Battlestation thread, post those master race setups

Battlestation thread, post those master race setups.

Other urls found in this thread:


You commie fucker.

lose weight

>Battlestation thread
>7 pictures, 6 of which are bullshit which nobody cares about

>Anime shit
>Commie shit

Literally kys right now

My battlestation is just a table, a basic setup, and a few bits of Nazi memrobilia.
Also, kys, commie.

I'm at a healthy weight.

This is an anime forum.

Kill yourself my man.

>Free Palestine
>Anti Fascist Action
National Action here, I beat the fuck out of you kids.

That guy with the black iron cross flag needs to save this thread right now

watching pokemon

Dude lmao get an isis flag it stands for freedom

>Lives in the same country as mine.
Please, I have a family, please.

Not all muslims are terrorists, user. Stop drinking the Sup Forums koolaid.

>Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Agreed, but all Jews share the same goal.

Well, this thread is off to a fantastic start.

Heil Hitler.

That Union Jack is upside down, pleb

Fuck off, go back the Hijab land.

why do you guys have a flag of your own country in your own
is it to remind you what country you're living in or?

Hello, Sup Forums.

Ignore OP, OP hates his own country because he's a commie scumbag, he thinks Britian is great yet has the audacity to support communism.
Putting a flag up is to resemble patriotism.

>that keyboard


>jean luc portrait

my nigga

I don't like mechanical and I benefit from wireless.

Ye nigguh, my first oil painting too.
He's gonna stick with me and hopefully become a family heirloom.

>nu-male keyboard
>nu-male pictures on the wall
>nu-male led lighting
>nu-male trees


that shit looks expensive
what do you do for a living

Being born in a rich country.

If I only was a nu-male.

I build and sell housings for syrian refugees in Sweden.

i saw you on pol

So did the mod.

Nice, Norwaybro.

Spotted the faggot

>one piece
>d gray man
>yu gi oh
>those flags

Is your dorm mate aware you are a flamboyant faggot?

The best thing in your battlestation is wilson

>National Action


>he browses Sup Forums just so he can post his setup

Why are nazi's always such islamophiles?



This has got to be bait


Its a work in progress, sorry about the quality.

I like your style, it's very clean, very practical looking.

>trap posting

>islam is the last hope of humanity
>the main reason humanity is such in a shit state in the past 50 years is mostly because of islam


they are dangerous retards still

Welcome to eastern Yurop blyat

Windows 10
Intel Pentium 2020m
Nvidia GT640M LE
4GB ram

>American flag
>USSR flag
Fucking pick one or get the fuck out of my political party. America is the antithesis to communism, you swine.

this is the gayest station ever
like san francisco in france


i hope a migrant blows you up.

fucking kys

Are those chairs really worth it? I've been thinking of getting one.



>cute legs
>v modas

I want to rabidly cuddle you and play with your hair, get in a tickle fight with you which will end in us rimming each other and sharing our warm loads in each others mouths

>Antifacist action
>Free Palestine

Please end your suffering.

you must be 18+ to post here


Rate me bois

Too old to be gold.


What do you do for a living? EU?

bitcoin mining/10

>No pets allowed, the room
>Nintendobabby living the wagecuck life
>falling for the gaymur meme chair and didn't buy an affordable ergonomic chair
>my workplace for a small company back in the early 00s
>I don't even

>that Antec PC case


>Retarded modern commie
top kek

I saw this on a Sup Forums race war Battlestation thread like an hour ago

Get outta here with that shit


More comfy than any other chair over ever sat in. Lumbar support and a neck pillow etc. plus I have two cats and it has held up against those two for over a year now.

So bitter. Who hurt you user?

hey Sup Forums


My coffee tastes like bacon.


>>falling for the gaymur meme chair and didn't buy an affordable ergonomic chair
do you even know how expensive ergonomic chairs are? there's not that much of a price difference

get laid

Same headphones!

>red walls


Been a while since I saw a battlestation thread.

Are they really? Been looking for a new chair because my table is just a smidge too high for my typing comfort but I've sat in one of those and the thing felt really stiff and awkward to sit in.

please clean

You just called the American flag commie you son of a bich.

Holy shit a Kim Jong framed pic what the fuck.

No. I like my clutter. Feels like a waste not to fill the space.

LOVE how this triggers all the Sup Forums kiddies


oops didn't mean to save a thumbnail fuck me


Muh station

The red phone makes me feel important.

Not bad, comrade.

My grillfriend bought me a Confederate flag when all bullshit about the kid having a tiny one on a stack and Amazon stopped selling them.

I'm from Arizona so while I do live in the South, I have no interest in considering myself a Confederate.

But I like triggering people by posting pictures of it hanging on my wall.

I just need a tacticool assault rifle and lots of dragon dildos.


>lots of dragon dildos
dawg those are mad expensive

You've got some stellar taste in films
I like you

Good job

nope, we all know your mistakes now