Now that FFXV is delayed, Persona 5 is only in Jap shit for now, and Star Ocean 5 sucked ass we all can agree that Megadimension Neptunia V2 is the JRPG of the year ?
Now that FFXV is delayed, Persona 5 is only in Jap shit for now...
If they fix that fucking lily system or grouping system,and make the game not spammable with exe attacks than yeah it would be the best of this year
That's an Action rpg
so is Final Fantasy 15
Dark Souls
Neptunia is better than the boy band simulator to begin with, delayed or not.
>more than half of these is free
This desu
Dark Souls 3 was garbage, i say this as a Souls fan.
game literally had no replayability
God Eater wins.
>you only have to pay for 45 of the 100 DLCs!
>Trails of Cold Steel
>Criminal Girls 2
Plenty of choice.
doesn't really look like it to be honest senpai
yes, and? 13 paid DLC's, 5 of which are for scrubs that find the game too hard, rest is costumes and DLC characters. I really fail to see the point you are trying to make
Because the free ones were already added into the game?
To be fair, half of the paid shit's cosmetic and the other half's completely unnecessary in-game
Its embarrasing to admit it but yeah, i can't believe it was actually a good game, neps are more like a Plus rather than the reason in this game
Pretty much.
>You have to pay for fucking party members
>people actually defend this
The Game Awards will probably just pull the category altogether.
I know that feel. Wasted $40 on a game that isn't even challenging. DLC was a game changer in the original V, so I bought out of instinct.
>No demand
>Releases on the same day as World of Warcraft: Legion
store cute girls
>SMT apocolypse comes out in a few months
>B-but It's okay when final fantasy dose it !
You don't have to buy it if you don't like it ;)
>SMT game being nominated
Nope. There's a reason why Persona dropped the name in America.
The only relevant purchase there is nepgya, the rest doesn't matter
>final fantasy XV
Cold Steel II will be JRPG of the year.
>Final Fantasy XV
One thing about Nepnep games is they absolutely fucking inundate you in companions. You have so many party member options that you're overloaded as fuck throughout the whole game.
>World of Final Fantasy
>Final Fantasy XV
>Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse
>Bravely Second: End Layer
>Pokemon Sun and Moon
Any of those games are better JRPGs than Neptunia. Even Yokai Watch 2 is better.
>all websites still say September 6
>Xseed said when they first put this date up that it wasn't the final date, it might wind up being "just a placeholder"
>less than a month to go and still no formal announcement of whether or not they're going to change it
>mfw my birthday is September 7
There's no defending it, but I do wish that Iris Heart and Yellow Heart had been options
Damn, even PC gamers are being ripped off this time around. I thought the ridiculous DLC prices were limited to us PS4 owners.
>Bravely Second: End Layer
>Yokai Watch 2
Now now user, let's not say things that aren't true.
>Pokemon Sun and Moon
Into the trash it goes
>Final Fantasy XV
You already have the full amount of party members without the DLC, user.
Is megadimension good? I remember Sup Forums said victory was good and it sucks.
And so another thread becomes nothing but shitposting about nep, post neps guys
It's good if your goin by Neptunia standards
In other words "It's alright when Square Enix does it, but it's not alright when Neps do it"?
shits all over victory so hard it's not even funny. Like going from Mario 1 to 3
So it fuckin sucks.......
Time to protest this Final Fantasy game for years as well.
This is now a nep shitposting thread
I assume we're talking about western release dates, in which case I'm going to disagree and say Atelier Sophie was better.
V-II was surprisingly entertaining though
Do you even what the original argument was about?
Playable characters.
It's absolute garbage. You can basically do a speedrun of the first story without even fighting anyone but the bosses. Which is actually recommended.
The second story is trash set up to sell DLC several times over by giving you a party of two people to fight multiple enemies, in turn based combat.
You do too in megadimension, those caracters are characters with little if not zero impact in the story
>Atelier Sophie
>Felt like the graphics were turned on minimum and the game was pointless due to no restrictions. Rune Factory: Oceans tier.
>The second story is trash set up to sell DLC several times over by giving you a party of two people to fight multiple enemies, in turn based combat.
Am I supposed to take it as being shit enough at the game that you can't beat it without DLC characters?
user, random battles can drag out to a minute even while holding down L2.
Even the bad JRPGs have an overworld that isn't confined to menus and dont tell a story primarily through static images and text boxes are better.
Neptunia is low-budget, rehashed schlock. Don't compare anything but indie games to the bottom of the barrel franchise.
>set up to sell dlc
The only one that even approaches requiring effort is Noire's and that's still easily handled if you do a few quests and because Uni's amazing at building up EXE meter
You are really fucking bad at this aren't you?
>neptunia is better than bravely second
This is the first time I've seen such an opinion on this website. Have you played BS? Or even a Neptunia game?
Oh boy, this storm of buzzwords again
>an overworld that isn't confined to menus and dont tell a story primarily through static images and text boxes
See: pretty much any lower budget japanese game, same goes for Atelier, at least half of the cutscenes there are the just like that, same goesfor Disgaea, games that people say they love and "shit all over neptunia", yeah sure, let's pretend that's right
>Neptunia is low-budget
Because it is? No shit it's low budget, you expected Tales/FF budget?
>rehashed schlock
So you are just another pc secondary that actually thinks the RB games are the only games in the series
>You do too in megadimension
No, you don't. Because these are full party members locked behind paywalls. Even if they aren't important to the plot or anything, it doesn't change the fact that you have no access to the full amount of characters
Bravely Second was a low budget rehash of the first game, which had one of the most awful "twists" I've experienced in a game. At least Neptunia's consistent.
