2 years had passed. Do you still love her Sup Forums?

2 years had passed. Do you still love her Sup Forums?

not enough butt, legs, and feet porn of her

also video games

>2 years had passed
I hope you're trolling and it hasn't been 2 years already

I would of guessed it was 6 months ago


Threads gonna 404

Did that flash game of hers get finished?

This was the point when Sup Forums turned full reddit.
The console-tan comics were also pushing it.

I'm glad that the autist developing her game never finished it and basically just wasted his time.

literally no one cares anymore.


He isn't trolling.

She was reddit then and she's reddit now

The most cringeworthly shit Sup Forums has ever done

She's a reddit creation. So no.

was this Sup Forums's lowest point? did we ever truly recover from this embarrassment? do you think Sup Forums will ever disavow goobergate?

i cringe each and every time she's posted
i cringe each and every time le angry old Sup Forums meme man is posted
i cringe each and every time le red anonymous meme man is posted

i cringe so hard i have to leave the site for a bit each time i see someone post a comic of any of these characters interacting, like dating and shit. shit's so reddit i contemplate suicide.

Man this was a shitty time for Sup Forums.

>do you think Sup Forums will ever disavow goobergate?
It's over, we won


can we just act like this never happened and go back to ignoring corrupt journalists like we always did?

Who's account is that? Who's Peter?

Remember the cringy images depicting the "exodus from Sup Forums"?

i can't stop cringing
this is seriously worse than any reddit cancer

that was Sup Forums's lowest point

I already said that

I'm Sup Forums agrees

let's never speak of goobergate again..

You guys seem quite okay with it, considering there are still daily threads whining about censorship and sjw shit


One of the gawker people who were forced to pay Hulk.
Peter is a reference to Peter Thiel, a billionaire that Gawker outed as gay. Turns out he financed the entire trial against Gawker as revenge.

>if you're against censorship and sjws you're goobergate!
>if you think murder and theft are morally wrong, you're a christian!
nice logic fucktard

Even then, that wasn't the worst thing to come out of this site.

Remember the Sup Forums winter ball?

There's also TG art of her floating around.

One of Gawker's editors, after the Hulk Hogan trial that was funded by Peter Thiel, all of his assets were frozen by court order to be given to Hulk

The fight is not yet over, brother. Operation TD is still going. We need to defeat the censorcucks...

remember chanology?
goobergate is EXACTLY the same

it was doomed to fail from the start


is he ok?

Jesus christ how embarrassing.

go post your facebook frog

the adults are talking

>goo goo ga ga!

I'm gonna say it straight: If you're not with us, you're against us. So yes, if you're anti-censorship, you're one of our bros. Embrace it.

i don't hate gamergate. i think it's an absolutely pathetic manchild "political campaign", but i don't hate it itself.
i hate your pathetic redditor mascots is what i hate. i don't hate your ideology, i hate your imagery. every piece of fanart you fucking faggots put out did nothing but keep me farther away from your faggot crusade than i already was.

Typical goobergate tactic

Can't handle any kind of criticism? just spam gore or CP to make your opponents leave

They've done this with every hashtag that criticised goobergate. You're monsters.

>Sup Forums-tan has reddit on his shoulder
>he's also holding tumblr

I can't believe someone on Sup Forums would make this. Holy shit.

I just explained why your logic was retarded and flawed but you just fail to comprehend how fucking stupid it is.

Good job goobergator. YOU WIN THE PRIZE.



Also why is it called goobergate?

>being offered mercy and still choosing the cuck side

If anyone is the retard, it's you

You idiots can only think in black and white can't you? This is why your stupid movement failed 2 years ago.

>Mercy from NEETs on a Latvian banjo tuning forum

>gawker shutdown
>xenoblade x and fates sold next to no copies
>SVU episode

I think it's safe to say we not only won, but went above and beyond. Keep crying

Brianna Wu please go to bed.


>someone turned this cringe into a webcomic
>they sell merchandise with her on it

link it

>>gawker shutdown

nothing to do with you

100% hulk hogan's trial

stop taking credit for shit that you had no involvement in you dishonest cunts.

>xenoblade x and fates sold next to no copies

Was that your goal from the start? To stop people from buying video games?

You're fucking retarded.

>SVU episode

I didn't know an SVU episode was one of your goals either?

Tell me

What exactly have the goobergrabs achieved other than shitposting and harassing people with liberal opinions?

google it

Hulk Hogan and Youtube's Strike system have done more for gaming than GG.

I would but I don't want to cringe too hard while I'm looking for it

I really can't stand looking at goobergate material for too long...

>two years have passed
What the fuck.

Of course I still love her, although I can't remember any of the drama around her creation. All I know is that Sup Forums did something good for once

>he still saves gore pics to scare off non-existent people on Sup Forums

i remember when i was in my edgy Sup Forums phase.


kill yourself
set yourself on fire


Trully the symbolism is running deep

Gawker shutdown had nothing to do with the movement and Fates/XCX sold fine. Especially Fates which shattered previous FE records.

At least that episode was fucking hilarious.

imagine thinking tumblr was your ally

and now try imagining that without cringing

it's impossible

the cringe is real


Fates made money. More than Awakening

I'm fairly certain we were fighting against censorship and corrupt video game journalists, and our "enemies" such as reddit had views that aligned with ours. It was the one time our shitty board actually did something to defend the future of video games.

If you were just one of those guys who came to Sup Forums for the usual threads and got annoyed because our threads were off topic and taking over the front page, then that's fine. As long as you don't directly disagree with the ideals Vivian represents, then I can't see any reason for us to argue.


Afterlife Empire was finished (it's on Steam even) but it's absolutely fucking awful and the backers voted to give a share of profits to Feminist Frequency so nobody who gives a shit about GamerGate should be buying it anyways.

>Hillary wins the election
>Sup Forums gets mad
>Trump wins the election
>SJWs are on legit suicide watch and every journalist under the sun cries about how Gamergate ruined the country
Make the right choice and cause the most faggot asspain

>He deleted his Twitter account

imagine caring this much about what a pink haired beta male writes about in his video game blog

IMAGINE thinking your movement is somehow valid

Imagine being that fucking pathetic and obsessed over Zoe Quinn's sex life.

I honestly pity you.

>feet porn
literally the only thing she was good for and there's so little