No games!!!!

>no games!!!!

Except for MGS5, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Witcher 3, Rocket League, Overwatch, Uncharted 4, Dying Light, and many many more.

I get "not counting" ports (even when the port is far far better than the original) and even games that launched on the ps3/xbox 360 at the same time like Destiny (even when, again, this version is far better) as games that convince you to buy a ps4. But the argument that annoys me is that something isnt a "game" because their desktop valued around 1k can also play it.

Sup Forums is so self-deluded that they actually think people are being "tricked" into thinking multiplats are games. You simply cannot fathom why instead of buying a ps4 someone should buy a desktop PC at double the cost (minimum) to play MOST of the games the ps4 can play. You simply cannot fathom that there are people who like to play games that dont know what every part of a computer does and isnt savvy enough to buy all of them individually and put them together themselves and upkeep them over time. You simply cannot fathom that people want to buy their games physically on the regular, and share them with one-another frequently. You simply cannot fathom that people arent ready to give up the system of being able to return or resell their games they bought.

On top of all that, your warped, biased view makes you want the ps4 to present you with "exclusives". theyre the only things that you value in the console. You want sony to keep games off of your PCs on purpose, to make the ps4 more attractive. And then when they do, you realize your mistake, and shit yourselves ENDLESSLY.

Time to actually discuss games from a perspective that isnt an extremely biased, desperate nerd. Or else the only places out there that consider your interests will become just as unbearable and incoherent as you are. Honestly, you know if you went in public telling gamers that "the ps4 HAS NOOOOOO GAMES!!!" that they would think youre a fucking moron.

Other urls found in this thread:

people make fun of sonyggers because their system objectively has no games compared to other systems like pc which the majority of gamers have.

you're just a poorfag overspending on your hobby while missing out on the advanced features it can offer you.

it's sad that you act smug despite this, you're the definition of a casual plebe.

That's nice, but the PS4 has no games relevant to my interests. That is: Games I can't already play on my superior PC.
Sorry about your autism. Unless this is a copy pasta, in which case, keep up the good work.

>If my 1000$ PC can play it, its not a ps4 game

>casual plebe

Sup Forums is the most cringe-worthy place on the internet. even if i dont count gamergate its already the worst of all time.

stay mad that all you have is 24fps kiddo

Ace Combat 7
Basement Crawl
Crash Bandicoot Remastered
Days Gone
Death Stranding
Deep Down
Detroit: Become Human
Disgaea 5
DJMax Respect
Drawn to Death
Fat Princess Adventures
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
God of War
Gran Turismo Sport
Gravity Rush 2
Guns Up! H
ere They Lie
Hotshots Golf
Horizon Zero Dawn
Infamous First Light
Infamous Second Son
Kill Strain
Killzone Shadow Fall
The King of Fighters XIV
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8
The Last of Us Remastered
The Last Guardian
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Nier: Automata
Omega Quintet
The Order: 1886
The Playroom
Ratchet & Clank
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
Ryū ga Gotoku Ishin!
Shadow of the Beast
Tearaway Unfolded
The Tomorrow Children
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Until Dawn
What Remains of Edith Finch
Wild Guns Reloaded
Without Memory
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 6
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

stay fucking mad.

2/3 of the games you mentioned are multiplats that play better and are cheaper on pc

the fact that you think something like having 24 fps could make someone mad shows exactly where your demented thought process is when it comes to game discussion

they are not cheaper, and playing them on pc would require getting a pc, which most people dont do.

god, its true. you people look at games and filter them IMMEDIATELY. "wait.....thats not a ps4 game.....thats a STEAM game"

>someone went to the trouble to compile this list for the sole purpose of damage control
reason enough to stay away from the toxic sonygger community

The PC was my primary gaming platform from 2004-2011 but now I almost exclusively play on consoles.

>Being a Sonygger

I hope nobody actually take Sup Forums serious when it comes to video games. We all know PS4 is winning and nobody gives a shit about PC in the real world

not an argument.

>literally piggybacking off of multiplats and dark souls with less stuff

Why are you listing a bunch of games that aren't out yet?

>Witcher 3
Why the fuck would anyone play these on console?

>playing them on pc would require getting a pc, which most people dont do.
what are you typing on right now



>AN Actual Sonygger

>piggybacking off of multiplats

>games dont count as games unless I cant play them

fucking Sup Forums

Woah woah woah, so, what you're trying to tell me is that the ps4 has no games?


inb4 "but those are all shit"
>liking games i don't like

>pc games are only available on Steam

>*list of multiplats and bloodborne*
>beat that pcucks!

and you wonder why nobody takes you seriously

I love when black people are weebs it's irrationally funny.

No one buys gaming pcs except for the most insufferable faggots.

>games that are cancelled
>games taht aren't out
>pc games
>24 fps 900p

just proving my point toddler

>they are not cheaper,
free seems pretty cheap to me

Why do you feel the need to defend multigazillion dollar corp product senpai?

