Give me your honest opinion of Nu Male's Sky

Give me your honest opinion of Nu Male's Sky.

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It's fun.

I have no interest in playing it.

I cant tell if you are baiting or a newfag

I returned it so I could get Transformers Devastation.

Shite tbqh

I have no interest in shit games
that's why i never played a witcher game or a bioware turd

I have a 6 core CPU running at 3.8 Ghz and this game doesn't support it.

Amateurs / 10

those numale beards

relaxing + fun

Poorfag? Devastation is like ten bucks now a days. Also pirate it if your a Mustard Race.

Good ideas, best execution a team of fifteen people could probably do with a limited budget. Victim of the hype train--both by idealistic Sup Forumsirgins and Sony. If it didn't have the Sony co-marketing and was released semi-quietly on Steam, it would be getting way less shit than it is today.

I don't find the novelty of discovering randomly pregenerated content before anyone else to be enticing enough for AAA price tag.
In fact, it's a game that I would probably end up never checking even if I got it from Humble Bundle.

>Sup Forums used to reserve nu-male for sjw cucks
>now throws it around at anybody
I don't think Sean has demonstrated being a nu-male, just a liar, like Todd or Molyneux. Unless there is something I'm missing.

It's very boring.

I think it will be my GoTY unironicly.

This year has been mediocre, I cant see upcoming releases changing that.
NMS however has given me hours of entertainment and the ride isnt ending.
>It's a glitch guys
>I'm sure it will be patched
>It's because they were in different times
>we met but didnt see eachother
Now there are manchildren talking of lawsuits, it's nu males v nu males, I got all this entertainment and I didnt even buy the damn thing.
How can any other game this year compete when you factor in value for money?
>nu male crying on stream after completing it

Tried it at a friend's. Not worth $60 at all but it looks like an okay game to adventure around in mindlessly. Pretty much the exact game I expected.

It did make me realize my friend is the most boring player to watch. Plays slow, cautiously etc. The moment he handed me the controller it looked like he was having a panic attack since I started seeking out and mauling hostile life, destroying sentries and getting into dogfights.

>Sup Forums used to not throw around Nu-male, SJW and cuck like brainless faggots

Gamergate ruined this board

Fuck off nu-male SJW cuck

this is a nice post

Boring and dull, i'd rather play elite dangerous and thats just a space truck simulator.

Expect Todd to learn from Seans mistakes, Todd is always watching, always observing....

It is what it is. I don't know what people were expecting, the trailers showed space exploration and the game delivers on that part. There's definitely groundwork for a decent game here.

Gamergate ruined Sup Forums culture in general.

Fuck Reddit and Sup Forums.

Pirated it fairly easy via gog so i don't have a biased opinion.

the game is fun for the first 5ish hours but then you start seeing some recolors here and there. i don't think its worth the 60 price tag maybe 30 or 20...

Space stations are decently comfy but literally everything else is boring garbage

have you heard of minecraft

This. Expectations were way too high. It's Sean's fault for encouraging that by not admitting that certain expected features wouldn't be there, but I can understand the temptation not to. They're a tiny, unheard of studio and this put them on the map (for better or worse). So many others get relegated to making shovelware or just folding altogether.

these cucks are rolling in money now

>this SJW nu-male cuck asspain
>mfw Trump wins

Sup Forums was shit since Zimmerman trials lured an unassimilatable mass of people over.

Sup Forums as a whole is worse now. We are just here because lack of alternatives. The youtube of imageboards.

>check it out mom I'm falseflagging on the internet!

The concept sounds stupid and it always has. Game looks stupid and it always has. If you want to buy a game that's not worth 60 bucks, I recommend Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

It's the definition of insanity.

Cool aesthetic and audio. They (mostly) delivered on the promise of making a game that looks like a Chris Foss cover. Would be a comfy mining simulator if it wasn't so fucking intrusive. Every 20 seconds, your suit is low, your mining tool is low, your oxygen is low, your inventory is full, your ship inventory is full, new checkpoint added, "journey milestone accomplished" with 10 seconds of forced letterboxing.

If it could shut up and let me get immersed for a minute and the PC port was half-decent I'd lump it in the same category as Euro Truck Sim, something mindless to play while listening to podcasts or albums. But it makes an incredible hassle out of mundane shit. Will buy it 3 years from now when it's fully patched and thrown in the $1 tier of a humble bundle.

Short on actual shit to do.
Needed to be sold for at the very least $30.


