Yfw you paid $60 for No Man Sky

this was my exact face & my bf tought i contracted downs syndrome

Other urls found in this thread:


lol haha

rofk (roll on floor keking)

shlick (fapping in female)

tfw you preordered and it just crashes on startup, nothing i've done helped - waiting for a damn patch

Laughed so hard I typed this.

What is the best Boards of Canada album?

Canadian music is gay, no wonder Justin Bieber is from there xD

>mfw torrenting this shit and uninstalling it after 15 minutes
>mfw people pay real shekels for this

What are you doing on this shitty board?

Boards of Canada is not Canadian.

btw im a girl


I can't leave

>mfw Im not ever going to bother torrenting a space exploration indie game

>Tfw my wife's boyfriend convinced her to demand $80 from me to play this game and I told both of them it was bad
>Tfw he enjoys it and he has been playing it day in and day out

KSP is pretty good

Trans-Canada Highway EP

What's lame is when people waste hours crafting when they can just cheat and have fast movement/infinite credits/god mode.

I never heard of no mans sky, i only just recently got a modern graphics card so i completely ignored ANY modern games because I couldn't play them so maybe that's why i enjoy the game, no idea what it was before hand (also didn't pay for it)

Pick one anons

I'm already listening to Geogaddi but I'll listen to this next if I'm still awake.
Does anybody want to know how to make good boiled eggs? This is a great method. I ate ten boiled eggs yesterday.

>played it for three days straight
>didn't pay for it

Campfire Headphase is my favourite, mostly because it reminds me of both LSD and my ex bf.

I'll take 1 Dr. Chill pls

>tfw waiting for my refund to go through
1:57 I hope they accept it I don't want to be stuck with this garbage.

Any way I can turn off those annoying as fuck journey milestones?

Cheating reduces the things you can do in this game from 2 down to 1.

the only thing left is to uninstall

How long did you play for? I got my refund back within two hours.

I tried LSD once but I didn't hallucinate. It might not have been real LSD of course but all my friends were hallucinating. I think psychedelics affect me differently because I had similar results with mushrooms. I'm glad you have positive memories of your ex. I try not to think too much about my previous relationships.

>My wife boyfriend


>download a trainer


XD :)

Your friends are the type that would go to parties in high school, drink O'Doul's, and then pretend they were fucked up while everyone else who was in on the joke watched and shook their heads.

I'm sure they will refund it. This was my first refund and it went really smooth.

These two guys know.

I trust my friends not to lie about their experiences. It's not like the LSD(?) didn't affect me at all. It mostly made me think differently about things. Same with mushrooms.

It's really fucking depressing when you realise it's just an grind for upgrades and nothing else.

My friend had a similar issue but with shrooms, as in they didn't hallucinate but still had the trippy headspace. You ever think about trying it again with a higher dosage?

And thank you, we're actually still friends as well, it's nice.

it's the current year you bigot

I like you user. Thats why you need to trust me when I say you need to kill your stupid retarded pathetic baby friends.

>tfw mental illness runs in family so i avoid lsd

you might just be one of those people that needs to eat a ten-strip to get off

Yes I'd really like to try again with a higher dosage. It's been at least a year. I'm just not sure where to get that stuff, athough I'm about to move in with a bunch of hippie types so I think I'll be able to find it with a little searching.

>falling for sony's lies.

your friends sound so, so fucking dumb bro. seriously, go trip with some decent people, it mkes a huge difference

I'll consider it, thanks.
Good call.
Yeah, that's my thinking as well. I like to joke that I'm just too grounded in reality.

You are projecting.


you might be too old or never smoke weed or too much of a good boy cuck. a square or a prude

or u think hippie ideas and new age r stupid

i dont understand how the grahpics are so bad though

it looks like absolute shit, and the FoV is fake

why would you use a trainer in any game and ruin it

You need new friends mate

720p native res upscaled to whatever
still haven't gotten a good answer to how this works on multi-monitor

>i dont understand how the grahpics are so bad though
It's an old console game

I smoke a lot of weed. Some hippie ideas are stupid and others are not. The term "new age" reminds me of homeopathy for some reason and I think homeopathy is retarded.

You can find it online if you know where to look and it's usually very good stuff if you get it from a decent vendor (I'm a loner so don't have drug friends to buy things from tho). I'm guessing you're from the US though, I wouldn't wanna get caught buying drugs over the internet there.

If you do get it from the hippie friends, maybe invest in a drug testing kit (I forgot the actual name of them) just to make sure it's legit. If the tab tastes of anything spit that shit OUT.

The FOV slider does nothing.


can't wait until Neo is released and retards gush about how good it looks in 4k

Maybe I'm using the term "hallucinate" too loosely. I just mean they were getting like "wall breathing" and the like while for me colors were just a bit brighter and I became very introspective.

