What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Fast, spammy combat, easy bosses, linear progression and level design. And too many awkward references to previous games that make it impossible to get immersed.

Nothing, except it's too linear and doesn't have that much replayability.


Disagree with most of those. I really loved the combat and bosses, the rest is debatable.

Same as every souls game after 1: the RPG aspect of the games fucking died. This shit killed replayability for me. While I have 20+ characters in Demon's and Dark, I only have 4 in Bloodborne and 2 in DaS3. Never played DaS2.

Wtf Myiazaki, you can do better

>easy bosses
It has the hardest bosses in dark souls series.
>champion gundyr
>nameless king
>soul of cinder

It has also the most spectacular bossfights

No replayability. Aside from that it's the best souls game yet. Best bosses, best combat, best difficulty curve, best balancing.

Champ is parry fishing
Nameless king is mostly hard only because he does twice the damage as the rest of the bosses per hit.
Soul of Cinder is a joke after the first time you see his juggle.

Maybe, but they felt easy coming from The Old Hunters. I feel like Souls of Cinder is the only really good boss fight in the game.

Please stop spamming these threads, we've given you your answer at least 50 times by now, you don't need to keep asking.
Just wait for the dlc. Then you can spam any dark souls thread you want to.

it wasnt this

In dark souls 1 the world is interconnected and seems like a real place that you can explore, dark souls 3 is like linear set pieces that doesn't feel like a world to explore but a path that if you explore once, is not all that interesting second time through, the locations itself are great and actually there are some of the greatest areas in souls games bt a lot of those things are ruined by ability to teleport between bonfire from the get go.

ugly brown graphics
spammy combat
fan service

Nothing, it doesn't have the staggering amount of content DS2 had, but at least it is consistently good content. Best music and enemy design in the series IMO.

Remember that old hunters is DLC and we are yet to see DLC for das3, regular bosses from bloodborne were not that difficult.

That's a fair point, but until then it's a fair criticism. Much of Bloodborne was easy, but the chalices at least offered some very difficult content that's just not there in BB.

>ugly brown graphics
You what m8?

a literal hallway.


Sure thing

Fucked up poise, linearity, teleportation and muh nexus, that's really it, they shouldn't have changed what made the first game truly great.

>moving the goalposts

What kind of attack was that? Physical? Or elemental?

Does the player have lots of VIT? Because don't forget, damage calculation is Total damage - Defense * (1- Absorption), so VIT and SL derived defense actually makes a diference.


DS3 > DS1

>teleportation between bonfires

I sure do love all the boring backtracking DaS1 has!

Only real ranking

Champion was actually pretty easy on both of my characters. Killed him pretty fast with my dex build and my pyromancer did shit tons of damage with just one chaos fireball.

Should have been released before Bloodborne.

i literally almost dropped the game on my first run because of this guy

No game they make in the future will ever compare to Bloodborne, it is almost perfect.

I still hope

>mfw they pulled this bullshit off AGAIN


It didn't have backtracking at all because half of the game was designed without teleportation in mind. There are two exits from early areas making it more like labirynth, only late areas are linear because by that time you already are capable of warping between bonfires.

>play pyromancer
>want to get some pyromancies
>for some goddamn reason the only good NPC who sells pyromancy is at the end of blighttown
>shortest walk from firelink shrine is 10 minutes

>i LITERALLY lost 50k+ souls
That's your own fucking fault for not using them beforehand and not poisoning archers with poison arrows

What made the previous games more replayable?

I always thought its because I'm burned out on souls game.

i kept getting pushed off by that guy so everytime i would go back it would be 10k+ souls its not like i could go back anyway FUCK YOU

Yes, after I ring Quellag's bell, I instantly end up back at Firelink, no backtracking required! Same if I decide to explore the Catacombs before the game forces me to!

>from firelink to blight town
>10 minutes
literally scrub, git gud at speedrunning past slow enemies

gotta pick up those speedrun strats and homeward bones

a few things
mostly the way they balanced playstyles, and removed a few of DS2's neat ideas

Overall though, it was a much better game than DS2. I went in expecting to be disappointed and it absolutely blew me away.

Either way it's a good bit of backtracking that could be avoided if you could teleport between bonfires earlier on.

