Why didn't she instantly shoot it?

Why didn't she instantly shoot it?

Because it didn't attack.

All the metriods she encountered before didn't hatch from an egg and wanted to rape her face right away

Did they also want to remodel her shithole?



If you want to go by the Sakamoto canon it was her subconscious motherly instinct.

Motherly instinct

because Samus is a binary transgender with femenine penis

I like this idea. She was so shellshocked after fighting the queen that she just wanted to go home and take a long fucking nap.

Metroids could be useful she thought she'd help the galaxy if she kept one alive


how fucking long did they shake hands? the metroid moves for 10 seconds before this shot cuts. I can just imagine the scientist being all awkward like Samus you can let go of me now

Best waifu

Was it autism?

It was a newborn and not hostile.

You'd think by the time she slaughtered over a hundred metriods and other native creatures her desire to be a caretaker would be minimal to none.

There is nothing wrong with Samus having mama bear instincts. Mama bears are tough as shit and raise their cubs independently. It is completely different than the rape done to her in Other-M.

doesn't she say why in that same scene? for science or some shit

>I like this idea.
Metroid: Other M is just the game for you.

Last of it's species, Samus cares for wildlife.

I find it funny that like 5 years ago no one even knew it was a she. Now it's like an icon of feminist gaming

Here is Metroid I brought. We touch hands for confirmation

>... Uh Samus?
>Samus you can let go now

They don't trust me it seems.

she just genocided an entire species, maybe she felt a litttle bit bad

This is the only real reason.

Really though. Samus probably has some social awkwardness. She was raised by alien birds.

>5 years ago
Underage pleb

She is desperate for human contact after a genocide.

>Samus Aran was ordered by the Galactic Federation to exterminate the remaining Metroids on SR388, so they could no longer be used as weapons by the Space Pirates. She encountered several stages of the creatures on her mission, eventually defeating the Queen Metroid. Soon after, she came across a Metroid Egg, the last remaining of the species. It hatched as she approached, and as she was the first thing that it 'saw', the Metroid imprinted Samus as its unwitting adoptive mother. Samus pondered whether or not to kill it, remembering that she was the last survivor of the K-2L attack that claimed her family. Because of this, she disobeyed her orders and spared its life, taking it with her back to her gunship. Along the way, the infant helped Samus by carving out obstacles as it orbited around its adopted parent.

Well why not? If they can keep one SAFELY in custody it might be worth studying. Too bad the federation went full retard with it.

This. Remember the etecoons and dachoras?

>Samus talking like Gogo Bomango
I never knew I wanted this

That Nintendo insists on making Samus The Federation's bitch when she was both raised, trained, and given all of her equipment by the Chozo is fucking retarded.

>Samus cares for wildlife


To be fair, for the longest time she was just a gamer's go-to for a counterarguement when someone said "I wish more games had strong, capable female protagonists"


Twenty years later and not much has changed.

>an icon of feminist gaming
>Implying feminists like metroid
>implying they like samus
>implying the weren't preteing she was a transfreak man a year ago, for some twisted reason

It was cute

The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me, I was known for giving the thumbs-down during briefing. I had my reasons, though. Commander Adam Malkovich was normally cool and not one to joke around, but he would end all of his mission briefings by saying, "Any objections, Lady?" He was joking, but others weren't. At the time I felt surrounded by people who treated me like a child or used kid gloves because I was a woman. And yet, with Adam, I was grateful for the nod. My past has left me with an uneasy soul, and as a result, it touched me on some level that Adam would acknowledge that past by calling something delicate, like "Lady." And I knew more than anyone that every word from Adam was deliberate. My thumbs-down was a twofold response: a sign of derision at being called a lady, and a signal of my complete understanding of the mission orders. The other soldiers were always willing to support me with easy smiles despite the fact that I clearly had so much yet to learn. Among them was Anthony. In the face of his well-meaning behavior, and that of the other soldiers, my response was to become increasingly bitter. I was a child, always with something to prove. A chip on my shoulder. And I was angry. I felt that if I let my guard down, I would easily be broken. And beyond that, I was scared. But even in the naiveté of my youth, I could see in Adam's joking manner how close he felt to me. Adam knows my past. And he knows me better than anyone else. Confession time. Because I was so young when I lost both of my parents, there's no question I saw Adam as a father figure. When I rebelled against him, I knew I could get away with it. And his paternal compassion in the face of my rebellion reinforced the special bond I felt with him. I understood well that chances were slim that I would ever find anyone that understood me like Adam. And yet, when the time came, I still left his side. I was so young. Young and naive...

That was all Sakamoto, not Nintendo. Nintendo gave him free reign and he went fucking insane with it.

I really hope someday they admit the game was bad and that it should've been different but this is Nintendo we're talking about.

What about Peach in SMB2? She's the best character by far.

Space Pirates blew up that planet, not Samus.

>takes credit for someone else's hard work

Samus truly is a woman.


They were intelligent and helpful

The only real retarded thing is is despite being called a galactic federation they can't even defend a research station from a few pirates

To be fair, Ridley is kind of serious business.

They turned it into a mineshaft

Is this going to be shit posting pasta now?

