Would this be how sombra looks
Would this be how sombra looks
Here's a screenshot i don't think this character will be made
Last one there were a lot of more but these were the hardest to screen shoot
They're discarded concept arts
That was a Genji concept art.
Those two were Reinhardts.
I dont think sombra would be in winston's list of agents seeing as they aren't part of overwatch
Red robot is named "Soundquake" and appears in Winston's animated short from a few months ago when he puts out the call to reform Overwatch.
Where's 76?
I would like the guy in the hazmat suit. Could spray out some lingering poison streams or whatever and be good area of denial with poison and such. Idk.
I want that angel robot dude in the back right
People have been arguing about Hazmat and whether or not he's still planned for release or that he was canned and partially recycled into Mei and Ana.
>the next hero is going to be some unneeded stealth character
>not some gigantic robot/man that can shoot missiles from his chest
fuck you blizzard
The Hazmat/Alchemist concept became Ana. Devs talked about it on Ster(?) twitch stream.
Sombra is obviously the black chick in pic related
You mean pharah? That's pharah, her concept anyways.
I'd think Pharah would be the person to the left of McCree who looks a lot more like her
sombra is a spic, not a nig
nah man that's lucia pre-op
Phara is the fucking little girl, dumbasses
>he thinks hispanic is a race
white ppl
why is overwatch full of so many brown honeys
why does it matter? they're not human either way
Wrong picture, buddy. Always check your quotes before making a dick of yourself.
Oh no, we've got a retard here
Different picture dumbasses
this one is what was referenced.
not this one
Probably an 'everyone's going to racemix in the future' prediction
Because why not?
>Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics
Oh spics, read a book
This guy is right. The one immediately to the left behind McCree is obviously Pharah with her helmet on.
Look again dumbass. The character next to McCree is someone floating that looks a lot like Pharah with a helmet instead of a visor.
>sombra is black
>her stealth is just turning the time of day to after 8pm
It all makes sense now.
God damn young Ana is some premo woman
I don't know why people assume a new character would come from those arts.
Did Ana even show up on those?
Not in those ones, but a couple filler ones did show up in Ana's comic
I want the orange beetleborg motherfucker in the back right. Imagine zippy air dashes.
Sexy blonde american white girl hero when?
I really want to say brown girl on the right is sombra. I know she looks mroe black than beaner but everyone thought reaper was black at first too.
Mercy is all those things, cept murikan.
>tfw Widow and Reaper are the only evil heroes
Aren't Junkrat and Roadhog essentially evil. They seem to kill and blow stuff up for personal gain.
What about Symatra?
pretty sure if there's a moonbase and a sentient gorilla and robots then blacks could've migrated to spanish-speaking countries
Sym is
Mei is funded by/works for talon
Hanzo wants to be a crimelord
Junkrat causes mass demolition and murder on the fly
They're neutral, and don't care which side as long as they pay
Junkrat and Roadhog are evil as well.
Hanzo and Symmetra too, arguably.
Hanzo left his crime ways and became a lone wolf antihero
It honestly pisses me off there is no campaign. They have a really good universe and characters to explore
>yfw the trailer was a timeskip
They are a bit more complicated, They hate robots but im pretty sure they are mostly just mercenaries.
>Murdering people for money and blowing stuff up for fun is neutral
>Wanting to genocide a sentient race is neutral
This is why neutral campaigns in DnD never go well. Because people believe if they don't claim to be evil then they aren't evil.
If Blizz was smart, they'd make a OW vidya universe and outsource independent character games to other companies, but they arent, so you're stuck with just reading comics or watching shorts.
Most people had a fear and hatred of omnics after the war, which is understandable. Junkrat is mentally deranged and Roadhog is likely mentally challenged. They'll take contracts from either side and have no set direction other than blowing stuff up.
They're neutral.
That doesn't mean neutral. Morality isn't a checklist. If you're willing to murder for money then you are evil, even if you're also willing to save lives for money.
It would be great if they started rolling out short little campaigns for each character. Maybe a larger one where you could play anyone and have multiplayer.
A lot of the characters could definitely have a solid little game built on their own mechanics. Some tweaking obviously, but I'd love to play a campaign with tracer or junkrat or reinhardt. Like 1-2 hours would be enough and it would go a long way.
Even if it wasn't campaign, if there were just challenge missions and trials it would be awesome. Maybe once the "pro" scene really gets going they'll recruit some top players to design skill challenges.
>mei is funded by/works for talon
Citation needed
Goods guys
>Soldier 76
Grey area
>Bastion (He just wants to be left alone, but his bio implies he can't fight his core programming)
>Widowmaker (Unwillingly)
It's one guy's headcanon that he puts into every thread.
>it's not evil if you're crazy
>it's not evil if you're greedy
>it's not evil if you're retarded
What the fuck? That's like saying "I'll work for the US or ISIS I don't care as long as I get to murder innocent people and get paid". It's evil. It is completely and totally evil with no justification possible.
Maybe if they were just thieves that avoided killing you'd have a case, but they're not. They kill people, and they love it.
