He's a joke character, right?
He's a joke character, right?
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Yea but blizzard went full retard on him genji so they work too well.
If you don't take him seriously, you just might end up with your brains scattered on the concrete.
Not if we elect trump
psssh...nothin personnel...kid...
Who's a good counter for Reaper? I'll switch to Winston for a couple of Genjis but I don't know who to switch to for Reaper.
Symmetra and Mei are pretty solid as far as close quarters fighting.
In all other instances, you just want to put distance between yourself and reaper.
>not even a proper plague doctor
0/10, kill yourself, Reaper
You're kidding right? Anybody with range, literally anyone.
Pharah. McCree. Roadhog. D.va.
Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Reinhardt...
cant wait for his Halloween skin
Anyone with high mobility and range so basically half the cast.
If you keep dying to reaper you're obviously lacking map awareness.
I want him to reap me!
I unironically think Reaper is cool.
The full combo should force him to wraith away, and if you have teammates you can stack on damage. You shouldn't trying hooking him alone or anywhere near dead teammates or medkits.
The coolest.
A hook combo can usually make him back off, if not, kill him.
The fuck is he gonna do to you? He has to get close and you've got so much health that it's a bad idea for him to get in hook range where you can kill him with one combo.
And D.va just holds her shield until Reaper has to reload and wrecks him.
He either dies or wraiths.
He is the coolest!
If you ever disrespect me when I'm playing Reaper, I will go out of my way to make your life a nightmare. I'll blow your fucking brains all over and and blast holes in the rest of your friends while it rains down gore. And rest assured, I will spit on your still corpse as you drift into the afterlife.
He needs one more Talon member to form the Three Amigos.
Hopefully Widow can play guitar.
Zenyatta and Bastion fuck him up nicely. Also Widowmaker is you keep your distance
As a Chicano (Mexican-American), Reaper is a positive representation of my culture and good role model!
Sombra will fill the bill. It's good to more WoC (Women of Color) in Overwatch!
Honestly I kinda want to see a Short with Reaper.
How did he get the soul consuming thing? Why the fuck does he have it? How does he teleport?
Kill yourself my man
Bastion is the next member hopefully. then some support
I will say I enjoy it when he says shit like "Re positioning" or "Clearing the Area", it suits his voice quite a bit.
$10 says Sombra's a robot
I can't
Because this...is my curse
Two of the three come with a botched resurrection.
The soul consuming is more than likely him honing his EDGE to a razor sharp point.
he's literally the perfect sitcom character
So edge.
>Right click > Hook > Left click
You could probably just explain it as nanomachines. Like his body is made of nanomachines that can separate and form a mist. The "souls" are just the nanomachines converting the other heroes flesh into fuel.
Or it's straight up edge magic. I mean if Hanzo and genji have it, why not?
>implying D.vas shit damage will do anything against reaper
At least roadhog can still have a chance if he doesn't fuck up, d.va's immediately fucked when any tank killer is around.
>Sym and Mei
What the fuck? No. He can 1-2 shot both of them when close.
>shit damage
Not at the range Reaper likes to fight at.
Bad reapers have a really hard time killing Syms who just circle strafe while holding m1.
D.va in close range still has shit damage.
Bad anything have trouble killing anything. That's not a reason to say something is good against something else when you assume one party is garbage.
Sym is awful against reaper but Mei can be really damn good.
Right click for long range damage.
Stay in the backlines with your supports to freeze him if he tries to get close to them.
Wall to get him off of you or position it well to block his ults.
Reaper outdpses D.va, even discounting D.Va's massive headbox.
To kill a reaper from full health solo, she would basically have to come in while he's at like half or lower ammo and wraith form and teleport are on cooldown.
Not if you hit their head. Perhaps you should l2aim?
Might as well play McCree. A hero that isn't actually garbage and can do pretty much all those things better.
Fuck why play Reaper.
McCree is better than everyone at everything but healing and mobility at this point
delet this
>implying her headshots mean anything with her shit damage
Reaper can crit too you know, and will be up in your face waiting until your defense matrix goes down, and then before you know it you're already popped out of your mech.
i think the one pictured is the Nevermore skin.
i don't play though.
Reaper is a better tank buster by a significant margin and has FAR more survivability with 250 health, ghost and orbs. He also has a better ult and a bit of verticality with teleport.
Killing a shitton of tanks fast
There's still certain things Mei is good at, but she's very situational this patch.