I gotta disagree with you there. DS3's world felt pretty well realized.

Blight town has second exit via new londo and you go to catacombs before anor londo on your own volition, at least das1 gives you fucking option to go there early which das 3 never did to any late dungeons except if you kill dancer.

If it were Dark Souls 3 then you couldn't explore the Catacombs early at all. And it's not backtracking after Quelaag, it's a shortcut.

It's way easier though because of how wide all the walkways are. You can just run through the entire thing without fighting anything.

>can literally take any route you want from the get go
>huge as fuck world with varied settings and enemies
>actual build variety
>NPC questlines actually take some effort to complete
>there are at least 3 or 5 things to do in each ares
DeS and DaS actually let me role play.

I don't understand why everywhere around the area of the game there's only those mountains, it's the same kind of mountains too, doesn't make sense why would we have a forest and all that shit islanded on the middle of those fucking mountains. The geography in this game make no fucking sense.

I may be one of the few that didn't have too much of an issue with backtracking, but I get ya.

I enjoyed the tension that it built, and that is something I feel is lost when the ability to warp is given immediately.

>If it were Dark Souls 3 then you couldn't explore the Catacombs early at all

But then why is it that I can explore Lothric Castle early??????????

It even gives me the same bullshit roadblock the Catacombs did, it is the same shit, only instead of having me walk all the way back, I can teleport back to Firelink and go somewhere else.

>it is called Lothric, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge
>The nature of Lothric is murky, unclear

Lands are transitory and weather is convoluted

>and weather is convoluted

I thought it was time which was convoluted.

I'm pretty sure it was the balance that was convoluted

Even nitpicking the goddamn geography now? How fucking desperate are you?

>Yes, after I ring Quellag's bell, I instantly end up back at Firelink, no backtracking required!
I really hope you're joking

you do realize there are two entrances to Blighttown, right?

Until you realize that 50% of the placements don't make any sense.

Already been in this thread but I'll say it again
Bloodborne happened
No one was ready for the drop in quality from the best game in the series to barely better than DaS2 tier

Of course this thread will turn into >x>y>z thread so let me pitch in


no poise.
very linear.
no build variety.
awful weapon balance.
rehashed as fuck.

it was a great game but I have no desire to replay it.



The number 1 thing that kills DaSIII's potential of being the best Souls game is it's bland level design and linear-as-fuck design. It has the best bosses by far, but having to trek through so many forgettable, slow, and boring stages makes it a chore to replay. DaS2 has tons more replayability despite how bad it is because it has so many choices of how you play it. It's inherently fun to choose where to go when you want, it lets you put off the shitty levels till later and gets you all the gear you want earlier. Even DeS is immensely more fun to replay simply because of this. The hub design is genius and once again choice makes it a joy to play every time. DaSIII simply does not have this, and it's early levels are so fucking boring and uncreative. Literally the entire beginning up to (but not including) the Abyss Watchers is "THAT LEVEL". Even after (or before, if you did so), the area before the Deacons is so horribly dull you couldn't pay me to go through that again. DaSIII picks up in it's last quarter and it just takes too long to get to the good stuff.

What happened to this game ? Was it always that much of a bug mess ?

Stopped playing 'cause I got banned for cheating (did not) when everybody was getting banned.
I didn't touch it until today and what the fuck happen seriously ?
Infinite stamina ennemies that spam high damage moves, one-shot attack left and right.
I got OS by a poison mist. Not malediction, Fuckin poison, purple cloud shit.
Also I died once because apparently hitting an illusionary wall makes you go through the map too.
Oh yeah, cheaters are still there btw, so pvp was already meh in this one but now it's completly pointless unless you want them or a 4v1 fight.

It got patched two times and aside from nerfing 90% of the weapons and spell, what did they do ?

If I had the Master key, I would have taken the exact same route both in and out Blighttown, how is that somehow not backtracking?

The same with places like Darkroot, when you kill Sif or Moonlight Butterfly, you have to choice but to walk all the way back.

The game has backtracking, it is a fact, and no matter how quickly you can move around via shortcuts, teleportation will always be faster, accept it.

Tell me how many kingdoms/factions there are in the game.

No DeS is actually unique, even after the release DaS and the rest of the series

DaS3 is basically a rehash with no originality,Bloodborne ripoff art style with Souls atmosphere which needless to say don't go well at all together

Poise maybe?