>tried some LSD with friends
>all my friends started high-fiving and talking about getting soooo crunk
>didn't do anything to me

welcome to having shit stoner wannabe friends. I been there too

probably the best drug related decision of my life was finding better people to get high with

tits or gtfo

I read somewhere that if you edit one of the settings files in the Binaries folder then you can change it, thought you have to set it higher than you normally would to make any difference.

I wouldn't know as I haven't even been able to play the fucking game yet, thanks Sean.

The forums are full of buyer's remorse threads and the player numbers keep dropping

It still affected me and I trust my friends not to exaggerate or lie about their experiences. I know what it's like to have people exaggerate their drug experience.

>getting high with friends

random friend of theirs comes over & decides to give you a fright while trippin on LSD just for fun

always trip alone you KEK.
that way you can control all variables

bad trips can fuck you up 4 life

>tfw bought this for my wife's son and he didn't even thank me

laughing out loud, i'm laughing so hard right now


There is no greater buzzkill than simultaneously realizing you've been gyped by a dealer and your friends are fucking fakers. I feel you friend.

what are you "lol"ing (to use the parlance of our time) about, my good pal?

don't talk to me bro, talk to the guy with phony ass friends who are faking their trips around him

pls tell me you just joking

Music has the right to children, for sure.

Please stop suggesting that my good friends are liars.

Is this some sort of nu, shitty and tryhard meme?

Even my wife's boyfriend can't stop laughing


kek my wife's son is laffing so hard right now XD

blacked wife
happy life

someday u might understand son when your nuts drop and get a wife and be married a decade

>mfw me and my friends dropped a bunch of acid and shrooms and took turns playing NMS
>mfw the lines between the game's reality and ours started to blur, and we became three scrappy space adventurers on a road-trip to meet god
>mfw we became space trailer park boys, running pounds of space dope while dodging the cops and laheys that were constantly on our asses

You guys really need to try this game in Ricky mode, the game is perfect for it. Skip to a planet, get all the fucking atoms you need to make a warp fucking space jump thing, tell the space cops to fuck off, and get outta there because fuck this planet, and hope you have enough plamodiums to start your space car while you're getting shot at by planet defense fuckheads.

I had friends like that once. Thought it would be fun to pull some fucked up shit on me while they were doing their bullshit pretend game and I was *actually* tripping on some acid I brought from home.

Word of serious caution to you user - be very careful with people of that caliber. That one, single trip that they toyed with turned me into a pathetic wreck for a near month. I haven't used acid since, and wisely moved on from those "friends"

Be very, very careful who you trip around. Don't fuck around with those idiots anymore. Speaking from serious experience here. Wannabe pretenders will fuck you up.

FAIL. I'm not even going to reply to this.

ur so frickin cool dude haha epic post

That's my first post in this thread. Maybe listen to the fifty people saying the same thing I am.

I'm getting annoyed with all the people suggesting that my friends are liars. I am good at reading people.

fuck off randy

Is it so hard for you to believe that my brain chemistry is different enough for me to have a different experience from my friends?

>took some acid
>friends chimping out
>absolutely nothing happens to me
>"please stop suggesting my friends are liars :("

jesus man open your eyes

pls don't do drugs

thank you

>>absolutely nothing happens to me
I didn't say that. The LSD (or research chem or whatever it really was) put me in a very different headspace or whatever you true and real tripstronauts call it.

No, I get that. But there's a difference between "my friends were taming dragons and all I saw were monkeys" and what you described.

Anyone who has been tripping long enough has run into people like that. I'm not trying to rustle you, I was just offering some condolences saying I know the feeling of having shifty dicks harshing your high. Yeesh.

ive been using for way longer than i even want to admit. it just does not work that way man. if your friends pull that pretend shit now then when you get some actual lsd and share it with them like a bro they're gonna pull some shit that will seriously damage you

im not the only user telling you to be careful sharing your trips with retards


You seem like a decent guy man, I'm trying to offer some advice. There's like 8 other people doing the exact same thing and you're getting aggressive about it rather than realizing there's clearly something you're not seeing.

What I described is "my friends hallucinated and I didn't". I didn't go into any detail at all about what they claimed to see, or what I personally experienced while on the drug. You are the one who jumped to conclusions and suggested that they couldn't stop yammering about how they were SO HIGH DUDE

just here to agree with this. dude knows whats up.

Yeah im confused as to why people keep suggesting that, i thought they were memeing at first.

I never said any of that. There are a number of people talking to you here, I've posted 3 times.

I read what you said, I've seen your posts. I know exactly what you're describing, and I know they weren't "WOAH BRO"-ing out. Believe me.

My advice stands. I'm sorry you don't appreciate it. I'll leave you be.

I do appreciate all of you trying to help, but my friends are not dicks, they do not "pull shit", and I trust them. I know that you are speaking from your own experiences with people but I honestly can tell when people exaggerate their experiences because I have seen it firsthand a lot.