This. If it cost less, it'd be great, or if it had more to do, it'd be great. There's not enough game for the price, or there's too much price for the game

Agreed. It's because it brought you faggot tumblrinos over

>18 quintillion planets
>no warp ability to travel to them

floating sim of the year all years

>Chris Foss

Mah mugga

Might torrent now based solely on that comparison

The circlejerk memes are annoying. I had no interest in it, but now I'm going to try it out because of all the people shitting on it.

Can't even play it, crashes right after the screen turns white when booting up.

I've heard Elite Dangerous is bad so I guess it's back to FTL.

>he didn't build a hyperdrive

oh wait I'm responding to a shitposter. whoops.

I would rather have a fishing hook caught in my balls than to ever play No Man's Sky for even a minute

needless to say, I would NEVER, EVER spend fucking 60 dollars on this heaping pile of shit that these fucking beta cucks have the audacity to call a video game

I'd probably enjoy it if it didn't stutter like a deck of cards all the time

It's a below average game that has several gameplay flaws. The flight system is terrible, shooting is boring at best, terrible at worst. Exploration is not even good. The only reason this game is known is because it has become a Playstation meme.

3/10, do not buy. I have buyer's remorse from pirating

its fucking BORING and anyone who likes this trash is boring and at least mildly retarded

Aside from how over hyped it is, I wouldn't mind buying it for like 12 dollars. It would be a fun time waster to just fuck around while high. But it's 60 dollar walking simulator with as much content as a flash game. So no.

It's shit and Sean Murray is a lying cunt. I hate him.

Best game this century. This is THE blueprint to follow for indee devs to morph into full blown AAA devs. A new breed we shall call indAAA devs.

This is the future you desrve.

The game is absolutely, utterly broken from a design standpoint. The game was originally built with the goal of exploration in mind, but when they realized (rightfully so) that exploring band, monochrome worlds with no interesting features at all makes for a boring as fuck game, they opted to graft on some incredibly unfitting and questionable gameplay mechanics (god awful inventory management, shitty combat, awful flight controls) for the sake of making it more into a playable game. This effort failed because the core design of exploration is still there, mainly because of the fact that reaching the center of the galaxy yields absolutely no fucking reward, meaning that the only, ONLY purpose of this game is to explore the same boring fucking planets over and over again.

What a piece of shit

I remember when people bitched at Crysis being a glorified tech demo. No Man's Sky takes it to a whole new level.

I wasn't really interested at first but now that Sup Forums can't go a single thread without shitting on it I'm probably going to get it.

90% of the time for me, if a new game is shitposted to obnoxious degrees on Sup Forums I find it usually isn't all that bad, or at least has some merit. Especially if the shitposting involves some Sup Forums kiddie memes like cuck or this "nu male" shit even though the developer hasn't been political at all

>No women
>No minorities

Why haven't the SJWs attacked this game yet?


I really don't understand why they made the inventory management SO tedious? The only answer I can come up with is that they made it as a way of padding out gameplay and giving the player a sense of progression. If that's the case then I daresay that making the game you're playing slightly less tedious is not a very good progression system.

> What's Oblivion
Todd have already gone trough the "randomly generated terrain" phase. It's all about random quests not. He's one step ahead.

While I admire what it aspires to, both the space/trading/exploration and the first person/crafting/exploration feels shallow. Many games do either better, and the novelty of this game doing both wears off quick.
I'm on my second system after getting the warp drive and honestly I feel like I've seen most of what the game is gonna show me. Hack those terminals or whatever to find more locations, harvest the same resources over and over... The upgrade system isn't terrible but it becomes a game of inventory management which gets annoying.
If they gave you the ability to build an outpost and upgrade it, even just one as your "home base" (although this goes against exploring far from it) I think that would have added a ton more depth.
Interacting with wildlife is boring and doesn't seem to matter. Collect carbon, maybe they attack you back. Not far in the game but combat seems like an afterthought.
Overall it's interesting and not poorly executed, but lacking in a bunch of departments. I will at least grind out the "storyline" but not sure how long it will hold my interest after upgrading things a few times.
Definitely not worth $60. $30 and a lot of flaws can be overlooked. Hopefully they patch and fix the technical issues soon, but ideally they add more content via free DLC (cause FUCK spending more than $60).
tl;dr would rather play X3

Multi tools look cool I guess.

Gamergate, Trump supporters, status quo warriors, etc. all from reddit brought their alt right bullshit here and ruined what was an apolitical place.

Have these faggots have heard of a razor blade before?

Shave your face you fucking goat.

