Your right hand comes off?

Your right hand comes off?

Other urls found in this thread:

Was this lost in translation, Capcom writing like garbage, or a line meant to intentionally make Leon look dimwitted?

Where's everyone going, Bingo?


>Detras de ti imbecil
Seriously what the hell was the point of the enemies talk to you? It would be even funnier if they didn't tell you that

this line alone makes me mad

fuck you for posting it

Resident Evil games are generally spoken in English only and the japs gets subs, so it had to be a conscious decision by someone. And god bless them for it


To show how having paid attention in Spanish class helped out after all.


Leon's Hair>Dante's Hair>garbage>>>>>>>>>Donte's Hair

Evil Within is RE 4 2.0

play it

....................leettle rough dontchu think?

It's deliberately cheesy dialogue, especially RE4 since that was well after things like ''jill sandwich'' were known.


RIP Mike

He'll never share that beer with him.

>declines offer from blonde bombshell to fuck her brains out while out in the open ocean
>figure it's because he's got his dick pointed at Ada
>remember he hits in Hunnigan in the very next cutscene that closes the game

DAMMIT LEON get your priorities together

>RE4 2.0
you mean badRE4? No thanks, I'll keep shitty stealth sections out of my games.



>wanting to fuck an Asian and Ebony
Leon's got taste

The Kennedys love their cocoa mamas, like Aunt Jemima.

too soon user.. I'm still in mourning.

stealth is optional

I cringed hard when I was playing RE4 and got to that cut scene. I felt disgusted for a couple of minutes afterwards.

Where's everyone going, _____ ?

Anything else would be better, I think.



>Leon Kennedy will never be in Melee


they probably thought it was going to catch on as a meme phrase like jill sandwhich


I have only one very important question...

Do you got a smoke?

but the entire dialogue of the game is cheesy 80s action movie lines, not just that.
>I don't ever remember being a part of your crappy script.
>why don't you do us all a favor and leave before the audience get's pissed off?


So who's buying the game again for the hundredth time for the bone or quadruple? I am.

I still have the GC version, I play it to completion like once a year.

Got cum

>thinking Resident Evil has been anything other than cheesy 80s action

You're probably one of those faggots hyped for walking simulator 7 because it goes back to RE's "roots".

Meh, I finally got a working HD PC version on Steam.
There's no more reason to get it again.


Same as this guy.

I didn't imply the former nor do I agree with the latter.

you're bad at this.

That's a pretty basic sarcastic retort
>I've sent my right hand to get you
>Your right hand come off?

waste of money since that guy is doing the re4hd mod
it looks great
unless those versions are gonna utilize that guy's work somehow i wouldnt recommend committing to that action

>sarcastic retort
sperg's retort more like

i wish they would do that to 2,3 and cv

i want to have the complete series on one console

I never played RE6, did Leon acted like that too in that game?

so you're just whining for no reason like a typical Sup Forumsedditor?
Fuck off!

those are called "one-liners"

I'm not whining either. My first post in this reply chain was

No, he acted more like Dante from DMC 2.

thats like, his thing, tho.

I am going to get it on wiiu

Dante had less jokes in 6. But he still cracked then occasionally.

No ever since his movies he became super serious no fun allowed Kennedy.
Of course in 6 he keeps his movie personality and shows no more emotion or fun attitude.

this game is great because it feels like b-movie nonsense

mgs does the same shit with hokey dialogue but wants to be taken seriously

this just escaped the absurd and overwrought canon of previous re titles, and eschewed it all for a lovely b-movie jaunt through the countryside

> re4hd mod
aren't there like 4 of those already?

>not at all exaggerated hairstyle that's totally achievable in real life
>buy a fucking wig anyway

I know you're a fat pig and therefore have no sense of self respect or responsibility, but can you at least TRY

t. midget spic

someone please give me the sauce of the thumbnail already

>villagers are supposed to be spaniards
>speak like mexicans

It's just Leon being a bit of a troll. The guy never panics during the entire game. Everything is going to shit around him and he just cracks wise.

is resident evil gaiden canon?

There should be a Donald Trump mod for RE4

Not really.
In RE2 he was more of a hotheaded cop who was bitter because no one took him seriously.
I'm pretty sure Claire cracked more one-liners.
That said, I liked him more of a smart ass in 4.
It showed that it was better to not take things too seriously no matter how fucked up it got.

I like classic RE, RE4, and MGS so fuck you.

>The guy never panics during the entire game

Ill probably end up getting it again

It would explain why Leon is a soulless lump of a human being nowadays

It makes sense for him to act like a little bitch in RE2 since he was younger and was his first day at the job.

For some reason the CG movies made him into this hyper serious agent guy and they did that in resi6 as well. Leon was zero fun.

i dont know why, but this series gave me a shoe fetish.

there's so much porn of her.

I think the only one with more than her is Jill herself.

Because it amused me

You didn't watch Damnation? He was very cheesy and fun in that.

Degeneration is the one that sucks.

What happens in that game?

Other than his nightmare he never really loses any composure. When he sees Luis die he's upset for about a minute but he still trolls the villains and never loses his confidence and ridiculously cocksure attitude.

Now that the dust have settled on Adam's corpse, will we ever see Ashley again and maybe playable in the future?

>Other than
don't you ''other than'' me.

Hmm, yea it's been awhile since I've seen it, you're probably right.

Degeneration was pretty meh yea. Are they ever doing more?

>Ashley's tits even though she's 14
>playing as adult Ashley

No, she's the president's daughter and is probably living it up like a pampered spoiled princess, miles away from any possible danger.

Well the nightmare was his nightmare, you don't control what happens in those. :p

I just mean Leon is RE4 is such a fun protag because he feels and talks like an action movie badass. He never really feels peril and you never doubt he'll succeed since he just shits on the villains so much.

Yes. It's called Vendetta.

And Leon is the main character AGAIN.

is this 2005?

>people who don't panic and make oneliners can't have bad dreams after being infected with a fucking zombie parasite.

wow rude

Tell me why there is so much porn of the president's daughter

>2005 was 11 years ago

armpit pussy

Because she's equipped with ballistics.

>we are closer to the year 2030 than we are 2000

>>Ashley's tits even though she's 14
Wait seriously?

we'll never see him face off against wesker. pissing him off with his snarkyness, wouldve been glorious.

why does his face change in each appearance?

>1999 was 50 years ago

>even though she's 14
I don't think a lot of 14 years old attend college.

I feel like Leon would have been a more interesting foil for Wesker than Chris. He never really got his own arch nemesis.

user said he didn't panic, that scene shows he did.

Krauser sort of.

Leon's nemesis is Ada's pussy.