Ay user, you get me so horny whenever you talk about video games

>Ay user, you get me so horny whenever you talk about video games.

Other urls found in this thread:


>she has a bigger dick than me

Just imagine drinking all of that yummy cum out of that big rubber on her pee pee! Mmm, yummy cummy! :)

Sauce please!!!

Man wouldn't it be weird if she just broke into your home one day and raped you? haha that would be so weird.
Anyone know the name of that weirdo haha :D

quick! someone post that pasta of the user who decided to meet a tranny in rl because of trap threads and got fucked with a dick bigger than him



why does that girl have a horse cock

i wonder what her dick tastes like haha

to be fair its a pretty big dongus

wew lad

looks like I have to reevaluate my life

Her dick looks as big as Mike Matei's


>go on video game board

It's bigger then most people's don't worry


Ask Barneyfag. He knows a lot about horses.


I don't even know if a dick like that can be real

Nah i wouldn't say so. It is at best 7 inch. Most are 8.




Her dick is way too big

That's still pretty big

Dicklets start at 10 inches


You are the opposite of that guy huh?


Well yeah you're a fucking spider her member is like 4 times your size

Inb4 all the games are stolen by nigger

>only 8
you must be asian

like you know what a big dick looks like spider fag, all dicks are giant to you

>multiple porn threads spammed across multiple boards

Remember, nobody is invading us!


>most are 8
Average is 5.5 - 6.0

if youre a spider maybe but here in the human world average is 8

Fuck you asian spider, that's an average size at most.


ITT: Sup Forums respects a woman's pronouns... but only if she's hung like a horse (YOU GO GIRL!) and has beach ball tits


>most are 8


most penises are in the 5 to 6 inch range, a small number are going to be larger than 6 inches, though a lot of people claim to be 7 or 8 inches but that's because nobody knows what an inch is

>most men have a penis size lower than 6.3 inches

so that's why male suicide rates are so high LOL

>Below average
Someone kill me

>You're born into this world gifted with a large penis.
>The first thing you do is decide to become a "woman"

Really makes you think tbqh familia.

Holy shit i have a raging 21cm destroyer. Goddamn i had no idea that i was there on that scale. Its a national measure right?

People also try burying the ruler as far into their pelvic fat as they can.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.


Is it gay to want to eat her giant cock?


Technically, the penis measurement is supposed to start from the base of the spongy tissue, not the surface of the skin.
It's why losing weight makes your dick "bigger"

but jacking off to modeseven art is

Too large for my vagina.

How can I trust or distrust a question?

If it makes you feel better the average count black people and they reproduce like bunnies.

Why does she have a dead eel on her thigh?

hi boiz. train, rabies, and kile.


But if you're fat and that part of the penis isn't usable then it doesn't matter.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Ditto. I'm 4.5".

My dick is built like a diet coke can;
Short, stubby, has a unpleasant bitter aftertaste and only fat women could possibly ever like it.


Average BBC is within a centimeter of average white dick.

How do I get a bigger dick Sup Forums? Supplements or some shit?

>Most are 8.
Average is 5 inches.

Why do shemales always have gargantuan dicks?


user, it's fake.

>10 minutes

You're getting slow.

Only if you are a spider.

tomato, usually

You know what it's been a while since I did?

Oh shit is this the real deal? Why you mad brah?


you don't really. Now without surgery. What you have after you go through puberty is all you will have.


Genetics. Stop worrying about big dicks user. As long as you don't have a microdick, you're fine.

>loli thread gets deleted right away
>meanwhile, tranny thread is already at twenty minutes and has over 70 replies

How do I explain this to my boss?

this pasta is honestly worse than most asinine shit redditors post

Someone dose me

i want that dong in or around my mouth, no homo

What the hell, just looking at that dick and those balls makes me want to lick them.
Does it affect women too?
I bet if you had that kind of beast you could randomly strip in front of a chick and have a good chance of her jumping on you by pure instinct.

Congratulations brothers


Do women enjoy large dicks?

You can't, Darwinism.

We've been over this a million times.
Yes, you're a giant faggot cursed with cocklust. Fuck off already

Spotted the virgin?


>this thread

>people treat someone that looks female like a female
>people treat someone who doesn't even begin to look like anything but an ugly man like an ugly man

>no homo
That's not a magic spell that gets you out of your faggotry

I think he wanted a honest opinion, not self-inferiority fetishization from a cuck.


here, trying to steal my shtick, are ya?

It might be fetishised but dicks over 6.5" are actually incredibly rare so they've probably never seen one. >7" will touch cervix in most women.


When did Sup Forums start having SJW's?

Depends on how tight their pussy is, some are to small for large dicks, makingnit painful for them, unless they are consistently stretched by a big boy, though they usually snap back into place.