Final Fantasy XV gets delayed for only 2 months

>Final Fantasy XV gets delayed for only 2 months


>Persona 5 got delayed for TWO YEARS


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Nice bait desu. Squeenix had no financial problem. We all know atlus almost gone bankrupt until sega picked the team up

You're also forgetting that FFXV was announced 10 fucking years ago and Persona was announced 2 years ago

Yep, good ol' shitposting faggots on Sup Forums!

For that you can blame the XIII trilogy.

More specifically, you can blame Toriyama and his autistic waifufagging for Lightning.

Nobody except for autist fucks like you give a fuck about Atlus and their financial troubles. All we care about is the final product.

It has only been in active development since Tabata picked it up anyway.

But financial troubles DETER companies from finishing the final product.

That ebin pic you posted tells me all I need to know about your mental age. Not going to discuss it any further with you.


>can't come up with a good counterpoint
>responds with ad hominem and over a reaction image and backs off like a beta faggot
OK. Bye faggot.

At least, when Atlus says "You'll have your game on September 15th" you have it on said day.
Fuck AtlUSA

No, FF13 came first, but Nomura refused to make FF Versus XIII into FF15. Toriyama asked people if they wanted to see more of FF13, and the grand majority said yes.

Why do you think FF13-2 sold practically just as much as FF10-2? Clearly people wanted to see more.

>>Persona 5 got delayed for TWO YEARS
>Implying people where not angry with the delay and still angry over the delay

I don't give a shit about delays because I understand that it's necessary to finish the development and polish the game.

I refuse to buy P5 though because of no dual audio and I will never forgive Atlus for this shit.

>active development

When will this meme end?

You act like that's a good excuse, but you're literally admitting that they sat on ass and did jack shit for the better part of a decade

Keep shilling that bullshit, FFXV-kun. You are just relentless I'll give you that.


>no dual audio

Why don't you buy the Japanese version of the game

since you understand the Japanese language

>since you understand the Japanese language
No, I don't. Where did you got that idea?

Honestly this desu
I have zero sympathy for EOPs, I have been warning people since 2012 to start learning Japanese. If you did not heed the warnings you deserve your punishment

>It has only been in active development since Tabata picked it up anyway.

>playing a game with filthy gaijin audio blemishes the honor of my hanzo steel

>they sat on ass and did jack shit for the better part of a decade

thats exactly what they did though. they worked on it when it was on ps3, probably got wind about the ps4 coming out, realized their project was too ambitious and stopped development for a couple of years until the ps4 was ready to go.

im not the guy youre replying to but its not a good excuse at all but you gotta be a moron to think that FFXV has been in development for 10 years straight.

Literally everybody dual dubs their games except for Shitlus. i'm not going to kill 3 years of my life to play non-botched P5.

>you gotta be a moron to think that FFXV has been in development for 10 years straight.

It doesn't matter how much time they took off

fans of the series still had to wait 10 years, even if they only worked on it for 3 or 4. and they have a right to be pissed off about a 10 year wait, even if SE wasn't working for a solid 10 years straight

Especially when they're crapping out spin-offs and Lightning sequels left and right

Persona 5 was coming out on PS3 then I would guess Sony gave them money to release a PS4 version at the same time.

>Nomura refused to make FF Versus XIII into FF15
[citation needed]

You really just have to be totally innocent to believe that winter 2014 wasn't just a placeholder date to appease shareholders that the game was coming and not a realistic release date.


I'm not sure that he "refused", but it was called Versus XIII originally because Nomura and Wada both felt that it was to dark to be an entry in the main series

Atlus USA PR Josh Hardin announced at E3 that they were looking into the possibility of having Japanese audio included as DLC like what Square is doing for FFXV.

So they just put out a date to give fans hope that they knew was a total lie? Fuck them preorder cancelled

Yes. Is this your first video game release ever? Companies do this all the time.

>they sat on ass and did jack shit for the better part of a decade

The team went off to help other teams make ither games you twat

The problem comes when you delay after announcing a specific release date. I don't care if you delay if the estimated release is still Fall of whatever, but if you name day, month, and year explicitly, and then push back, you fucked up.

