
>Hey, let's make the anime characters hard to use so all the retard shitter weebs can fuck their teams up by picking them! LOL!


Get over Rank 50

>I don't understand how an elo plateau works so I'm going to blame everyone EXCEPT myself for why I'm not advancing
At least you idiots aren't poisoning my league games anymore.

Sounds like you're the poisonous one, boyo.

>Attacking on Hanamura
>One teammate is Hanzo
>Another teammate is Widowmaker
>No healer
>"Could one of the snipers go heals?"

Fucking shit I wish I had the ability to remote nuke peoples computers sometimes.

I was in a match with no Hanzo and no Genji today. It was the first time in a long time that's happened. The thing is, though, I've gotten used to them as a Zarya main. So I had no one to ult synergize with. It was weird.

All of the Overwatch characters are anime though.

>getting this mad over a casual game

Are you serious right now?

>Hard to use

Scatter shot is literally free kills for shooting the floor

Also don't forget that all he really needs to do is shoot into a group of enemies and will guaranteed get a headshot

Hanzo isn't hard to use. He's just worthless in general.

why didn't you go heal user?

Who is he gonna heal? A Widow?

They're not "hard to use" but theyre not as easy as someone like Soldier or Tracer. But weebs and retards wont play them because they aren't animu characters.

>encountering an actual pro Genji

>Easy to use

>poisoning my league games

you could've just said "i'm autistic" and ended it at that

If competitive, then you have a point

if quick-play, your are actually the biggest fucking faggot

>Hanzo main detected

>muh rigid team make ups
Stop being a try hard

so it was quick play. i wish i could block retards like you from using computers. Im rank 68. I play quick play to play heroes that arent viable in competitive, like hanzo and widow and anna. im so tired of retard sub 50's losing their shit because they saw a circle jerking reddit hate thread about hanzo widow and anna and ruining the game for me because i picked HANZO in QUICK play \

end yourself

>decide I want to learn another hero since all I've played is Lucio
>Go to Quick Play
>Don't do all that great as Roadhog, get yelled at and called a nigger

We had a good team comp, I fucked up one time. It was fucking quick play too, Jesus Christ please calm the fuck down.

I always switch to Widow if I'm in quickplay and we're getting our ass beat

I have more fun getting some practice in than I do stressing trying to save everyone else's ass

Hows it feel being rank 40 fucker?
>i wasnt good enough in competitive so now i play quick play and get mad at people playing hanzo and widow

literally you right now

A shitload are literal rips of indie comic characters which are usually rips of firgotten DC characters. The entirety of Overwatch is a ripoff of Stormwatch.

Tracer is braindead as fuck. People are just retarded and think they can be effective with tracer when you have double healer, both McCree/Reaper, and Zarya bubbling everyone.

hanzo is one of the easiest heroes to play but his ult only works against bottom of the barrel shitters or people who are already low on health

genji isn't OP, but his ultimate could use a nerf

less time in dragonblade mode. maybe 5 seconds or 6.

his deflect needs a buff as well. longer deflect time with a smaller deflect hitbox, meaning he can't deflect something unless it hits his actual hitbox, but it lasts the tiniest bit longer so that it's actually useful for escaping and not just "hey hold on a sec then continue to two shot me bruh"

people think they're effective as tracer because of how easy it is to rack up eliminations with her, since any small amount of damage done to someone who dies counts as an elim for you

so say you go around tickling people, those people almost always have a lucio or support to undo the tickling, but you still get gold in damage and if any of those people were taken out by actual DPS heroes then you get an elimination point for it (which usually results in gold medals for elims as tracer)

it's misleading but people think they're contributing by playing tracer when even a 76 would be more effective at actually winning matches

ah actually no
tracer destroys pretty much everyone
its the main reason she is used in top comp matchs so often

kek, top comp matches have nothing to do with how the game actually plays

those guys have full teams to coordinate with at all times and follow a meta set in stone

genji is sort of the same way

She is though. Shoot dash shoot. Be annoying, move fast.

> top comp matches have nothing to do with how the game actually plays
>those guys have full teams to coordinate with at all times and follow a meta set in stone
so you mean how the games meant to be played because its the most optimal way of playing?

>when you finally manage to get behind the other team as hanzo and still miss all your shots anyway

Go into these games as a chiller, play well and be positive.

I've had attack games where we've absolutely annihilated despite tards running Hanzo and Widow together.

Always blame yourself for a loss. Only way to get better.

And you and the vast majority of players aren't playing that way so why bring it up?