>those character designs
>those character voices
this game does things to my dick
>those character designs
>those character voices
this game does things to my dick
It's crazy how all the best SMT girls are contained in a single game
its a shame the story is crap
It's crazy how the best DeSu 2 waifu isn't even a girl.
>that expression on Io's face
oh my god.
Miyako a shit
Otome a best
Take that back.
Yamato a best girl.
Miyako makes Yamato look like the nicest guy on earth desu
Annoying bitch
>Not going full Yamato/ Alcor/ Miyako against the final boss and enjoying the true bunny fanclub
>mfw poor enough
>I can't buy DeSu 2
Not just nuking everything with Fumi
Who /Die for me/ here?
Shit forgot my meme arrow
But muh bunny fanclub!
Fumi is fucking great though, definitely. I love Jungo too.
>Tfw Jungo with assassinate
>Can one-shot bosses if he crits
>tfw can't find a DeSu 1 copy
>tfw it hasn't gone on sale since January
>Someone else knows about assassinate and not just multistrike deathbound
Mah nigga
Post your party
MC with Multi-strike
I love autism survivor
>no Die for Me
MC with Multi-strike
Fumi with Holy strike
That's it.
Mothman endured
The girls in that game were great
I usually don't even like dubs, but I feel like the dub in DS1 improved the experience a lot.
>those character voices
Wish I didn't play this before hacking my 3DS. The majority of the cast sound so bored with their lines I almost feel sorry for them.
Yasuda needs to work on more videogames
>no actual romance in DeSu
Ball dropped so hard
World of MAG Bunny
Io because muh waifu
Fumi for magic rape
Jungo for World of STR
>Tfw DeSu 1 would benefit greatly from DeSu 2 RB's additions
Fuck, it already got the 3DS version.
I hate this suicidal bitch. I'm glad gin hijacked her route.
YAmato and bunny are clearly in love with each other.
>Io wants to fug bunny
>Makoto wants to fug bunny
>Yamato wants to fug bunny
>Al Psyduck wants to fug bunny
>Yamato with titties and child bearing hips wants to fug bunny
RB's additions?
I want to fug bunny.
>Airi wants to fuck Jungo
>stairs wants to fuck Keita
In the first game, Io was clearly the love interest, then the second game came out, and everyone was his love interest.
Having a questionable sense of humor is not autism.
>Is flat in the main picture.
>Has boobs on the left picture.
Which is it?
The really loose outfit gives the illusion of flatness
>Cat died last week
>Start playing RB
>Jungo's cat subplot
Her boobs are really really saggy.
Fumi, either designated Holy Dancer if Bunny isn't MAG or elemental dancer/megidolaon spammer if he is
Route-specific character or Otome.
>First game
That image is right though, especially in Overclocked.
Designs were shit (anti grav tits) and the dub was worse than usual low quality.
Also ayyy lmao's were shit.
Abel > Usagi
MC with Drain and Holy Dance and Magic Yin
Fumi with dem Dynes, Samarecarm and Magic Yang
Jungo with Phys Jump, Phys Amp and Pierce All
[Chapter required character]
Hinako, Fumi, and Otome are literally perfect
best girl
Man its amazing that the official art is hotter then any fanart
This is my first SMT, I bought it because my favorite franchise is Fire Emblem, and basically said "May as well try the series." When does this get interesting? I absolutely cannot stand Daichi. I still can't believe he said "Onward, awesomeward!" it made me physically cringe.
>tfw you can't Jungo that Jungo
Makes me want to nuke Japan again.
I can't tell which Jungo you want to Jungo.
Devil Survivor 3 when?
The cute one.
What colour would a DeSu3 even be?
Black or white.
Or both.
PC version when.
I see SMT is slowly getting ruined by the waifu shitters.
Here's hoping it doesn't turn into another FE
At least in this thread we still see some gameplay discussion
>english version
Eww pathetic.
>I still can't believe he said "Onward, awesomeward!"
Enjoy your shitty english translations.
Where is this fucking episode ? Where is it you fuckers ? Stick your shitty animu adaptation to your rectum and just give me a beach filler.
Being a huge fag for Suzuhito Yasuda is actually pretty cool, I think. He didn't release that many things, and most of it is pretty cool.
Also, his artstyle is basically always the same thing, and this pleases both me and my dick.
Pic related comes out in December, I'm kinda looking forward to it, though I'm afraid the style might be too different from the already released Io and Airi. Oh well, not like I'm not going to get it anyway.
Shijima, get out of the picture.
Daichi is always pretty shit. He has his moments, but they're quickly ruined by him acting like a faggot quickly after. He's easily one of the most annoying characters in the game. That said, he makes everyone else look good by comparison.
Overclocked has an extra day, RB has an extra week