Post your favorite Secrets and Easter Eggs

Post your favorite Secrets and Easter Eggs

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Motherfucking SCARAB GUN

One of the best Easter eggs in video games



>tfw they added all the destructible landscape in the game because the french playstation rep got piss off with the Eiffel towe getting blow up

>In 1996, Florida pest control officer Ricardo Lopez began keeping a video diary. In it, he detailed his plans to construct a letter bomb, which he planned on sending to Icelandic singer Bjork, intent on disfiguring or even killing the pop star. After mailing it to her, he returned home, shaved his head, and painted his face in red and green greasepaint, with black makeup for the lips. He then committed suicide with a .38 caliber revolver, all of which he recorded on 8mm tapes.
>Ricardo was originally going to make a cameo in Grim Fandango, a game published by LucasArts. At one point, during year 3, Manny Calavera (The protagonist) manages to get a gun, and comments on how "All I need now is a video camera and some red and green paint". The line was cut from the final release, however, after the studio feared backlash from the latino community over such a joke being made. An image of Ricardo was also supposed to appear on one of the desks in-game (Pic related), but this too was scrapped.

pls explain


>Battlefront 2 was originally going to have Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn as a playable hero. He would have been playable in the Naboo maps and was set to be voiced by his original actor, Liam Neeson. Plans were made to have the actor fly out to record his lines, but unfortunately, Neeson was busy filming his scenes for his role as Batman villain Ra's Al Ghul in Christopher Nolan's film, Batman Begins. The character was ultimately cut from the final release of the game.

I like running jokes

Ash lake is a secret area in Dark Souls



So... is there more to it?
I mean, I'm not a souls player, and I don't know the lore or if it's hard to achieve this place.

wtf is this?

There's a source mod where if you fall through the ground somehow (or use cheats to pass through it) there's just this giant screaming face and the game crashes.

Does anyone remember what that one is called? It's like a generic military shooter otherwise.

Not him, but thew area was unfinished and had no connection to the rest of the game. They stuck it in as an easter egg. There was a unique covenant you could join that had some interesting rewards.

It's kinda hard to reach. You have to break past two illusory walls, which aren't the most obvious about the fact that they are illusory walls in the first place.

how did people even find this originally? and it even contains the ending of a characters story line

It's a UFO.

No way this is real


data miners or really autistic people that go around hitting every piece of pixel they can find

literally easter egg: the game

not the best but it was ok i guess

The Wolfenstein 3D easter egg in TNO was pretty cool.

I thought maybe someone swung at the chest thinking it was a mimic and was like woah an illusionary wall. then left a message and it snow balled

>Fallout 3 was released in October of 2008. During that very same year, Barack Obama ran for the position of President of the United States of America, and would eventually make history by being elected as the first African-American President of the United States in November of 2008. One developer at Bethesda seemed to dislike this possibility, and as a result, a rather controversial easter egg found its way into the game.
>When playing Fallout 3, if the player travels to the ruins of DC, they will find a smoldering crater in what used to be the location of the White House. Originally, if one were to enter the utility tunnel located nearby, they would find a note that read "...and let it be known that, should the United States of America ever be called to nuclear war against Russia and Chine, then I, President Barack Hussein Obama, will answer that call...". The note was soon discovered by players, and it was quickly patched out by Bethesda, with a copy of the unarmed skill book Pugilism Illustrated taking the controversial note's place instead.

some faggot was rolling or attacking randomly shit and then told people / wrote message on the ground ingame

Essentially it's a whole area (although pretty barren) that is well hidden in dark souls. By going down there you essentially find out the whole are u play in is held up by trees. Also there's a dragon chillin down there and they are all supposed to be dead. Bretty cool shit.

>the area was unfinished and had no connection to the rest of the game.
you are talking about the fucking painted world and not ash lake
ash lake does have connection with the rest of the game wtf and it's not unfinished

It was a class based team shooter, and it really wasn't spooky. It was just this stretched out photograph of a dude making a face.

Allan please add details in the Hitman games always makes me chuckle.

Pretty sure that faggot below the bridge on the way to Undead Burg tells the player about it.

Meant for

>mfw trying it out myself


>The video game Hitman: Blood Money has a mission titled "Amendment XXV", in which the player must successfully infiltrate the White House and assassinate 2 targets, 1 of whom is the (fictional) Vice President of the United States, Daniel Morris. The title is obviously a reference to the 25th amendment to the US constitution, which states that the Vice President shall take the President's place should he ever leave office, whether through death or otherwise.
>During the development of the game, the developers played with the idea of having Agent 47 (The protagonist) assassinate the real-life Vice President, Dick Cheney. This idea ended up being scrapped very early on, with many of the game's developers stating that they never actually took the idea seriously.

I was exploring the area and thought "huh, that's a pretty abrupt stop"
To be fair I had heard there were false walls in the game but I hadn't found any others yet.

This will always be my favorite easter egg. The elevator dance party in Crysis 2. Still gets me every time I pass that point.

