Name a game where Swimming is actually fun

Name a game where Swimming is actually fun.

Majora's Mask, but only as a Zora

I came to post this.


Ecco the Dolphin.

Tropical Freeze if you aren't shit

>no bulge
thread dropped

Donkey Kong Country.


Also, Hydrophobia.


deus ex

So where's his dick? Is he tucking it?

Monster Hunter 3U

rise of the tomb raider


It's highly uncomfortable. Trust me.

You fucking faggots, she has no dick, and don't turn this thread into some gay shit.



You sure?


>it's a mentally ill user posts pics of his disgusting body thread

post moar, faggot. You're cute.

>Tfw girlfriend is flatchested

I mean, it's usually great. But then I see some bongos like that and I just wanna squeeze em. Life is rough boys.


pedo detected

marco polo

but only in the N64 version

Banjo Tooie

this but not the 3ds version

Tell me the girl now

Swimming in Ori and the Blind Forest is pretty comfy

What changed?

I don't want this girl to be the new meme JAV girl, she's worse than Julia.

Julia is fucking perfection you cool ass faggot

You can't dolphin swim at will anymore, you have to use magic and use the electrobarrier. On the flip side they made the zora's normal swimming faster. Still a dumb change though.

nothing any normal well adjusted nonsperglord would care about

>holding shells
>spinning in water
>swimming bees

I'm sad there was only one of you

you'll never truly appreciate them until you can. I thought i was an ass guy, still am, but damn big tits are fun. more fun than video games

game runs runs like shit

shes fkn garbo

Sauce that girl and the AV first.

London 2012.

in a swimming pool in real life..


>game takes control away from you

i disagree

hamasakifags please go

>literally admitting you're gay

Soma. You kinda swim.
I think?

meant for

>fake tits

>fake tits
this is how i know you're gay

Where can I download some gravure?

Boy I hit the nail on the motherfuckin head

Neither have fake tits though gayboy

gonna need a name?

sorry i had to be the one to spoil it for you

>walking around not knowing where the fuck to go underwater

Nope. The abyss parts with the angler fish and shit were cool, thats about it.

Ahh man didn't realize they were the same person. I knew the OP pic was a fluke.

I want to hug this girl and then impregnate her.

>those tits

underage detected

name of this one


I'm talking about hamasaki you dolt.