall linearity.
Because you look like a faggot who can spam only one word, becaue it's "epic maymay" and you just want some internet points
Only really played Pokemon in gen 2.
Me and my sister had Gold and Silver respectively.
I did the whole "Catch em all" thing, she found a Miltank and became obsessed, raised it to Lv99 and just destroyed everything with Rollout.
I dont think I ever beat her once...
What the fuck are you even saying, that "friends" are a meme? "Internet points"? Are you retarded?
My wife and I are still friends, if that counts.
She's getting moon, and I'm getting sun when they come out.
> tfw no strong friend to heal in games
You're very special aren't you?
Ah okay, well this isn't about that. It's left behind in the sense that married people have different priorities and tend to hang around other married people.
I tell my parents that I'm still in uni.
I want to sit with Waddle Dee but I'm afraid nips will laugh at my loneliness and my enormous, relatively speaking, penis.
Fuck friends, i'll go to that cafe alone anytime just to be with a plush doll
I'm here for you user!
Just kidding, i'm a helpless fuccboi too
user I got the feeling your parents can see straight through your bullshit.
Damn thats some next level trickery, I applaud you sir.
What about your wife's son user? What are you getting him?
That's implying I've ever had friends.
Only time I've played a pokemon battle against another person was like a year or two at a con.
This happens way too often.
Yeah, but how does one stay such a freeloader POS as an adult? What about muh freedoms?
I'm usually the guy playing big burly tanks whenever I can.
6'2 IRL too.
But I don't play MMOs much any more, only have a lvl. 36 WAR in FFXIV.
You guys, as long you don't forcefully try to RP with your group, are cool, and usually helpful during dungeons.
Yes, a bunch getting back into it for sun and moon
Feelsbad for the >friends anons
>why not invite someone to be your friend
I dont. I like rpgs but pokemon has too much shit in it that confuses me, and my friends are very good at it. Like holy hell man, they got a fuckton of natures that increases/decreases whatever, elements that are weirdly weak against other elements (atleast to me theyre weird), pokemons that look like an element of this type but its actually an element of another type, and whats this shiny and their perks? My teams are all readable shit. I Just get w/e element the current gym is weakest to so I'll lose pretty much when fighting with friends. It isnt like this in other games tho
You don't need to worry about that shit unless you're getting into the super competitive MLG tournament level battles.
>Yeah, but how does one stay such a freeloader POS as an adult?
I had a few jobs, previously. I just can't bring myself to go find a new one or try and do freelance again, because I'm too afraid that I'll drop my spaghetti when trying to contact the employer.
>What about muh freedoms?
What about them?
A man with a taste
I have a small group of friends I've been playing with since we were kids, however we're all growing apart, 2 of my friends are suicidal neets and this little circle is all they have, I feel so bad for them but I have so much shit going on in my life at the moment.
I just wish they'd gather up some money and fly somewhere far away for a while to rekindle that life spark of theirs.
Her singles are still sold like shit
Bro I'm married and I fantasize about being a NEET again all the time. Enjoy your time without stress and money problems bro.
let me guess you married some dumb normie slut
What's a "friends"?
Friends is an American television sitcom, created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, which originally aired on NBC from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004, lasting ten seasons. With an ensemble cast starring Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer, the show revolves around six friends living in Manhattan. The series was produced by Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions, in association with Warner Bros. Television. The original executive producers were Kevin S. Bright, Marta Kauffman, and David Crane.
Ah yes.
I hated that show.
Typically, even total outcasts can develop bonds with others if they put in the effort. You must be an especially unlikable sort of repulsive loser to never have developed a single worthwhile friendship in your entire life.
You should seriously re-examine your life choices, before it's too late.
He probably fell for the "Western women are superior" meme. At this rate, I would rather marry a Muslim girl, than a shallow, Western consumerist whore.
We don't have kids. Just cats. And a rabbit. And some fish.
>without money problems
only in your dreams
Not him, but to most people, having someone, anyone, they can call a friend is basically a given.
I personally have about 10 people I would call my friends, and the idea of having nobody at all is completely foreign to me. Even back in elementary school when I was bullied for being weird, I still had some people I liked and would call my friends.
"Having friends" is, to most people, as natural as breathing or eating. You don't even think about it, it's just something you have and develop by chance.
>End up sitting next to someone in class
>Introduce yourself
>They do the same
>Help each other out a bit with questions you have trouble with
>Chat a bit about hobbies and such
>You two are now friends
That's usually how it goes.
It just happens.
Good. Stay single, stay fit, stay classy.
Nah your wife has probably been with Jamal-kun because he has the superior BIG BLACK COCK and you will never please her with your TINY WHITE DICK
Yeah, wait until you get out of grade school. Then you'll know.
>Enjoy your time without stress and money problems bro.
Being a neet ain't easy, unless you're like Notch and have a gorrillion of dollars in your bank so that you can sit back in your own leisure and allow yourself to do whatever you want and whenever you want.
I had some friends in middle school. Those were the days.
underaged please go
Do you have low functioning autism, or are you disfigured in some way? I'm genuinely wondering how someone can get so far in life without making acquaintances.
The only friend I have is a guy about as autistic as me who talked to me during my first semester of college because I was wearing a Homestuck hoodie and he wanted to know something about the comic.
