Maxed out graphics look worse than fucking Perfect Dark on the N64

>maxed out graphics look worse than fucking Perfect Dark on the N64
>hitboxes are disjointed as fuck, impossible to reliably get headshots or hit people in the head from behind with melee weapons
>every gun feels like a pea shooter
>impossible to aim for most of the game
>enemies are bullet sponges
>AI is almost non existant
>you can kill innocents or your friends and nobody reacts in a realistic way
>nobody cares either way even if you fuck up your companions you can proceed as if nothing happened
>bugs, glitches and exploits all over the fucking place
>nonsensical level design
>enemies have the worst path finding ever
>enemies keep triggering their own alarms in some places and then start running around aimlessly while triggering even more of their own alarms
>story is every single tinfoil hat conspiracy theory thrown together nonsense

You told me this game was one of the best ever but it's fucking garbage.

there you go: Perfect Dark > Perfect Dark Zero > Failed Ex

>maxed out graphics look worse than fucking Uncharted 3 on the PS3
>hitboxes are disjointed as fuck, impossible to reliably get headshots or hit people in the head from behind with melee weapons
>every gun feels like a pea shooter
>impossible to aim for most of the game
>enemies are bullet sponges
>AI is almost non existant
>you can kill innocents or your friends and nobody reacts in a realistic way
>nobody cares either way even if you fuck up your companions you can proceed as if nothing happened
>bugs, glitches and exploits all over the fucking place
>nonsensical level design
>enemies have the worst path finding ever
>story is every single tinfoil hat conspiracy theory thrown together nonsens
>piss filter

Human Revolution edition.

fail op thinking perfect dark has better graphics than this kill yourself you cunt because you are too dumb to live

No, depends on the skill
Wrong. Even the trooper you can kill in the Liberty Statue is later mentioned by Manderley. Everyone else would just turn hostile once you hurt someone from their faction enough

Not only it has better graphics it also has more interactive environments (you can shoot out the lights in PD for example) and also better effects and filters (there is nothing in DX that looks as cool as the X Ray effect from PD, also PD has lens effects on the camspy, blur if you get stunned, and more).

>impossible to aim for most of the game
You can get the skill points or a laser sight pretty early.

>perfect dark
good only for the slut

It has better gameplay, music and graphics than DX. Story is just as bad but at least PD doesn't take itself too seriously like DX.

If this is the first time you've played it then you won't have nostalgia goggles on and will see it for what it really is.

I played it the first time 1 month ago and I loved it. Best thing ever played.

>m-m-muh nostalgia goggles
Deus Ex has sold over 1.1 million copies on Steam since its rerelease in 2007.

>first point of complaint is regarding graphics
How to stop reading in 10 seconds.

I played it for the first time this year and it's one of the best games I've ever played and one that absolutely lives up to its hype.

>nonsensical level design


All true. Still a good game.

Underaged babby detected

>enemies are bullet sponges because they are augmented to be that way. combat oriented characters have combat oriented augs
>deus ex takes place in a time when human life is expendable and if you are rich you are better off dead. nobody gives a fuck.
>level design is open world. you CAN walk in a circle if you want to, that doesnt make it bad level design.
>conspiracy theories arent theories when they are an exact mirror of reality
>not maxing out pistol and baton stats

>>hitboxes are disjointed as fuck, impossible to reliably get headshots or hit people in the head from behind with melee weapons
OP is a faggot

>*arent rich


>>enemies are bullet sponges because they are augmented to be that way. combat oriented characters have combat oriented augs
No because no one has nano augs other than JC and his brother and the only other kind of aug is mechanical and almost no one has them.


>Shoot pool ball into the hole
>It falls to bottom and you can pick it up

I don't know what else you want, OP.

There's plenty of stuff that doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever, like the only way to get to MJ12 base is through UNATCO HQ, Hospital in Hell's Kitchen, a giant fucking radar in the center of Manhattan, VersaLife (arguably the most powerful megacorporation in the world) having the main entrance through the fucking elevator near a random market in HK etc

>you feel like a badass secret agent, the most badass secret agent, from the start of the second mission

Liberty island too hard?