>same list
Having a "neutral" stance on the omnic crisis does not make you "neutral" as far as good/evil alignment goes.
She's really overtly not evil. She's lawful neutral.
>good cannot fight good
Nigga pls
McCree is pretty gray area, since he was trained by Talon and just went his own way.
Is Sombra going to be yet another offense hero? It'd be nice to have another tank since DVa and Rein are the only real tanks. I guess Zarya counts, but her shield, while fantastic, has a 45 minute cooldown.
How did mercy not age
the woman can heal and revive people. Of course she'd find a way to use it to keep herself looking young
>Sym is evil
Sym is really really blatantly the did nothing wrong type of neutral "villain".
Evil literally doesn't exist.
>D.va Rein only real tanks
>I guess Zarya counts
Zarya is more a real tank than D.Va. D.Va is more a flanker. And Zarya shields, sieges with right click spam, and has the best CC ult in the game. She is way more a tank than D.Va and much better at the tank role
Nah, McCree's a good guy. He was an arms dealer that was arrested during a sting, but given a choice between prison and joining Overwatch's black-ops unit after a then-good Reaper thought he had potential. He was cynical at first and only accepted because he didn't wanna go to jail, but eventually came around and genuinely saw it as a chance to turn his life around. Since Overwatch disbanded, he's basically been a wandering vigilante and bounty hunter who only accepts gigs where he feels he's doing the right thing. He's also on the Overwatch agent recall list when Winston puts out the reformation signal.
Stealth character, apparently.
It's implied that she uses her own miracle tech on herself.
He is a zombie.
They are chaotic on the spectrum. Chaotic does not imply evil. They will kill good guys, they will kill bad guys. Neutral.
Hispanic means people from spanish-speaking countries. This includes spain and mexico.
I has nothing to do with physical characteristics
Doing morally questionable things for money is not evil. It's morally questionable. But evil is doing sick shit for the sake of sick shit. If you have a justification like money, it implies you wouldn't go out of your way to do it, meaning you're not evil. And since the act itself is not something a good person would do, it bars you from that alignment too. Bam. Neutral.
Zarya's shield has too high a cd to be a proper damage blocking. Not to mention it only protects her and one other person. She does retard damage and yeah her ult is great, but I think revamped DVa does better at eating enemy damage. DVa can completely shut down team kill ults like Barrage, High Noon, Reaper's ult, Whole Hog, Visor, ect and it's on a pretty short cooldown even when completely expended. I think most people pick Zarya for her game changing ult more than her damage abortion, but that doesn't count as tanking.
She wasn't a founder of Overwatch.
She's like 18 in that photo. She's 37 now.
Where's Ana?
Why are Bastion, Lucio, and Zenyatta in that picture?
Why is everyone staring at Torbjorn while he takes a shit?
>chaotic and evil are mutually exclusive
Are you slow in the brain?
>PvE comes out for Overwatch as they inevitably do for these kinds of games
>Campaigns include flashbacks and present day missions that require certain characters to be used by players
I fucking hope not.
Lucio likely joined around the same time as tracer, right around before overwatch was banned.
Chaotic good is a thing bruh
You seem to think anyone chaotic is evil. Chaotic just doing whatever floats your boat with unpredictable outcomes. Often will involved killing people.
Lucio isn't even a member of Overwatch, he's some slumrat who stole experimental tech from Symmetra's company and has become a kind of celebrity anarchist.
What if the guy on the left is the new Doomfist?
Killing unpredictably makes you chaotic evil, lads.
Chaotic neutral will do whatever it wants, but without doing anything considered evil (arbitrarily killing is still a big no-no) and chaotic good is Robin Hood: The Alignment. Junkrat and Roadhog are evil, there's no way around it.
How did you get past the captcha?
>the savior
>the scourge
>the faggot
That company fabricated internal conflicts in Rio and tried to stage a coup and hostile takeover of Brazil. He lead the resistance to keep the country independent, modified the sound barrier to heal and aid his members, and push them to victory.
A lot of protein.
That's what people have been thinking. The only thing we know about him is that he's not Liao.
He's a lawfag. He doesn't understand the difference between evil and things that he doesn't like.
Chaotic good kills unpredictably if the character says it was the good of humanity.
You know on another note. How many people in this current thread actually play competitive? Trying to take a head count to see how dead competitive actually is
Killing for personal greed or amusement is evil. If they killed for money, but only killed evil people and refused to kill innocents, you might have a chance at neutral. If you kill innocent people on purpose you are evil. If you do it just because you are greedy or because you get a thrill from it then you are even more evil.
Killing innocent people is not morally questionable, it's evil. Even if it was just "morally questionable" doing it for GREED is evil. Junkrat isn't stealing bread for his children, roadhog isn't robbing liquor stores to pay his mother's medical bills. They are murdering innocent people because they LIKE money and LIKE killing.
Even if your argument wasn't based on blatant lies, like them not liking killing or murdering innocents just being "morally questionable" you STILL would be wrong.
Yo. 51.
Pls save me I can't get any higher.
Evil doesn't exist. Have fun kid...