Can we all agree that Nintento is for kids and Playstation is for young adults?


No but you can fuck off to Reddit with your shitty attempt at flamewars.

Video games are for kids.


no but we can agree that op is a fag


>on a video game board



You better get banned for "instigating a flame war" because I've been banned for that for posting less blatant shit many times

Fucking nigger

>Sup Forums
>a video game board

All consoles are for kids, kiddo

Nintendo is for cringy manchildren
I know this cause when I buy nintendo games I get my mom to come with me and buy them for me
Fucking nintendo faggots are so cringy and autistic

All games are for kids, sport

That picture is stupid, also the new Smash Bros. is shit.

>haha theyre just for kids bro who cares :)

I love when manchildren try to be facetious cause they make themselves look even dumber than they already are

Oh yeah!?

>makes games, consoles, does their own thing

>makes watered down PCs, doesn't even make games, paid online, *Also on PC


>facts are Memes

Shouldn't you be on Facebook or Reddit?

I played chess when I was a kid?!?

Young adults are kids, though. Is that the joke?

This confuses me

>video games are for kids
Love this meme.

>Comic books are for kids
>Cartoons are for kids
>Theme parks are for kids
This is how you sound.


superhero movies are for kids

If Nintendo didn't make games then there wouldn't be any for their console. Sony doesn't even have to make games because third parties make them for Sony as well as Xbox.

Cartoons are for kids.

That's like saying television is for children because you watch Barney. Videogames aren't for children, you're just a Nintendrone manchild who plays kiddy shit. Get over it.

>Sony doesn't even have to make games because third parties
Shows how lazy Sony has gotten over the years

A real grownup gives up all the material goods of this world
And preaches the word of our lord Jesus Christ and helps people in his/her community

Those are for kids. I'll be taking my young child with his spider-man tennis shoes to Harry Potter Land later this week and hes gonna watch some ed edd n eddy on the plane.

>Videogames aren't for children
You sound insecure faggot

So you're in agreement then, good. While lives in delusion and can't come up with any counter argument than parroting Sup Forums tripe.

Shut the fuck up, mind slave.

I agree

>South Park, Bojack Horseman, F is For Family and Sausage Party are for kids
Yeah, no.

Shoes =/= comic books?

Sonyplaystation is for everyone, Xbox is for Anglos and dudebros, Nintendo is for children and manchildren. Mostly manchildren.

When Nintendo fans hit 18, think they'll look back and regret how childish they were?

Comic book characters are for kids. Super hero movies are for kids. Most comic related merchandise is targeted towards kids. I'm glad you did the smart thing and zeroed in on just one part of the whole picture though and ignored it.