What is the best Star Wars game?

What is the best Star Wars game?


kotor 2

There's a few out there. The pod racing one is rather fun for quick sessions, the KOTOR games are both enjoyable cRPGs, I've heard TOR is raking in shitloads of money, so there's gotta be something about it.

Personally, I think I enjoyed the first KOTOR the most.

F what?

Depends on what you're looking for. Outcast and Academy are 10/10 for lightsaber combat, KoTOR 2 probably has the best plot, TIE fighter for Empire simulator, Rouge Squad 3 for that Speeder Bike Chase, or EP1 racer for, well, racing.

R2D2 died.

R2D2's actor died

TOR has basically turned into the Candy Crush of MMORPGs, so at least it's not surprising that it's raking in cash. It's definitely not a good game though.

Battlefront 2


kotor 1 and 2 to answer your question

Jedi Outcast

Jedi Academy, KotOR, TFU


I hope you're only referring to the Vader intro user.

Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 and it's not even fucking close at all.

Honestly I thought he died years ago due to that joke on American Dad

LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga[/spoilers]



Thanks, I was waiting for this reply

SWTOR Imperial Agent class

Battlefront II


Star Wars Force Commander, good luck getting a copy of it though

I used to be able to almost 1CC this, the Endor Death Star battle was horseshit though.

Dark Forces series.

Vader really needs his own game.

I honestly can't believe we still don't have one. All that potential for naughty vidya antics and everyone's too obsessed with playing it safe and heroic.

I just want to crush rebel scum.

EA Battlefront + DLCs + Singleplayer mode is pretty much all I need. Very authentic atmosphere, nice maps, lots of weapons and good heroes. Online mode is sometimes not very balanced, but I'm fine with that.


Don't you want to force choke a rebel whilst he is in mid flight ?
Or throw your saber to a corridor slicing Rebel scum ?

waiting for battlefield 2 when they fix all their shit honestly

Except that's only if you get the hero powerup and even then it's not a good selling angle you should be using. Stomping around in an AT-ST was far more fun than playing as a hero.

Republic Commando.

Jedi Knight 2

>tfw when you beat Vader when you were younger
>tfw you destroyed both Death Stars

This game was actually pretty fucking great

Everyone has a price

Galactic battalgrounds
empire @ war
republic commando
clone wars on xbox
battlefront 2

Tie Fighter.

To be fair, the single player mode is the most enjoyable thing they've put out, but only because it suffers from none of the problems that the original game shipped with.

Remove blaster having to be unlocked, add in bots to keep 40 v 40 matches at 40 v 40, and it's a golden experience. Fighting as a squad with a bunch of mindless AI without having to worry about unlocking weapons or star cards was fun beyond anything I had online where everyone ran off and did their own thing.

Still not a great game, but at least now there's enough gameplay to justify the meager $20 they managed to pry out of my hands.

Why does everyone always say Tie Fighter and not X-Wing?

Tie Fighter had the branching campaign.

I'm honestly surprised how good and kinda challenging this game is

it provides a unique perspective, better atmosphere, better music, better voice work, overall improvements to gameplay and graphics, and better ships.

Empire at war`

Shadows of the Empire
Jedi Knight series
Pod Racing

I hear XWing and TIE Fighter are good too, but haven't played them.

>better ships

That's ridiculous, nothing beats the A-Wing.

Heroes vs Villans exists you know

TIE Fighter, obviously.

Republic Commando or Rogue Squadron II

And it's pretty lame, a novelty mode with no thought put into it.

fuck you and your A-wing. I'd rather fly a Z-95 than that piece of shit.

Republic Commando would've been even cooler if the squadmates actually had the specialities they're supposed to have. They make a big deal about how Sev is the best sniper and Scorch knows his explosives, but none of that matters in the actual gameplay.


Won't be as cool.

Well yeah that's the point

The other modes are better

he looks like a fucking pussy. bitch needs to start lifting.

Well yeah a good solid turd is better than the curry shits.



All EA Battlefront has going for it is the graphics, but it will never surpass the original Battlefront I&II if it doesn't bring back Command Posts, classes, and the CIS and Republic sides.

Having said that, maybe I'll get it just for the single player when it's dirt cheap.

For the same reason why batman dosn't have white eyes in any of the movies. Can't portray "emotion"

>deadpool movie
>civil war movie's spiderman
yeah, ok.

Deadpool dosn't count as FOX didn't give a shit about the movie and thought it would flop, and Spider-Man's mask can't work without the lenses. You wanted to know the reason why he has pupils, I gave it it you. Don't bitch just because you don't like the answer.

That's actually the reason given for Batman's design though.

Star Wars Battle Pod. (Super linear but super immersive)
Episode I racing
Lego Star Wars
Battlefront II
Republic Commando
Empire at War
Galactic Battlegrounds
Jedi Knight 1 and 2

The games touch many genres m8

PS1 goodies:

Jedi Power Battles
The Episode 1 Game

Kyle Katarn saga
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

KotOR 1 or 2, people still debate this

Battlefront 2

I'd say the force unleashed 1 but i'd probably get meme'd to death