Who else only had friends in school and never saw them again after school was over?
>You two are now friends
You two are not acquaintances. Friends is different.
>Have a group of friends
>Move away because of college
>Not a very social person, takes a while to make new friends, don't like new people that much
>Who cares, I have my friends at home
>Years go by, still no friends at college
>Looking forward to going home to see my friends
>Every time I come back its harder to talk to them
>They don't even hang out with each other anymore, they have new people around them
>Hate the new guys
>Every time I come back we hang out less and less
>I am going back to college in 2 weeks
>There were only 3 occasions where I had contact with people outside of family in the last 2 months
>be no-life NEET ever since I dropped off uni
>no friends, no gf
>after few years seriously consider killing myself
>get pamphlet from army recruitment
>"oh what the hell, at least if I die no one will call me out on being a loser"
>get my shit pushed in
>grow a spine
>meet real bros
>overall have fun of lifetime
>leave army
>find work, leave parent's house
>still have little to no social life, because most people around disgust me whenever I get to know them better
>men are weaklings and cowards
>women are greedy and selfish
maybe it's not me who was the problem afterall.
Most people don't have trouble interacting outside of grade school either. You're the outlier, a unique kind of failure that probably should have been aborted during the first trimester. I feel sorry for your parents.
As do I, user. As do I.
They're more like acquaintances then. People who you happened to see every day and got along but never developed any meaningful connection.
I'm in university and have made multiple friends this exact way.
One bought me a beer to celebrate us doing well on our joint exam, the other is my study partner whom invited me over to watch a movie with her and some of our other friends.
This is how (some) friendships start, now how you go from stranger to friends in a single day.
I was making an exaggerated point about how to gain friends.
You need to confront your own shortcomings and act accordingly, for everyone's sakes. Lashing out on Sup Forums won't make you any less of a disappointment, but seeking help just might.
You can be better, user.
and you're also a tripfaggot,oh man you really have it all
Well, don't worry. Something will happen to drive you apart and regret vever meeting in the first place. Always happens one way or another.
Depends on which country you live in. I was able to get depression bucks as a kid (literally free money for depressed people) and when I moved out of home labor market support + housing benefits were more than enough to cover all basic living necessities and then some. In fact working shit jobs would have had me end up with less money due to losing certain key benefits.
Now I'm studying at an university, live in a smaller shared flat and receive less monetary benefits than during my NEET years. The one thing I regret is that I didn't spend those NEET years doing more meaningful things like learning to draw or shit like that.
>This is how (some) friendships start
Sure, all friendships start as acquaintances, but not all acquaintances continue towards being friends.
People can have tens of acquaintances and not have a single friend among them.
It's easy to not have friends
You just have to stay at home all the time
Thats your naive opinion. Most people lose contacts with their school friends and have to deal with some randoms with no common interests at their jobs.
Of course I talk with people every single day, sometimes I may crack a joke or two while I'm with them but that's it, I don't enjoy night life and my hobbies are simply not good for socializing, or at least they are not where I live. I am well aware that I am the problem, but every time someone passes along and says "just go out!", "just get a gf!", "just get some friends!" actually believing that they are helping, they are just reopening a wound I try hard as hell to cover with vidya, biking and mango. If people just stopped worrying about me and reminding me I'm living my life "wrong" I would be absolutely 100% happy and could die any moment without a single regret.
Thank you for reading, remember to subscribe to my Sup Forumslog.
i thought it was natural to have someone designated as a best friend (i had 3! In succession) at all times until I moved places around 10 years old
i never really recovered
Every 3 years me and my brother make a new pokemon save in emerald, and we have 4 days to create our perfect team
do you still know those real bros? they probably wouldn't mind chilling with you
>"just go out!", "just get a gf!", "just get some friends!"
I've only had a couple of people telling me that (luckily not anybody I like) and they had the most shallow relationships with people, I'm talking superficial shit, even with the family, putting a nice face to everyone when they hate their guts.
It's a good thing I live in a village and most people are like me, If I have to call you an idiot, an asshole, both or a combination I'll do it, and I won't bite my tongue just to be seen as more "refined".
>Haha you're wrong, she's definitely been with a blackie
>oh man thats getting me pretty hot
>brb fappin and crying that my gf isnt cucking me
I would probably join the army if I could. They don't want me, though. Chronic disease. I'm not really much of a 'man' anyway. I'm just a 24 year old kid. No one will even consider me for a job or anything. It's all I need. A job, enough to move out. Then my real isolation can begin. Sitting alone in some stupid small room I can barely afford. Going out every weekday to a job I hate but keeps me alive. Why even stay alive, though? What's the fucking POINT? Well, we all know there isn't one. It's just survival instinct. Really hard to fight that. I feel resentment towards those who beat it. I know I couldn't do that to my parents, though. Whatever the world thinks of me, they think the world of me. They shouldn't, but they do, and I couldn't do anything bad to them.
I feel you user.
Moved country 6 months ago.
I spend all of my free time in my room playing FFXIV and watching series on steamcloud/etc..
I barely even talk with people at work.
She's batshit insane, nice tatas tho.
Being little chuuni!=batshit insane
You fucking faggot
>XY was better