Can't think of anything wrong with it.
Maybe better pyromancies could have taken it from a 8/10 to a 9/10 for me. Every other build I've done has been great. Best hub of all the games imo.

>Stopped playing 'cause I got banned for cheating (did not)

Sure you didn't bud

Lothric's peeps, Sully's peeps and some catacombs that are being used by Wolnir's peeps?

>If I take a route I'm not really supposed to, why are things going wrong?

Really had to stretch there, didn't you champ.

Teleportation is obviously faster. But it's also worse from an atmospheric and level design perspective since it encourages lazy level design ala Dark Souls 2.

Did you miss those threads where a hacker was modding people's stats in PvP and they were getting banned by froms poor as fuck anticheat

>too many references to previous games to get immersed
this was my biggest gripe. totally breaks the immersion of playing a souls game constantly being reminded I'm playing a souls game.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did.

Glad you enjoyed it at all.

And then no one will agree with you because your list sucks.

Come the fuck on, DeS aged like shit, the newer games all improved on its formula, it had easy, simple and gimmicky bosses, which you will never want to fight again after you won, and some very questionable level designs, specially in 2-2, 4-2 and 5-2.

And then you rank it above DaS3? What the fuck???

It was already disproven, people were not getting banned, they just get dc, I had a friend that was hit by Malcom and got a dc and he's still playing the game normally.

No content.

>And too many awkward references to previous games that make it impossible to get immersed.
This. It seemed like you turned every corner in DS3 and the game shouted "HEY REMEMBER DS1!" While DS2 did have its problems at least it was subtle about its references. DS3 was blatantly riding on the first games tailcoats the entire time and never properly tried to make itself stand out.

Proven where ?
I'd like more than an anecdote from an anonymous user to believe

>Bluh blah mu atmosphere

Stop sucking dick and maybe you can appreciate things outside "muhhh atmosphereee"

And call DS3's level design "lazy" near me at your own risk.



I know how it feels user. Disappointment can be hard, and you really can't control how you feel about games most of the time.

I think its important to try and keep from putting too much stock into how much you enjoy new vidya. Yeah DS3 wasn't as fresh an experience as DaS or BB, but the bosses and level design were a massive step up from DS2. It was a bombastic, creative and well-realized game in an era where we really don't see those that often. At least at the AAA level



>And call DS3's level design "lazy" near me at your own risk.

*grabs throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF!?!?

>any boss that isn't roll away poke roll away is gimmicky and bad
If you can't appreciate DeS boss design just because it isn't "le prepare to die hard" then you should kill yourself.

DeS bosses are the third best in the series.
Also none of those levels you mentioned were even arguably bad.

>BB > DS3 > DS1 > DS2 > DeS

Yes, sorry nostalgia fags, but atmosphere alone does not make it better than the other games.

PeeCee not being able to play BB

A lot of things.
R1 spam and roll mashing being a viable strategy for most bosses is what really killed it.
It's not even half the game DS1 and DS2 were.
Quite sad.

Yes, but level design, characters, story and bosses do.

DeS is leagues ahead of Dark Souls II.

Fume Knight and Aloone are both harder than all those.

DS3 should be under DS1 and DS2

All the effort and creativity went into Bloodborne and likely Bloodborne 2.

it's sad but the truth is there's never been a better time to join the Playstation Nation

>The "you can only craw inside the swamp but the enemies can run on it, btw watch out for noclip mosquitoes" level isn't shit

>The "got any appointments? too bad you got to tickle each of those caterpillars for 2 minutes straight until they blow up!" level isn't shit

>The "*SHWWWWIIINNG* *CRASH* this is all it takes for an off-camera flying fish to kill you while you're fighting two very strong enemies at once, why don't you own a bow?" level isn't bad.

>long range


patrician list. demons was good, but its just mechanically inferior to the rest of them.

I enjoyed it, especially some of the bosses and area's but overall it felt like it relied too much on nostalgia and it lacked the interconnected level design of DS1, it's just further proof that the strengths of the series lies in spiritual successors that are free to do their own thing.

>Why don't you own a bow
Why don't you ?
The caterpillars are fun
All swamp levels are like that in the series