Is it Chrono Cross?
What is the most underrated game of all time?
Probably No Man's Sky
The game i like
Metroid: Other M
Gameplay completely ignored because of the story
Monster Girl Quest
Zeldas and Marios, all of them.
Which game is that fampai
Dark Souls 2
Stop making this thread every hour
baby metal is overrated shit that only perverts enjoy
it's not overrated, it's straight up bad and it has fuck all to do with metal, but the girls are qt
Nah it's actually very high quality
Also, I personally don't find them attractive.
What the fuck is this wubstep garbage? Fucking Christ delete this.
>Chakan the forever man
Remix of this
It isn't an official song and it was only performed twice. Second song is pure metal though.
stop memeing user, it's generic shit with pop singers as vocalists
I want to fuck her.
I wonder how they've been to plenty metal festivals in US and Europe and always get one of the most rabid crowds of any band and a whole bunch of metal legends as fans then.
Mad Max
he said under not over
why does everyone on this site have a fetish for Asian girls? is it something about how jap culture accepts vidya more and the girls would be more accepting of betas?
Asians are cute yo
"high quality" is a great way of saying "here are some overpaid sluts with a really competent producer"
yeah it's high quality but it's still fucking awful, senpai
a couple Castlevanias come to mind. 3 and PoR, namely. I'm tempted to put a 3D one in here too, maybe Lament, but they're pretty much all genuinely bad
an Asian woman is more apt to know her place and be cognizant of the value of a maternal head of the household
American women are crazy sluts
Damn Kent got BTFO
idk man but i too wonder why there are a few people who like asian girls here on a noodle slicing eastern emporium or why some people like niggers or why you haven't killed yourself.
Why can't people understand that I'm right and everyone else is wrong? Jesus you children need to think for yourself once in a while
Baby Metal and Overwatch has taught us that waifu's make everything better.
Chrono Cross is the WORST game of all time, Sup Forumsait.
Every single one of them deleted their comments. This actually went viral, spurring a lot of mainstream articles and top of imgur.
Wonder how those people felt lel
I'd say this came out as a victory for Rob Zombie fans but his last album is fucking terrible, so
>Baby Metal and Overwatch has taught us that people will lap anything mediocre as long as there are waifu's
user i got to shit like Die Antwoord and Little Big because they throw the craziest parties, but i don't listen to them at home
Penumbra. The first game, but its sequels were pretty good as well.
It's not even my favourite game or anything, but I do think it's critically underrated and one of my favourite horror games of all time.
Deleting their comments in embarrassment is a victory?
t. dadrock worshipping Sup Forumstards
oh I guess I should have said "babymetal fans"
commercial metal post-early Metallica is pretty much a huge joke all around, so
I would love to give that game another shot
I like Metal Gear enough, I could probably tough it out now that I'm not retarded from drugs anymore
On Sup Forums: League on Legends
IRL: Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu
>yeah it's high quality
>it's awful
Literal wat
Not, For the Frog the Bell Tolls is.
Did Smash Bros copy?
Over rated as fuck try again
>I don't know what "underrated" means
you let the hivemind get to you way too much. tons of Sup Forumsirgins still play LoL. it just doesn't get talked about because the cancer was quarantined over to /vg/. that's one of those games that if it was cool to talk about here, you would not stop seeing threads
>want to talk some shit about babby's first Tactics Ogre
>look it up, produced by Gunpei Yokoi
well fuck, maybe that's worth a shot actually
You mean overrated, right?
Face it kids, if Square thought Chrono Cross was worth a damn they would have called it Final Fantasy _
>about how jap culture accepts vidya more
What? Japan is about as conservative as it gets, people that obsess over video games are not only mocked more than they would be in Western culture but they're straight up shunned from the rigid social arena.
Because it's a goofy concept. It's three little Japanese girls in frilly costumes doing metal. In the western world, that's totally unheard of. But in Japan, it's generic pop idols with a different backing band.
It's not that it's good, it's that they're different.
Please tell me you're 12 or English isn't your first language
like, Call of Duty is high quality. you know? it costs millions of dollars. good production value. well paid VAs who do a decent job. very thoughtfully designed multiplayer component. high quality.
do all these combine to make CoD a not-shit game?
>10/10 from Destructoid
Gee I wonder who the fuck that was
Now THATS an interesting take. You have me curious, user. If you would care to elaborate?
This is true
It's literally tied for the highest rated JRPG of all time along with FFIX. And this was back when game reviewers were still """gamers"""".
>when game reviewers were still gamers
you mean before they took money for endorsements? I'll take "things that never happened" for $1,000 Alex
Squaresoft games were especially obvious, FFVIII scored straight 9-10s and within the next month their writers were slipping in snide comments about how awful it was into mailbag sections
Bwahaha reviewers were never """gamers""" kid, they were always (((gamers))) though. FFIX is fucking trash too, the whole game is completely derivative and uninspired. It's the 'look at me I'm like the old games but not as good' with shitty re-mixed music thrown in. Even if you somehow fucking like that game I lose my shit when any of you faggots claim that it has the best soundtrack, which is just remixes of great songs done like fucking shit. VII is alright, VIII is great, IX is fucking trash, just like your kike beloved Chrono shit
I regret making the post above this and lending any impression that I may be cut from any cloth similar to whatever this monstrosity is
r6 siege
There are various similar groups both before and after and they don't get a fraction of attention they do.
Look up the definition of quality famtam.
Probably some SMT game. I know nobosy else irl that has played a single one. Then again I don't know that many people irl. And not many of them really play games...
Su is the better metal desu, and I'm going to marry her
It used to be a joke or a meme, then it took itself seriously.
I mean they are pretty similar and Poy Poy came out first, I think 2 years before. Only difference is 3d and 2d which yea is a substantial thing butbotherwise gameplay and interface is similar.
It did have one of the best soundtracks ever made...
It's fuckin amazing. Funnily enough the battle theme is maybe the worst one I heard.
you're a fucking retard
Mah nigga I literally want to rip your pants and suck your dick right now fuck
Why is that
Battle realms senpai
I feel like it wouldn't hold up well today. Also, wasn't there a second one?