Queen Lothric

Why is no one talking about this? Passion Republic, who has made art for some FROM projects in the past, just released a few new images.

This is Juniper, Queen of Lothric.

A.K.A Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Demon Child


Miyazaki loves Berserk, so the baby is an obvious reference.

>A.K.A Gwynevere
No way. her tits are not nearly big enough.

Also, the character design is boring as fuck for a DLC. She looks like a female Logarius.

>it's time for everybody's faveourite show
> A) Queen of Lothric
> B) Gertrude?
> C) Rosaria?
> D) Not in DS3 because she married the fire god Flann.

>No titties

>This is Juniper, Queen of Lothric.
>Queen of Lothric
Where does it say that?

Where'd you get that? I don't see it on their website.

Says Queen Juniper on the top loft. Doesn't specify Lothric.

>E) Not in DS3 because she died, hollowed, or faded into obscurity shortly after leaving Anor Londo


The name Juniper comes from the name Guinevere.

>Doesn't specify Lothric.
Then why would you say that its the Queen of Lothric?

>Swarm thing
>more rejected bloodborne lovecraft shit

>A literal shoggoth

Jesus Christ.

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Fun PvP covenants that were unique

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

...pretty obviously Rosaria.

Listen, I'm sure many of us agree, but for fucks sake, start your own thread instead of ruining this one.

Gimme yo evidence friendo

This is the only half decent concept art.

A wolf/spider/scorpion hybrid.

It would be cool if this mutated thing turned out to be Sif

The entire storyline with Leonhard? Why bother taking her soul to Gwynevere's chamber if she's got nothing to do with her?


Having a relationship with a character through narrative doesn't mean they have to be the same person.

Especially with the fact that souls seem to have a form or reincarnation in Dark Souls. More likley Rosaria is Gwynevere's reincarnated self, and a perverse twist of fate is a decaying parody of her former luster. After all Gwynevere canonically married Flann and left the world.

its not gwynever idiot, its abyss queen pretending to be Gwynever, I tought DS2 already teach you how their modus operandi works

Is that miyazaki's ingenious monster design process? Just steal a bunch of animals and mash them together?

Who the fuck is he stealing them from? I don't think God has a copyright on the animals.

Oh look its Yharnam. More From Soft rehashing great just great.

edgy as fuck

Literally my mom's Mergo's Wet Nurse

lol guiz itz blak nd red wif blud so itz ejy!!!!!111!11111!!!1

Yeah is it bad at this stage I just look at DaS3 concept art and feel nothing

Apparently it's actually to outsource the work entirely.


More like references than stealing


Mergos Wet Nurse.

Queen Yharnam.

The Nito corpse piles before The One Reborn

If these are legit DLC bosses I am very disappointed.

This was probably rolled into the mimic creatures in the nightmare village


>bell guardian
oh god
they're not bringing them back are they

Because its super similar to all the previous concepts. This series has run its course and needs a rest.



What did they mean by this?

>Just steal a bunch of animals and mash them together?

that's what a fucking monsters is

name one monster that isn't animals mashed together

and don't say some robot shit to be cheeky

100% organic free range monsters only


>bell guardian's armor explodes mid-fight
>it's actually a bunch of gargoyles in the suit

That description sounds like something written by this guy.






Oh shit look at the wings. Its from those butterflies in Lothric Castle. Are these guys the final transformation or the previous one?

>that armor

new fashion meta


This one looks cool and silly at the same time.

>Not actually a swarm of those fucking pygmies

I like the armour




>basilica of constantine

aren't these artworks for another game

>>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

doesn't DS3 do this though?

Could be a handmaiden.
Why would Seathe bother making all his monsters by hand when he could just make one monster that births more of them?

This guy is not going to release art from the DLC. These are just concepts not picked.



Unless the #CrowPatrol is fucking massive no way

Those Pilgrim Butterflies were roughly the size of the Tower Knight from DeS

Maybe just outfitted versions of those weird Crow people from Farron Swamp? This whole DLC is probably more Velkra related than the Londor

How are you pulling these? The site is all written in some java shit I can't right-click

because he's clearly emulating a character from dark 1?

it could be. Whether or not it is, I can't wait for the DLC to drop so I can find out whether I enjoy this whole series or not.

the fuck do you mean by this? it's latin for angels. or did you think that muh final fantastic made it up?

Type of angel
I just hope we don't have to fight any ophanim

>Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Are you sure this is Dark Souls? I don't remember the games being this reflective of Christianity

That... does not look like Yharnam at all? If anything, it's Logarius

>Queen of Lothric
It's your delusion.

Maybe it could be rejected concepts/placeholder names, or a new IP that isn't announced yet.

I better be able to get dat fukken hammer.

So it looks like the DLC is going to be Gertrude angels faction , The truth behind Pontiff and the church and I'm hoping we get more story on Londor.

I think those are just placeholder generic names the artist gave. From Soft then pics the concepts they want in the game and give them the actual names they want.

Angels are int he game bruv and the whole deep cult has a massive Christian influence with the deacons and even the pontiff

it doesn't really matter in the end as the game is just leftover ideas they couldn't put in BB

I know what seraphim are, I just didn't recall the Biblical order of angels being in Dark Souls. Now I'm not even sure this is Dark Souls though.

It's not from DLC. You can't just post art from unreleased game. It's trashed concept. And I'ts not same artist from artbooks for sure

Similar to Tree of Man from Salt and Sanctuary.

Well even if these are all rejected concepts we can still kinda see the direction they are going with. A whole bunch of angels, judges and church shit so the first DLC will definitely be about Pontiff and the Boreal Valley.

>that description

Worst boss in the whole game.

Literally a faggot tree

Agreed, minus that fucking Witch of the Lake.

>The truth behind Pontiff

Umm, he was an asswhole who wanted the abyss to swallow the world? Not much of a mystery left to him.

But I want to see his real face behind that mask.

Angels and the church were very prevalent in 3

I think you are mixing up Gertude's angel cult with the Church of the Deep.

That's already in the game. There is a statue of him


Why though, it's not like he would die if it was pulled off?

The character scale is off. Gwynevere is much taller than that.



How and why did he become an asshole? when did he decide to trap the trap god and feed to aldrich? was aldrich ok with becoming a bloated pig and turn into slush?

That was a statue of Prince Lothric.

The face behind pontiff sully's mask is dipped in wax like all of the other scholars.

No I'm just saying both groups are steeped in Christian iconography

Would it be extremely painful?