Which video games are you looking forward to this year?

Which video games are you looking forward to this year?

kingdom hearts 2.8 despite the fact that it's just an hd collection

2016 sucks.

Better than 2015 I guess

and we'll say that in 2017 about 2016.

It's not too bad. unfortunately the only game I'm really looking forward to will more than likely be overhyped.

Titanfall 2

Sick of the hero shooter fad tbqh.

P5, FF XV, TLG or Deus Ex?

fifa 17

cod infinite warfare

battlefield 1

Gears 4


>fifa 17
>battlefield 1

I can get FIFA 17 to an extent, but wouldn't IW be a better buy than B1? Are all your friends planning to buy it or something?

Technically it'd be ff15, but I lost hype for that when the second demo came out.

It'd be Lost Soul Aside despite it actually not having a release date. Haven't been hyped for a game in awhile like this.

Dragon Quest VII, that's about it.

Nothin that i'm aware of
Dark Souls 3 and Doom are already out. So nothing, and nothing on the horizon either.

Hold on, Pit People too, actually.

Overwatch already came out so nothing really

So far I've really enjoyed

>Grand Kingdom (2015 release in Japan, but only released in the West a couple of months ago)
>The Odin Sphere pseudo-remake
>Dark Souls 3
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Doom 4
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions

and I'm looking forward to

>Dark Souls 3 DLC
>The Last Guardian
>A localisation of Toukiden 2?

So 2016's been pretty alright.

Project Diva X
Shantea 1/2 Genie Hero
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Persona 5
Pokemon Sun/Moon

is there a game where i get to stick my peepee into that chinks pepe?

Fractured But Whole
20 hours of smirking here I come

La mulana 2
Dark Souls III DLC

Thats it for me...

Terraria Otherworld
Dark Souls 3 DLC

can someone crop this?

Deus Ex


Persona 5, to a smaller extent

I'm hype for Nier, and interested in Kingdom Come deliverance, but they're coming next year.


who is this qt?

Deus Ex and uh... Deus Ex?



Dead rising 1 on pc
Thats it
Hope deus ex will be good though

shadow warrior 2


Dishonored 2
DaS 3 dlc

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Deus Ex, but I've already lost hope that it will match or surpass HR

This year? FFXV I guess, but after a decade I'm not even gonna hype it.
SMT IV Apocalypse is looking great.
Binding of Isaac Afterbirth +
I hope Deus Ex is good, but I'm skeptical.

As for next year I'm thinking Persona 5, Legend of Bumbo, Scalebound, and possibly Nier, though I'd have to play the first one beforehand.

pepe meme has gone too far

Persona 5. Where my fellow stage 2 weebs at

Do we have some kind of cheat sheet website that simply list games yet to release? (and maybe with platfoorm search function and shit) I'm bad at following vidya """news"""