Fuck their other games, because those games all suck ass

They didn't do what I wanted them to do

>no dual audio

Good thing I still have my old hacked PS3 in perfect working condition.

Undub version is going to be great.

>you gotta be a moron to think that FFXV has been in development for 10 years straight

Well, in a way it was since most of those years were spent building the Luminous Studio engine from the ground up.

If you're planning on releasing a brand new IP complete with a brand new in house engine, then doing both is definitely gonna take time.

Final Fantasy XV will never come out

Can't wait to play P5 on september and spoil everyone on Sup Forums
Especially now that FF is delayed
Thank you based Square. We might even get a Neo patch

>Playing it on the PS3

>Persona 5 was announced in 2013 and was delayed a couple times so that they can polished the fuck out of it, fill it will more content and port it to the more powerful PS4.
>Final Fantasy XV was announced in 2006, everyone was faffing about and didn't know what to do, it was constantly delayed with no end goal in sight. Tetsuya said fuck it and went back to work on Kingdom Hearts III and the FFVII Remake.

>buying a PS4 for 3,5 games

FFXV did an entire event just to announce the release date, and even with that they delayed again

Atlus did this too.


It was an excuse to calm down raging chinese cartoon fans.

Literally nobody ever said that you twat.

The FFXIV Uncovered event outright mocked the idea of releasing the game in November and now they just look like jackasses.

Well Square hadn't announced a release date for XV and was only giving us teasers.

And they were building the Luminous Engine from the ground up for the game, which takes even more time.

They'd look like even bigger jackasses if they were forced to release the game with a day one patch.

Not really.
Most people care much less about having to download a patch than they do about having to wait two extra months to reprint discs.

Considering how much shit NMS took, they did the right thing
Peoples who can't understand that shit can happens during the development of such massive games and only think about muh dates don't deserves any good games at all.

The most messed up thing about that was that Atlus started teasing about it in 2013, officially. Ha Ha, we haven't even started production yet!

Did they actually confirm a FFXV delay? I thought that was still just rumors.

It's confirmed. They said the day 1 patch would have been massive otherwise

Calm down you autistic sperglord.

They didn't
They just put placeholder dates but nothing else. They never gave a "actual" release date other than windows like "spring" or "winter" or just a year (2015)

PR speak. Don't get your hopes up

Persona 5 is PS3 game.

PS4 is a port. Just watch, the port will be bad

All the footage you have seen has been on the PS4. All the demos out right now are on the PS4



It won't be bad but playing a PS3 game on PS4 will be jarring

Last I checked people threw a fit over the P5 delays. So much so that Atlus commented on the "large reaction". Sup Forums went nuts each time, going so far as to desperately think that it might have been a PR campaign to "steal back" the date.

Besides, how long has FFXV and its original title been delayed for? It feels like we've been seeing footage of the game throughout years and years now.

Not that it matters much. I was bummed about the P5 delay and the FFXV one sucks, but whatever. A couple more months doesn't destroy my excitement.

Considering the game has been delayed for 2 years i'd say they shifted it to PS4 at this point. PS3 is gonna be the port. Enjoy your 720p i guess.


Does that make it any less true?

Fucking idiots here. Everywhere.

>>Persona 5 got delayed for TWO YEARS


Literally no one is okay with this you goddamn retard


I replied

What about the 6 month delay of US P5?
Apparently that one is AOK

>Shit happens during development
The reason that game receives so much criticism is because it wasn't a AAA game that was split among two dozen teams.

The producer knows the names of most of the employees, and knows what the actual progress is. Yet he still went out and advertised the game as something it isn't.

>the port will be bad
It works the opposite. It's still very similar in nature, but the PS4 has more resources to waste.

Atlus JP gives less than one fuck about giving Atlus USA the rights for dual audio.
But to be fair, Atlus USA gives less than one fuck about trying to change their minds.

Oh wow, I can actually post this pic again.