I'm done with it. the shitposting that is

Nu-males count as minority. Also, that thing on the right is a transfreak.

Thanks for reminding me that .01% of the people here are reasonable. Good post

Really ugly and Sean Murray has a punchable face.

No Arkham's Sky is the best game of 2016, you who are saying otherwise clearly don't have strong enough PCs to run this masterpiece, so you hate on this otherwise so flawless game.

Underrated post


That design is god awful. What a shit game.

I played 10 hours of it yesterday on my PC.
Zero issues whatsoever.

The dude is absolutely a nu-male. Please somebody post what Sean said with the hearts and shit where he literally writes like a girl. He literally fulfills all of the nu-male characteristics. You can also see that book where he says "Right now I'm physically sick because you all have the game in your hands". All of his writing is packed full of meaningless adjectives. Even the writing in game mimicks this.

I like it because I kept my expectations reasonable and didn't pay much attention to whatever the devs were promising, and as a result, didn't shit my pants when the game came out. It's p good.

You forgot one issue.

It's a boring game.

It's okay.
Not 60$ Okay.
Not AAA Okay.
But Okay.

S'alright. Definitely not worth full price. Thank fuck for the gog version.

Just as some people would find you boring, yet you still have two friends.

Fucking lel. Sup Forums has always been counterculture, it's contrarian to whatever is mainstream, and sometimes that includes politics. You're a fucking reddit-tier newfag if you think otherwise.

what user, you don't want a potato crystalized gun or a destiny rifle clone with yellow colouring? I've seen like maybe 4 or 5 types of multi tools. procedural generation's a meme.

Which part of it would you say is well executed? I don't think any part of the game is particularly well executed. I also think that if the game is about exploration, then maybe mining shouldn't take up such a large portion of the game? Maybe you could actually take on fucking quests from NPCs that could get you upgrades instead? Maybe you could just skip the whole bullshit fueling your pulse engine process because if the entirety of space is one massive asteroid field filled with the exact element that you need to fill up your pulse engine, then the process is redundant and just serves to take up an inventory slot? Same for the god damn multitool energy source, same for the life support energy source. All these things only serve to undermine the game and make it less fun to play.

Enjoy your thinly veiled survival game.

this might be a shocker for you but people have different tastes

casual detected. Probably have like 500 hours in fallout 4 and enjoys eating shit for breakfast

It seems like a game that'll be real fun if people start adding neat mods to it.
But considering Im not a PC gamer, I'm looking forward to playing it when it's a free title for PS+ users in about a year


Also the reason this is sold as a AAA title is consoles want $60 for a new game. I can see console players going apeshit over this game because in the console world it is unique and I'm sure a lot of console only players have never experienced this kind of gameplay.
PC players, though... This game offers weaker versions of gameplay we have in a slew of titles

Yeah shit tastes. Autismos only enjoy this mine craft clone.

pretty comfy desu senpai

I swear this board gets worse every year.

Yes the game is shit. No it's not the new tortanic. Can you now stop posting about it and let it die already? And take you fucking nu male meme with you.

I almost wish we went back to calling everything cuck for fucks sake.


Pirated yesterday, uninstalled today. Looks like shit and instantly becomes a boring, pointless grind. Can't wait for someone to "really" make the game this could have been.

This. Sup Forums now throws around numale and cuck in every situation.

If we bully sean into adding fun features that we want

It can make a great game

After seeing him throw out that day one patch after streamers said the game wasn't that good it shows that we can push him into adding things we want

I like the survival game genre, I like space, and I like exploration; this game is truly fun for me.

That's the most damning part about this game's design. The recharging mechanic is a waste of time and it achieves absolutely nothing. If you're never going to run out of particles for your pulse engine or your multi tool, you might as well just not have this mechanic in place.

I wish people from Sup Forums would just stay there. Jesus, they're so annoying.

A small dev team that bit off WAY more than they could chew and refused to quell the false hype train by clearly communicating what the game actually is. They released a buggy game that crashes on both PS4 and PC, has frame drops all over the place, and has """""multiplayer""""" maybe but it doesn't work maybe because of server issues maybe who knows? All the while they're trying to pretend like the game is even worth $60 in the first place without taking any real responsibility for the shitty state that the game launched in.

My honest opinion is that it shows everything a small studio can do wrong when given too much attention and marketing. It's garbage, maybe worth $20 if you really like casually exploring low-resolution planets.


the only reason this mechanic is in the game is so that it could appeal to the survival minecraft fans. that's it.

Counterculture doesn't mean alt right.