Games you can't discuss on Sup Forums because of retarded gay memes
Games you can't discuss on Sup Forums because of retarded gay memes
Sonic Adventure DX
how does it compare to colosseum anyway?
Stopped reading right there, this ain't /reddit/
If you cant discuss it, why have you tried multiple times in 24 hours to discuss it?
Million dollar question
Mario 64
Age of Empires II
No Man's Sky
Pokemon XD
Every Yoshi game ever.
Super Mario 64.
>pokemon XD
> XD
you have to be 18 to post here
Serious question, what does the XD even stand for?
Much better in terms of pretty much everything, except main character design.
eXtra Dimension, if I remember correctly. Don't ask me why, I don't know.
Simply XD
>mfw i'm not even white
cry harder SJW faggot
>muh SJW xD
being this upset
Nobody uses XD anymore, so you're probably over 18 if you use it.
Colosseum is despite it's name darker than Gale of Darkness, which is a tad more lighthearted. But they made lots of improvements from animation quality to menu structure and made a much more refined game.
You can emulate Colosseum very well at the moment but XD still sucks ass at everything higher than native.