>Fight hundreds of sneaky chinks in Vietnam who want to gut you like a pig
>See gook baby

this is u

Humans don't like to hurt babies and defenseless things. Same thing applies to animals. You're not going to go club a fuck wolf pup just because you're Liam Neeson in The Grey.


>Comparing a baby and a cub to a fucking Metroid

it's actually big sis instinct, since the Chozo made her what she is and they also made the Metroids.

Why would the pirates rig their home planet with explosives? More like Samus killed so many of them that nobody was able to handle the delicate reactors and everything blew to hell because Samus was too busy saving her baby than making sure the entire planet doesn't go boom.

She's cold. Like steel.

>At the time I felt surrounded by people who treated me like a child or used kid gloves because I was a woman.

>6ft minimum amazonian that could physically overpower all of their asses due to Chozo blood infusions
>Literal planet buster
>Being subordinate to The Federation when Samus doesn't owe them jack shit
What the fuck is wrong with Nintendo? Holy shit.

Why didn't the Gfed just set up a massive protection bunker around the planet to stop any chance of the pirates getting to them?

They wanted to take Samus with it?

Baby Metroid is more adorable and well behaved than your average human baby though.

It's an animal.

>nearly autistic emotionless woman that got raised by cyborg bird people
>had motherly instincts over a lifesucking parasitic bug who's species she just genocided

Sakamoto truly is the greatest video game writer of out time.

>they also made the Metroids

I completely forgot about this. Fuck those birds.

Just cause it's the new hotness I wanna say Queen fight is best but it still is probably Mother Brain

They needed something to kill the X Parasites

it tried to eat her before it remembered who she was man

Yeah, why did feminists get to claim Metroid? Metroid isn't particularly feminist herself

So Samus is the baby Metroid's Ridley?

is this fucking real

Did they ever explain why this Metroid was so fucking big?

>Chozo are autists

I'm tired of this meme, the chozo that raised Samus are huge fucking hippies of an advanced and ancient culture. They wouldn't raise her to be retarded.

Rock fucking hard, and I know exactly why.

Actually it tried to eat her suit's power. It's not until it gets to Samus that it realizes who she is. That's why you're left at exactly 1 Energy.


Why did THE BABY just get really big while the other ones evolve?

Metroids can only go through their shell building metamorphosis on their home world. Outside of it they can't, so their core gets bigger and bigger.


>Other M opens up with this
>looks fucking awesome
>"Time to die, Mother!"
>alright a little weird but still cool
>then the rest of the game
What a cocktease.

That's horseshit and you know it.

It's pretty much the only thing on the whole planet that didn't immediately try to eat her face so she just caught it to hand over to the fed for testing, and that's exactly what she does the moment she gets there.
No maternal instincts crap, it's a lab specimen.

It's simply because she's a woman.

>It's been 36 years since super metroid came out
>No one has ever pointed out the ape man in the lab coat.

>tfw couldnt save them
rip rescue team

>all the ridiculous scan logs in Prime that are Hideo Kojima levels of subtle about POLLUTING IS VEDY VEDY BAD

Metroid Prime is the best Captain Planet game ever made though

>not finding invertebrate babbies/larva cute

god if i read this fuckign dialog one mroe time my brain will fucking die.


Because she is a weak, feeble-minded, woman and cannot make good decisions. because she acts on emotions instead of thinking.

Other M finally proved this. Bad as it was.


The queen is probably the worst boss fight in AM2R though

If Smash ever does bosses again like in Brawl, I'd rather have Queen Metroid in than Ridley, desu. If Metroid can get multiple bosses, then it would go Queen Metroid -> Ridley -> Kraid -> Mother Brain -> Phantoon -> Crocomire

Considering that Vega (claw) is a scientist at the upper right the only specific thing we can take from this panel is that there is a group of scientists analyzing baby metroid.

Good. The Federations needs to burn so that Samus can be freed over their baggage.

Zebes isn't their home planet. They're invading it.

Why's that?

Mother Brain constructed a device that would destroy the planets core in the event that she was killed.

Killing lots of things probably lowers your level of empathy. Probably/

Yes, sadly. This is the opening fucking monologue of Other M.

I only got to the ice area before I dropped that piece of shit.

it was shot with radiation or something by the space pirates

What part of SELF DESTRUCT are you not understanding?

I'm not implying she's retarded, just that the Chozo raised her to be an emotionless killing machine that exists to protect the peace.

>game where Metroid shoots everything on sight
>She doesnt shoot that



And some people thought they hated the monologues in fusion.

At least those were few and far between and usually when she's on elevators where there's not much action going on anyway.

There's a good way and a bad way to characterize Samus.

It's such a shame that Other M is literally all the bad things you could've done for Samus' character.

>An emotionless killing machine
She's not an emotionless killing machine, it's simply the fact that pirates aren't people and don't deserve life from her perspective.

Too long, too repetitive and too easy. Yes I played on hard, it was the easiest boss fight in the game. I think it becomes difficult if you don't have the plasma beam, but I don't care about that, a good boss fight should still be at least moderately challenging in any scenario.

Other M is what you faggots get for wanting Samus to talk. It's your fault.