Nintendo should put GBA games on the New 3DS eshop.
Nintendo should put GBA games on the New 3DS eshop
this. i fucking want to play games that i already played years ago
Those should have made SNES games available on old 3DS models. Real 3D SNES classics.
You can play GBA games on Wii U. DUH
No shit. They clearly think GBA ports would hurt 3DS game sales or something along those lines. If they were actually smart about making money off of their old games they would do a Netflix type subscription thing that would let you play everything they have the rights to NES-GBA on either 3DS or a console. The reality is $10 for GameBoy roms, and only a select few. Woo.
yfw you have the ambassador 3ds
You can already play every GBA game on a 3DS.
You have hacked yours right? Remember that there is literally no excuse.
The ambassador gba games look like shit, colours are so dull.
SNES games running on 3DS would take effort though, VC is about getting money for as little effort as possible.
>tfw you had to import an N3DS because black N3DS don't exist in your country
you can use patched roms on hacked 3DSs to fix the colour
Just play them on a PSP.
Better than the shitty 3DS.
what you described takes way more effort and makes way less money
Yes, unfortunately that's true. I just hope Sega will give us some more 3D classics. They put effort into their ports.
>people didn't hack their n3DS to play ANY GBA/SNES game they want
Already emulated everything from the GBA days.
They've missed their opportunity with a large part of the market.
>yfw they put the DS virtual console on the Wii U
>mfw playing custom DS games on Wii U right now thanks to loadiine
Holy fuck, get on with the times.
just emulate
I just want to play minish cap.
>Want to get standard model New 3DS
>They only have the XL model here in the US
>Standard model was only for the AC and Pokemon bundles
>Can't buy separate, and bundles are mad expensive now
Fuck NOA with a rake.
Homebrew fuckers can't get SNES games working on the Old 3DS, it's not because Nintendo doesn't want to, it'd just suck. Get used to it or upgrade.
>He didn't inject his GBA cias into a cfw 3ds to play literally any GBA game flawlessly
Mario bundle soon user
does it not activate anti piracy measures?
last time i was looking into that people had trouble injecting snes roms for that reason
The scene advanced like 6 years over the last 2. You need to update your shitty information asap. You can inject virtually any emulation native as long as you have access to A9LH.
Then have them ported or whatever. The 3DS should have been strong enough to run them in the first place. What were they even thinking when they designed the system?
Nintendo's strategy has always been to have their portables be underpowered and cheap to make so that the battery lasts and they can earn money on them. The system was lambasted for being expensive enough already.
Really they should've dropped the 3D and just made the screen resolution bigger. On a 3DS XL the pixels are so far apart it looks like you are playing with scanlines.
Mario 3D Land n3ds (not XL) bundle coming out in a few weeks. For cheap, too. Been checking every day to see where it becomes available and if I can preorder it.
The N3DS is such a joke... What do you get? 1 real exclusive, 10 dollar SNES games, and a couple enhanced games.
Even bigger joke than the virtual boy, they should've put this out when they put out the XL, not as the final nail in the coffin of the 3DS.
Monster Hunter Generations doesn't even take advantage of the N3DS extra power, even though MH4U did. No developer cares about the N3DS.
My SysNAND is on 9.2 and my Emunand is on 11.0 with Luma. Is it possible for me to get A9LH without formatting and losing all my games?