Why aren't you making 50 threads about XV then? Or even Atelier games? The rest of the XV cast is locked behind a paywall despite originally being playable, and Atelier introduces a character in a story, gives them maybe 3 scenes and then drops the character into DLC section
By the end of second chapter you have 10 playable non-DLC characters when there can be only 4 on field. And later on there's even more.
PS4 JRPGs in general are nothing what I was expecting. Japan is becoming more shameless about DLC than AAA publishers.
Not completely.
See, in Final Fantasy XV, you had your full amount of party members from the beginning. We haven't seen what the DLC in XV is really about, but since Tabata played a lot of Witcher 3 lately, it's likely that it follows the same idea of DLC of that game. Small side campaigns that have little to do with the main plot of the game. (Which probably also means that they won't be playable outside their DLC). It's a completely seperate issue from Neptunia
>Japan is becoming more shameless about DLC than AAA publishers
Until they start adding loot crates with keys you have to buy and other microtransactions, they are fucking GODS compared to AAA trash, and they can stay that way
Post neps
Ah so it IS okay when FF does that and announces the whole thing MONTHS before the game actually releases, essentially cutting out content, but it ISNT okay when Neptunia does that for months after the game release, without even announcing the whole thing like, two months after the release
which one
XV is still coming out this year.
those are additional story things where you play as them. you still have them as party members in the regular game and can give them menu commands too
All of them
The end of November, user. GG didn't fix every problem with gaming journalism. Most sites have their annual selection choices completed in September.
I would say west is getting better than Japs lately.
In the west they're implementing skins which you can get for free every now and then or buy if you really need them so much. Other content is starting to become free, like maps, guns, characters.
Now Japs are the masters of paid DLCs. Especially Bamco which was even joked in latest Nep. Don't even remind me of Idolm@ster or Dead or Alive. In case of MGSV every bigger game shop brand in Japan had one or two exclusive skins.
It's usually toned down in the west.
Trails of Cold Steel 2 gets localized next month.
>essentially cutting out content
Content that hasn't even started development yet
>Not requesting Noire
i-its not like i care or a-anything!!
Yeah, sure, remember the old trailer for Versus with playable Prompto?
>In case of MGSV every bigger game shop brand in Japan had one or two exclusive skins.
>It's usually toned down in the west.
YOU FUCKING RETARDED? Forgot pre-order bonuses exist which are even WORSE than that? Remember the "augment your preorder" fiasco with Deus Ex?
>In the west they're implementing skins which you can get for free every now and then or buy if you really need them so much
Yeah, skins which in the old days of gaming would be free from the get go, it's still a fucking RNG microtransaction in a B2P game, Blizzard can eat a bag of dicks
Yes, they tried to do Japan once and they failed horribly. In Japan it's called everyday, so how does it make west any worse?
Let me ask a question, would you rather have to pay for season pass which actually divides community or some out of places skins you can or can not pay for? And until just recently skins became nearly forgotten.
Yes I'd pay for season pass if the content it gives is good, not like the trash say, Shadow of Mordor offered, and how the fuck would it even divide community?
And yes, I'd pay for a skin, if I like said skin and I can actually buy the one I want, instead of buying a box and having a CHANCE to get said skin. I'm sorry user but at this point I'm certain you are actually retarded, you keep advocating the way the west does thing while pretty much everyone else agrees it's fucking cancer
> In Japan it's called everyday, so how does it make west any worse?
Are you talking about microtransactions? Just take a fucking SECOND to compare what games use them in western gaming and in japan, can't? Then I spell it out for you
F2P mobile games
AAA, B2P titles, Overwatch, DeadSpace3, Halo5, Assasins Creed, the list goes fucking on
>Persona 5 is only in Jap shit
And you don't even speak Japanese?
>Because it is? No shit it's low budget, you expected Tales/FF budget?
Neptunia VII is $50 MSRP. That's not a fair price for a game of its quality. Ratchet and Clank movie tie-in game for PS4 probably had ten times its budget and was $40.
Hurr, you obviously brought up Blizzard so I obviously spoke about multiplayer games. Season Pass in this case is self explanory.
In what single player game you saw crates and other shit anyway? Even costume DLCs in single player games in the west become more rare, but obviously still are a thing.
I want to FUCK Noire
can I buy these?
>odin shit
This meme ends right here, right now.
The combat is spammy repetetive trash.
The food system is garbage that only serves to halt the flow of gameplay and pad out the game's short lenght
Skill system is bloated and mostly useless, only 3 skills at most are worth using
not being able to pick which story to start with is stupid
Like every vanillaware game, it is mediocre in all aspects.
Neptunia games are aiming to sell games on sales. That's why not long ago Megadimension was 50% off on PS Store and they start with a -40% off on Steam.
Single player? I don't think any, but you we were talking about west vs jap DLC's here in general
If you are currently in japan and there's even one "Tsunako museum" exhibition left, maybe. Otherwise all you can do is try to buy a "nepunepu" from IFI's store
Or go to next comiket in japan and buy custom nep keychains from doujin artists
Last alternative is buying one from geb
visual novels arent RPGs, and Cold Shit 1 & 2 are glorified VN's
Shit for a shit "game"
I guess all rpg with more than two lines of dialogue are VN now.
No they have it by Dec
The "game" is 90% borign as fuck dialogue about irrelevant bullshit. No one gives a shit about some fictional political issues THAT DONT FUCKING MATTER
So they put the games in every sale they can for a few years until they get remade and then put the remakes on sale. Nice.