Greentext shitty descriptions of games and have anons try and guess which game

Greentext shitty descriptions of games and have anons try and guess which game.
I'll start.
>You team up with a group of people
>Point is to get from point A to point B and kill as many innocent people along the way
>For some reason there are guns everywhere
>Also the characters are as followed
>A nigger
>An edgelord
>Some fucking bitch
>Stupid hick

Sounds like Left 4 Dead

Narrow that down.

>you go to fuck over survivors
>start liking them
>tell boss to fuck off
>help survivors
>get ready beat big bad guy on roof
>shit ending

>Literal faggot that only other faggots can see helps his bottom faggot save the world.

QTE makes me wanto to say walking dead.

Dying Light. Just reminded me of the friends I have who think QTE fights are perfectly fine.



got it

Boy is this one hard.

>get lied to
>fly around
>game crashes
>game breaking glitch
>realize you spent 60 bucks on this
>kill self for being sheep who blindly follow garbage hype trains

Cat in the


NMS obviously, I just played at a friends house and it was shit.


WTF, not even close. Honestly, are you mentally retarted? How is that a feasible answer?

>ur a samurai
>wander into village
>get attacked by shithead trying to gangbang village girl, or encourage him
> wander around, everyone wants ur her
>u can upset the balance, fight anybody, or take sides with anyone
>drive the story with ur choices
>or just fuck off and leave

Cause there's a cat in the hat

dota 2

what the fuck is this valve

wants ur help not her, my bad

>go to the carnival
>get in trouble
>go to the sewers
>then a forest
>get a new party member
>go to other places that represent the 4 elements for some reason
>time travel
>kill Mark Hamill at the end

oh shit 4:20 in OP whaddup blaze it xD

But mark hamill was really earthhead the whole time.

way of the samurai 3

>spend an hour downloading 24ish gig game
>some Japanese shit
>open it
>looks awful
>an hour of cutscenes later you play
>go to store and get gift to apologize
>some more 2 hour cutscenes
>fight some people
>get bored
>delete it

I think you got the wrong game

>Three factions
>One of the factions is literally called the tutorial kek
>Everybody always played as russians
>Set in the 50s
>Soviets invade america

incorrect game, but right track


More hints
>free to play
>pay to hat


cs:go has skins, not hats.

>an entire country is helpless without the help of an extremely old dog



Really, son?

>kid sleeping
>is called to execute dangerously difficult tasks
>saves world

Wait wait wait I got it

Dungeon Fighter Online right?

>Start out playing
>After getting big enough you grow legs
>Now you have to run around making friends and killing niggers and occasionally fucking or fucking every 2 minutes depending on how you play
>Your brain gradually get's larger
>Now your brain is large and in charge
>Light a fire, super cinematic
>Build a hut
>Build smaller buildings and finally clothe your nude sexy body
>Again attack niggers and befriend the fun people
>Literally a room of fucking that is producing babies 24/7 not even joking about this
>Eventually you can build real buildings
>Build some dank ass fucking buildings and vehicles and shit
>And you can customize the theme of every single different city in your country
>Only once you take over the world can you build spaceships
>Now the final stage that nobody ever beat
>It's literally a better version of NMS because of so many reasons
I made this one easy as fuck because it was super underrated and unpopular.

plenty of Zelda games

What, no.

hell yeah


No one cares about hat games

Dude what other fucking hat games are there, I've gone through them all

Path of Exile? That has hats, but not just hats man

Yep, fucking loved that game. To date the game I've spent most time playing.

nah dude, I think he's thinking of Payday 2. There's some hats in that game.


how has this not been said yet?

But that's not free to play man, you gotta buy it, otherwise I would of said Don't Starve, that game has lots of hats

>Being this fucking stupid
Nigger, the only money that the developers make is through the hats that are so,d on the market. If tou can't think of the game you must be mentally handicapped. It is the most popular f2p game in the last decade.

>Being this unaware

HOLY SHIT FINALLY took you dumbass niggers long enough.
Man fuck the fact that I have to wait 60s between posts.

it's free to play on many weekends, though. That's why I said it. Otherwise, I would have said Realm of the Mad God. There are skins that give your characters new hats sometimes.

>falling for bait this fucking hard

Holy fucking shit you're a retard man, I was literally just scrolling through steam F2P

hey what the h3ll. i beat space age a couple of times. got to the middle of the universe, and even allied the evil dudes by nuking everyone else

I don't understand your post, please explain.

fuck mobile

>I was merely pretending to be retarded!

>Create your own nigger
>Team up with the big evil nigger from the previous game
>Fight niggers in New York

I just played city stage over and over until I eventually discovered my true passion was RTS games.

No, I actually don't understand your post. Can you explain what browsing the f2p section has anything to do with anything I said? I honestly am confused by you.

The first WOTS

>features hats

Literally didn't even have to pick games with hats to get your responses.
And I was referring to myself, I knew you were talking about TF2, but you wanted someone to answer so bad you gave more hints to an already obvious answer,

sounds interesting, worth playing?

>Oh shit everyone is zombies
>Cool dude named floyd but he's a nigger
>Fucking dank ass respawn animations
>I swear there is a world rexord for 4th wall breaks set by this game
>Also there's one mission where you have to cook a whole bunch of pigeons for some larper and his group who ate a shitload of edibles because they thought it was regular food and that's all they has to eat
>Also it was easy as fuck because respawning gave literally no penalties and sometimes even refilled your ammo

Ayy you got it mane
It's in my top 3 vidya, the atmosphere is top notch and the game is short enough to be played in a sitting but there's plenty of playthroughs to do, and the game's combat system is a lot of fun. Solid 9/10-10/10 as far as I'm concerned.

>all of your friends are dead
>there are several dead bodies in the pool
>you watched one of your friends die in a fire because of some outer force preventing you from helping him
>you see death all the time
>you are being watched
>you are being watched

Little Nemo Dream Master for the NES?

>EA so you know it's good but not really
>Game didn't work on release
>Not kidding it literally wouldn't let you play and they had to release a patch to let you log onto the servers because it was always online
>Game was so disappointing that it killed an entire game studio from ever making games again
>Really good graphics for the genre of game
>To date my favourite soundtrack and my 2nd favourite is honestly a fraction of this game's soindtrack
I honestly enjoyed the game

Some capcom game probably.

this is easy


see? it was easy


>There were like 8,000 of these games made
Just name the series.


>shoot guns to get money to buy better guns
>shoot better guns to get money to buy even better guns
>shooty shooty shooty
>oh something about a safe or treasure or some shit, there's no real story



Damn son you got it. I never thought tat series was very popular.

And no fun. Make it harder.

Is worts4 dlc worth it?

>Really good FPS with absolutely perfect mechanics
>The entire game was polished so much it was unreal
>No single player
>Everybody shat on the game because no split screen or single player
Another one of my favourite games that everybody shat one.

Yakuza 5