>pc games

name them.

>Mad white boy

>majority of gamers have pc
>ignore the fact that 70% of steam users were confirmed to play on very low settings on their toaster, meaning they can't play a single ps4 exclusive past 10fps

Not even close to what I said

not surprised a playstation fanboy can't read when they have to deal with low resolutions all the time.

>he thinks shitposts on Sup Forums is "everybody"

fucking wastes of space. /vg/ is a better board than this, and /vg/ fucking sucks.

Just like the PS4 :)

I bought a PS4 on launch and the only games I've ever played and enjoyed on it that I couldn't play on PC were Bloodborne and Destiny. Two games.

>all those multiplats
I don't know if I should kek or cry.


stay delusional.

Stay mad.

this, even the xbone is more relevant than PC in the real world

PS4 Neo is DOA Btw.

Might as well move to PC right now.

You had me interested until you said PCs cost double at minimum.


>Not only posting third parties, but shitty first parties like uncharted 4
>posting games that arent even out yet and just copypasting a list of games so it includes shovelware and remasters
>shitty games like star ocean, dragon quest heroes, and dragon age inquisition with third parties yet its still just as many games as I have for my wii u

>I have autism

t. booty blasted pcucks

nope, im a moron and bought a ps4 thinking sony would actually have a good console this time, and i was wrong.

>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played.
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up and everyone has to sit really close together cause of wired controllers
>try to set up my PC to my TV for larger screen but my PC is large and won't fit properfully close to my TV and have to put in weird angle
>it won't support wireless controller so have to be wired 2 feet away from TV and have to sit on the uncomfortable floor and not my couch
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

If /vg/ is so much better then fucking leave

Enjoy your safe space where your shitty opinions aren't challenged or questioned

bullshit. post a pic of your console right now.

where did you steal those games from

>Being this mad
Sit down white boi ;^)

only on your anonymous laotian ceramic painting message board is the PC relevant for gaming

in the real world most people that still use a computer own a Mac


Why is that black man grabbing that beautiful white women?

doesnt look like pasta
holy shit youre mad lmfao

thats what i thought pcuck

Where are you getting your information?

>Dark Souls 3
>Witcher 3
>Rocket League
Multiplat don't count, I can play them on PC, why should I buy another machine to play games I already own?

>>put disc in
>>play game
hasn't been true for a decade

>I'm lazy and I complain.

I made sure that PC gaming stayed irrelevant each generation. I buy every console game brand new and pay for PS+ as well AND PSnow because I'm not poor.

More money for Sony to kill PC for good.

>I like memes lol
>I use cuck because I'm trendy
>Reddit 4 life

t. i have a job and interact with normies all day

>Baboon sonygger is too lazy to do something that requires him to get him thinking.

>Sony in charge of movies

not an argument.

We know what is best and we take what we want.


why not just play on your PS3 retard

what a reliable source

people don't have a history of being full of shit or lying whatsoever

> I have autism

Every other division of theirs is flopping like no tomorrow, only thing keeping them alive is their gaming one.

still not an argument.

So why have you got a Failstation 4 then?

>Unlimited power of a PC
>No devs use it and still focuses on consoles anyway

The best form of irony ever.

>showing your power levels this badly

>feel the PS4 has the most potential out of all consoles this gen
>still too skeptical about buying one because there's still not enough games in its current library that interest me

>blatant false flag OP and people responding to the stale bait rugarell has been using for months
Great thread guys

>what a reliable source
>people don't have a history of being full of shit or lying whatsoever
you'd know from experience if you had a job user

stay mad

>it's all about the hardware LOL
>Why PC have bad grahpics?????///?

Wow, OP. I think I speak for everyone on Sup Forums when I say you've officially changed the way I look at the PS4 and the gaming hobby as a whole. I can't believe I ever doubted the incredible power of the PS4. I guess it's time for me to put my PC into the trash.

Oh wait, I already own a PS4 for nothing but exclusives. That's it's only purpose to me. I have literally no reason to own the console unless it has exclusives. Same reason I own a 3DS and a Vita.

I'm sorry your parents could only afford to buy you one console, OP, I truly am. But if every game were a multiplat and the purpose of platforms was to decide how much you want to spend to improve the experience, then PC would be the enthusiasts machine, while PS4 and XBone would be the entry-level machines. It's not Sup Forums's fault that you're so emotionally invested in your toy, OP.

>No fun allowed, boys.

The pc exclusive is miles better still, what was your point?

Better Question, what Job do you have?

sorry for the wait, complete with collections
wii u digital: ssb4, splatoon, w101, bayonetta 2, smm, a few indies, wwhd
ps4 digital: far cry 4, abzû
trash console with few games

>Unlimited power and potential
>No devs are using it
>You wasted $1000 on indie games machine

I work at GameStop, that's how I meet so many normies.

The USB on your PS4 is broke man.