Being able to have a high damaging projectile right click, a decent Zarya ult comboer, and a way to deal with enemy Ana ults can save matches.
You know D.Va has infinite ammo, right, so you can spam his face the whole way and then quickly escape if necessary, otherwise you have the Defense Matrix. He's not hard to deal with.
Just give it up user, d.va has shit damage and can't kill rippers
more tanky
more mobile
healing makes him self sufficient
ult is more reliable
easier to play
reaper shits on soloqueue, you just have to be fucking sneaky
But he has maybe like 20' of effective range and short of his invuln is just a massive target. Slow RoF too no real mobility skill and while the self heal features are great for survivability he basically just serves as a warm body with a gun until he can ult from all my experience watching them play.
Reaper is far better than Mcree at shredding Tanks and punishing unguarded back lines.
Mccree is for punishing flankers, making Tracers sad, and removing Pharah from the game entirely.
You're wrong my dude. Reaper doesn't need ult to be useful.
More mobile is debatable, since you can't exactly teleport while getting shot whereas McCrees roll can save your ass if you use it right.
Plus reaper's heal is shite, everything else is agreeable though.
>Plus reaper's heal is shite
What the fuck are you talking about? That heal lets Reaper 1v6 if you position correctly and don't panic.
Frequently kill everything as D.Va.
For you to think that D.va's infinite ammo would ever come into play in a duel vs Reaper, it's pretty clear you're the bad player. You'd have to play at such a low rank that Reaper literally cannot hit the game's larges head hitbox.
Ghost is infinitely more useful for mobility and "Saving your ass" than roll. Roll is far more of an offensive ability.
Reaper's heal is also godlike. You can literally survive a genji deflecting your ult back into your face if you kill like 2 people with it.
So do I, but that doesn't mean her kit is superior to Reaper's in a duel. That just means you play at a shit enough level that the balancing doesn't matter.
It's 50 health per orb that pops up in a random position around where you killed someone and takes a second to actually heal you.
If you're 1v6ing with that heal then you must be playing on console.
Very rarely seen a reaper make a decent play without an ult. Any team that has even the slightest bit of cohesion quickly runs him off, which means someone chases the phantom and half or better ends him when he materializes.
>We're at a low enough rank that we've never seen a decent D.Va.
>up to 280 dps
>up to 140 dps without headshots, smaller magazine
>D.va used in high ranks
Winston is still more viable than d.va even after her rework
You're deducing the game down to what would happen if he had no team support while the enemy does, which is just stupid.
Good luck chasing a reaper off while he gets healed while in ghost form and runs back behind his Rein with the rest of his team.
Reaper is a very solid and reliable team fighter with his high health, high damage healing and ghost.
He's always been a picked character because of this.
50 health is a fucking shitload. If you're juking well, picked the fight correctly, and are positioned where you should be, that easily buys you enough time to kill the next person to get the next orb, Reaper fucking shits damage, that's his entire fucking job.
If you think the Souls are useless, you're sub 30 and your mere continuation playing the game is reportable.
That's not even what I wrote, retard. I'm saying your posts blatantly outs what a terrible rank you must play at, because, all other things being equal, Reaper should always win out over D.va. The fact you think it's the other way around means you must play that a low enough rank that there's a big enough difference of individual player skills that counters don't matter, and/or that balancing may invert itself in some cases because certain characters have a lower skill-curve.
>comparing McREEEE to Reapah
niggers they ain't even remotely similar
cowboy is midrange/sniper/crowd control
floaty man of many shotguns is flanker/stealth/disruption
the only thing in common they actually have is being labeled "offense"
Deepest lore.
Considering the range of McCree's flashbang and the fact he does his highest damage at close-range it's safe to say that both character's optimal range is the same.
McCree just has better options at further ranges but he needs to be protected by his team and can't afford to flank nearly as much as reaper can.
If a McCree fanned the hammer on you while you're trying to kill him and only hit two shots it would heal less than half of the damage you took.
It's decent to heal with if you're targeting a Lucio but really any other character will damage you a lot more than 50 if you try to pick them off.
It's nice to get a bit of healing for a kill but your over hyping how much 50 healing is.
So basically you're playing against complete shitters since your 250hp don't fucking evaporate in an instant when facing 6 enemies
worst skin I have ever seen
looks like a telltale "hero" with less textures
Why does he wear ammo belts if he never reloads?
You haven't seen nihon genji then.