Shame there wasn't an option to disguise yourself as the VP and kill the president making Agent 47 the president.

My favorite is probably in Halo, where you can get to an "unreachable" area and a song called siege of madrigal starts playing. Amazing easter egg and amazing song.

>Call of Duty: Black Ops is set during the Cold War. One mission has the protagonist (Mason) travel to the Pentagon, where they meet then-President John F. Kennedy. At one point, Mason has a brief vision of himself pointing a gun at the President's head, before apparently snapping out of it. Later on in the game, we learn that Mason was the victim of brainwashing by the game's main antagonist, Nikita Dragovich, and it is even implied that Mason was the one who assassinated Kennedy. Originally, the game was actually going to let the player commit the assassination in a level simply titled "Dallas". The mission would involve Mason shooting Kennedy with a sniper rifle, then running off and framing Lee Harvey Oswald for the crime. This level ended up being removed from the game later on in development, although the references to the Kennedy assassination still exist in the game.

cut content =/= secret/easter egg


its still interesting you're a faggot


Well this is a thread for secrets/easter eggs, not interesting facts about vidya.
So I think you're the faggot here, faggot.

post moar

It wasn't hard to find or anything though.

yeah fuck those people bumping this thread they are assholes

Why not just make your own goddamn thread then dipshit



Not this time fucker.

whats wrong with your brain why is bumping the thread with more content that is similar a bad thing too much reading makes your brain hurt?



The easter egg in Trials Evolution that can't be solved until 2113


It's derailing the thread with off topic bullshit that belongs in another thread. Why not just bump New Vegas threads with fucking Overwatch stuff then? Some faggot would find that interesting too.


That's aome seripus tinfoilhat shit from people who never grew out of the "that kid" phase from GTSA


>Star Wars Episode 1 Racer was released on May 19, 1999, to coincide with the release of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. The game was originally going to have 4 extra tracks that were exclusive to the N64 version of the game. These tracks were to be set in Otoh Gunga, the underwater city of the Gungans which infamous Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks was banished from. The tracks were going to utilize the bubbles that enveloped the city, which racers could enter and use to float around the underwater tracks in. The cut levels were also going to have players be chased by some of the underwater creatures which also appeared in the film the game was based on, but unfortunately, due to time constraints and the limitations of the N64, the levels were cut.

that's a big dick

>When reddit sees actual videogame discussion on Sup Forums
Wow, that "reddit is for serious discussion, Sup Forums is for shitposting" mentality has really gotten into you



Lightning and Snow only have 2 ATB gauges at the start of FFXIII while Vanille has 3 gauges
Zack has a Preemptive Strike materia slotted in the Buster Sword during the Nibelheim Incident


you're a retard its not derailing the thread its helping to keep it going there is no reason there needs to be a different thread

I found it without looking it up.
I like to smack walls and shit


Explain further


gonna need some sauce on that user

calire hasumi

It's 69 KB, pussy. Nothing happens.

For being fair Rockstar says the users will never find all the easter eggs in GTA V, either the game it's actually full of crazy secrets or R* wants people running around like idiots trying stuff.


wtf I love Bethesda now

I found it due to thinking the hidden passage looks out of place. So I hit the back of it and found the way down.

Finding the first hidden part was pure accident while fighting an enemy near it.


That's kind of hot



why wasn't this shit added to the remake

You can unlock a special outfit in GTA: SA by your mother will dye her hair unless you reply to this post.

oh shit

I know it really doesn't mean anything, but I think cryptic symbols like this are fascinating. If I were a developer I would love to put stuff like this in my games.


Haha, epic, just epic. ;)

What was I supposed to see in here?

>The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, released in 2006, is a Role-Playing Video Game set in the fictional region of Cyrodill, a province of Tamriel. Players can created any character they wish, with different classes and skills being available for the player to choose from. If the player does a quest for the Daedric Price Hermaeus Mora, they will be rewarded with a book known as the Oghma Infinium. This book, upon being read, will immediately grant the player an increase of 3 skills by 10 points, depending on which "path" is chosen.
>The Oghma Infinium went through some drastic changes in design before Bethesda finally settles on its final appearance (Wrapped in the different skins of all of Tamriel's races, all sewed together onto the book). One design drew heavy inspiration from the Codex Gigas, also known as the "Devil's Bible". The Oghma Infinium at one point resembled the book almost perfectly, even having its own version of the Codex Giga's cover. The design went through some more changes after that, however, until finally resembling the Oghma Infinium we see today.

sweet meme, friend

they run to heal themselves in the space phone booth

I think that if the vortigaunt is hurt, it will heal somewhere, and attack.

Why is GTA V so weird? Whenever I play the game, it still feels like there's a sense of mystery, like something just under the surface waiting to be discovered. Like that sign in Paleto Bay, what the fuck? It's hard to believe they would put that there for no reason.

Is this confirmation that Dark Souls takes place in the same universe as Nausicaa?