I didn't say that was okay. Like I said, I'm bummed by the delay. I was anticipating that P5 would be my GOTY for 2016 and a fantastic thing to look forward to in the winter. It sucks, no two ways about that. The only reason I'm somewhat willing to get over it is that every time gameplay is shown it only looks better and better. All I see is new, awesome shit each trailer. With FFXV, although I am interested in the game, I will sometimes see new stuff and think, "Well that isn't what I thought they were going to do."

Both games I can deal with the delays so long as the time is used to make them good. But for P5 it's much easier to digest when everything I've seen each time footage comes out is fucking awesome.

I think Final Fantasy 15 is going to be great.

I think Persona 5 is going to be great.

It sucks that I have to wait longer, but it's out of my control, and in XV's case, the time is being put to make the game better, so I think I can wait just a bit longer.

I had that attitude once, then there were annual delays added.

Oh, don't get me wrong, if it happens AGAIN then I'll lose confidence in either one of the games. Hell, the biggest reason I'm not upset at the XV delay is because they're actually putting out a half an hour of gameplay footage to show people that the game is pretty damn close to being shipped, and the same goes for the Persona 5 showoffs.

But a month delay isn't much time, and it'll let me get some shit off the backlog before XV comes and takes up all my time.

>Final Fantasy XV gets delayed for only 2 months

>Squeenix had no financial problem
I dunno, they made that one movie that bombed to all hell recently

You mean Kingsglaive? Or was there another Squeenix movie out recently?

>Oh wow, I can actually post this pic again.

You know what the real irony is, user?

You will NEVER see that pic in final fantasy XV

Stella was scrapped and that entire dramatic attack during ballroom dance with your girlfriend subplot is gone

You will never see Noctis in his date tux

Persona 5 wasn't announced 10 fucking years ago.

Neither was Final Fantasy XV.

Versus XIII was, but they HEAVILY changed the plot to make it a legit final fantasy.

This FINAL FANTASY XV Cutscene was REMOVED from the GAME

This seems to follow a very different plotline than what we're actually getting from FF15

Almost like an entirely different game.

Just read the subtitles and you can notice how much the actual story of this game has changed

Don't give me that loophole, Versus XIII was the same damn game.


Persona fags can't defend this.

End of the FFXV i still gonna be here in the west first.

P5 hasn't been in production for 10 years m8


Versus XIII was gonna be a much more XIII style edgefest, like a Nomura game without the underlying hope his games always have.

Once it became XV, the plot was changed to become a more traditional Final Fantasy game, a.k.a. not a Toriyama influenced edgefest. It's almost certainly going to be a better game than Versus XIII would've been.

And Sqaure haven't been giving constant confirmed dates/timeframes where the game is coming out just to day lol next year i promise!

See Without a date, there's no real problem and a push back isn't a big deal. P5 hasn't had a delay after announcing a date. Atlus is more respectable looking right now.

>Don't give me that loophole, Versus XIII was the same damn game.

You're kidding me, right nigger?

Versus 13 and XV are two entirely different games.

Different stories with the same fucking plot.

and kindly fuck yourself

It doesn't matter that they changed a bunch of things around, it was still the same team working on the same project you retard. The change from Versus XIII to XV doesn't mean all the stuff they did for Versus suddenly doesn't count, it just adds to the total time the game has been in development.

Yup very true and you already start to see damage control. The people who don't act like bots know those fucking XV shitposting faggot loser shits are just that.

Dude, the team completely changed when it became XV. New director, massively expanded development team, a new direction for the game, ect.

>Persona was announced 2 years ago
No, the team was talking about starting work on Persona 5 right after Catherine was released in the states.

It was also put on the backburner in favor of remaking FFXIV for awhile, I think.

But that one was actually worthwhile because the monthly fees from that game and Dragon Quest X are keeping Square Enix alive much more than any single player game could.

Literally no one has said this. Atlus has gotten a ton of shit about P5 getting pushed back. Hell I remember last year during the TGS the director was on a stream and he was getting loads on comments from people saying he needs to get back to work.

Are you fucking retarded?

Square don't fuck you over saying officially
>coming 2014
>coming 2015
>coming 2016
And then for US fags
>coming 2017

I'd rather hear coming soon than given time frames that are just blatant lies.