What went wrong?

So.. what exactly was wrong with this game? I heard this game had significantly more criticisms and was substantially worse than the others.

Is this game the final coffin in the rhythm game revival?


No such a thing, haven't heard shit from GH and only negative stuff about RB4.

Its a shame though hope they don't bring down the Rocksmith franchise.

Was missing a lot of features, had a pretty lackluster disc setlist.
It's getting an expansion but nobody seems to know it exists

No practice mode and no online mode. Plus have you seen the songs they've been releasing each month? Most are complete shit. This month alone we got Robin Thicke feat. Pharrell, Counting Crows, Belinda Carlile, and The Barbazones. No thanks. See you next month.

>No practice mode
Practice mode got added like a month ago

>1.5 mil needed to fund a PC port

Bare-bones feature list
Setlist was incredibly mediocre
Input lag was a bitch to adjust
Importing old DLC was an annoying series of hoops
Online multiplayer took too long to be implemented

Funny enough, GHL has been doing alright in terms of song DLC. Using the guitar is kinda weird at first, but it's intuitive after a few hours.

What happened was Harmonix bought themselves out so they are an independent studio again. Unfortunately that left them with no money, so RB4 was a budget game.

No online from the start pretty much killed the game from the get-go

This. Importing DLC is STILL not fixed yet. I don't have my previously delisted songs or my classic rock track pack yet.

Harmonix has proven themselves to be laughably incompetent without EA keeping them in line.

I've been learning real guitar over the last few months. Is RS actually worth picking up?

>Practice mode got added like a month ago
It did? I played it last week and I swear it wasn't in there. Maybe I overlooked it. So used to not having it.

His slimy as fuck regretting smile triggers the shit out of me.

>What is adoption

>Is RS actually worth picking up?

Its just colored inverted tablature with backing tracks and built in pedal effects to match each song, it can't hurt. Get it during a sale.

For a game called ROCK BAND, it was seriously lacking in rock music.

They tried to pull in casual fags by putting garbage like Justin Bieber on the play list. The irony is they already had plenty of casual gamers who loved their rock game, and they scared them all off with this radio top 40 garbage

Terrible decision

They tried to bring back the series by releasing a game with less and shittier content. What would have solved almost all their problems is if they found a way to stream the music rather than needing to download it since there was a whole issue of people not being able to get their previously bought songs.

Where can I find the cable for cheap

GH came out with a new game last year though. But it was similar to Rocksmith than the originals.

>no online play

You fucking WHAT. That's what I loved about RB2.

Ubisoft is kinda rebranding the game, you might find cheap copies with the cable included.

I've read you can use a regular jack cable and plug it into your mic port but I don't know how reliable or useable ingame it is
Other than that, check bargain bins for RS or RS2014, but the regular cable isn't that expensive, I think it's 25$ on ubi's website

I started learning using just rocksmith in 2014 and I'm able to improvise thanks to the session mode, can play songs like always with me always with you and can play half of cliffs of Dover. I could be better but I'm much better than I thought I'd be in the space of 2 years. Doesn't teach you shit for theory though so you will have to look around the internet if you're interested in that.

The major problem with RB4 is that it was unfinished on release. They've been patching in features slowly since release, but I don't think it's as good as RB3 yet.

I do prefer RB4's core gameplay, though. Variable breakneck speed is a big deal.

RB4 didn't innovate. That was GH's problem when RB first came out.

GH, on the other hand, reinvigorated the game with live cutscenes that made it feel like you were actually the guitarist in a band. They also revamped the peripheral with six buttons, on top of each other, to make it seem closer to a guitar without going crazy.

Is this shit free?

Spoken like a true GH shill


it is just now getting ion drumrocker support

They musta had no $$$ to fund 4. Seriously a setlist of garbage most of it 2012+ nobody bands.
The missing features that now they are going to charge to add in an "expansion"
Its all a mess.
I got it on sale but the fact theres hundreds of songs that wont carry over either isnt helping the promise they made to bring those old tracks to new game.

naw, guitar hero live had streaming music, but it flopped

I really wanted this game to be great, but it's just missing too much for me to even consider playing it for more than a few songs once a month.