Id rather a complete game than some shitty as fuck game on release

Id rather a complete game than some shitty as fuck game on release

And thats why activision is slowly but not so slowly going downhill. And that's also why EA has been doing better ever since they realized that.

I hope it gets delayed again. All that means is that the game is gets better and lives up to the hype

Haven't been following this, are people actually giving SE shit because of this?

Too many early access or rushed out games are on the market, most of which never get fixed up. I'd rather they hold back and polish it rather than release yet another one,

>delayed because of a day one patch
Will they delay it again if there is another day one patch for the November release date?

Ive seen over 200 posts easily shitting on them for this. Most people on Sup Forums truly hate video games

then its a good thing you'll be getting both

People want an excuse to shitpost.

Too bad you'll still get the second, just later.

it's already a niche as fuckk game for old tacos and girl gamurs

probably delayed to give sony time for some bullshit marketing campaign to trick people into buying it.

>Sony time for marketing
Its not ps4 exclusive and final fantasy has a big enough fanbase the game will sell off name alone anyway.

I agree OP. Makes me wonder if he fought against the Season Pass bullshit. Did you see how deep those bows were?

just no

don't fucking kid yourselves

Microsoft footed most of the advertising for XIII even though it was on and better on PS3 as well

Its going to be MGS5 all over again

I'd rather a finished game than the team scrambling not to miss the Xmas period.

Delay to summer 2018 when?

It reeks of poor planning just a few months ago they were in the polishing stages of a feature complete game, allegedly, but now they all of a sudden need an extra two months.

Pretty much proven at this stage the game will be shit. No point in even being hyped.

Look forward to being disappointed by FF7 Remake and KH3 instead.

The game has been in development for 10+ years. How much more time do these incompetent fucks need?

>has 10 years to finish
>'Id rather a complete game than some shitty as fuck game on release'

Holy fucking drone, they CAN finish it years ago if they want, but they yet still change thing 5 MONTHS before release. This is disaster beyond TORtanic or NMS, the lack of direction is already a HUGE red alert.

Delays do not equal polish.

Did you miss how they went gold now?

Read what Tabata said, game is done now but they want to add the stuff they had planned for the day one patch into the disc.

Going gold means that's when disc production would then start. So it's mid August now and XV went gold, if it wasnt delayed theyd have started disc printing now and for the rest of time until Sep 29 the devs would have worked on the day one patch then released it on Sep 30.

But because they want to have the stuff planned for day one patch in the disc yhat means they'd still again work until Sep 30 for that stuff but the disc printing would start around then after they finish that.

1 month and a few weeks is what we can gather it takes for the printing process.

You guys are retarded. You'd be getting the same game except you'd have to download a patch for it. You're basically defending having to wait 2 months so you don't have to wait for the patch to download on release.

They are putting the day one patch content and more on the disc now. This isn't a bad thing unless your from fucking plebbit and thinks everything should be online.

>I don't want to download a day one patch because [insert retarded reasons], I'd rather wait an additional 2 months for it


I really hope a lot of you FF15 fanboys commit suicide when you are faced with the fact you "hyped" this obvious turd for the last 5 or 6 years.


Ten years


PR. Bullshit.

This. Anyone still excited after playing the Platinum Demo is a FUCKING RETARD

You'll get a game that's complete shit and Sup Forums will call you a troll for not liking it.

So you are from plebbit

No it's fact. Nice denial.

Plat demo isn't even part of the game idiot.

This trend of releasing unfinished games under the pretense that you can just patch it up day one needs to go anyway. So I'm glad they're going this route.

Yeah, good luck with that on a board where faggots praise shit like Witcher3, which took 3 months after release to fix traders and economy, 6 months to add default stash and year after release they still promise to fix the interface "soon".

nigga they already announced a season pass

Which they said is additional expansion stuff they are only going to make once the game is out.

Meanwhile, other companies who originally planned to release their games worldwide in September but had to delay are kicking themselves because FF XV ended up got delayed

>nearing deadline
>delay it more for the sake of "polishing the game"
it's over gusie

I don't blame them for delaying their game. If they need those two months they should take those two months. They are absolutely right in doing that, no problem.

What I will blame them for is the hubris of turning the announcement for their release date into a big event when they are unable to keep it. That was a very arrogant thing to do and they deserve a lot of criticism for that.

PS4 Neo FFXV bundle confirmed now.

The statement would be ok, but everytime you say you want your work to be as close to perfection as possible, and you release it with flaws, you are just fucking things up even more. Many delays have been had for games that have come out with flaws, bugs that require some patching up or just cut content. You issue an apology and all, but if you're going to take extra time, you better put your ass to work.

I'm not interested in FFXV in particular but today it's just harder to trust corporates in that sense. I have yet to see how "perfect" mankind divided is, it already has a problem which is Denuvo, and the game has been delayed to hell and back because "we need to make a quality product, we can't release this like it is".